Thursday, February 21, 2019


Good morning to all my friends and family, old and new. it is eight twenty-one in the morning and forty-eight degrees outside and raining. I just got up a little bit ago and I just finished my first cup of coffee that my husband made for me. The dogs have gone outside and have been fed and given fresh water, so now it is time to get to work.

I have got to write two articles today to help catch up on the few days that I was down and couldn't do anything. I have those days sometimes when I just can't focus or concentrate on anything. My medications are supposed to help with that, but they can't stop everything every day.

I also have to finish organizing the back room because it is cluttered again which is chaos to me and that might be part of the problem, lol. I know that this post might be short because I have some things to do that aren't on my list which is the back room and some calls to make.

One thing that I want to encourage people with is don't give up and always keep moving forward. Sometimes it is nice to stop and smell the roses, but you still have to be productive in life.

Also, My nonprofit, Hope Station USA is flourishing and we need your support. Please make a donation on the PayPal link below or purchase one of my books which twenty-five percent of the royalties goes into Hope Station USA to assist the homeless and needy in regaining their self-sufficiency.

"Happy Birthday" to those born on this date and may you have many more. To everyone else, have an awesome day and be happy. Take care and be blessed.

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