The Arousing Dream
Kara sat at her kitchen table one morning with the sun shining through her kitchen window glaring off her coffee cup. She was perplexed by a dream that had been taking her in her sleep for the past few days with each night being a little different and causing a different reaction by her body.
She could not figure it out as to why she was having this dream. Kara had an active sex life so she was not being deprived in any way. So why this dream? After thinking and dwelling upon it for about an hour, she decided to not allow it to encompass her day and got up from the table taking her coffee cup to the kitchen sink and taking a glance outside to see the beautiful Spring day.
She made her way into her bedroom to get ready for work which she was a receptionist at a local doctor's office. Her day was full of taking calls, answering phones, setting appointments, and running messages back to doctors. It was not a glorious job but it paid the bills which she didn't have many.
Well, Kara went off to work for the day and locked up her house tight for fear that her dreams were actually real and that someone was getting inside her house. She locked the doors and then headed down the hallway wearing a sweet flowered short thigh high sundress and some pink sandals.
She lived close by the doctors' office so she chose to walk each day since she sits most of the time she is working. It was a beautiful day with a light breeze blowing. It tickled the back of her neck because she had her hair pulled up. She was a slender woman in her late twenties with golden blond hair and hazel eyes. Most men thought of her as very attractive and many had wanted to date her but they only saw her for one thing, sex.
Kara can have any pick of a man but right now she just wanted to focus on work and getting things in her life straightened out since the last break up which put her into debt. She was trying to get out of debt and fix her credit to buy a house of her own and get out from renting.
She finally makes it to work where she deals with advances from the doctors but just shrugs it off because she knows they are just old and feeble men who want to play to make them feel younger, so she flirts back with them.
Her day was long and daunting with the phones constantly ringing off the hook. She was ready for the day to end when she could go home and soak in a hot bubble bath. The clock instantly clicks to five o'clock and it was time to go home. She grabbed her stuff and made sure everything was put away and that paperwork was where it should be before heading out the door. Someone else will lock up when they leave.
Kara began walking home thinking of that bubble bath which made her walk a little faster than normal. She made it to her apartment building and went upstairs to her door. By the time she had her keys in the door, her sandals were already kicked off and picked up when she went inside.
Kara dropped everything on the floor as she headed towards the bathroom to start the water running. Once she had the right water temperature, she put the tub stopper in, poured in some bubble bath, and then went to her room to grab her light blue satin robe and slippers.
After she grabbed everything, she walked back into the bathroom where the tub was almost full, so she turned off the water and began removing her clothing before getting in. She slid the spaghetti straps off her shoulder and let her dress drop off of her supple breasts and down over her waist where she then slipped it down her well-toned legs and off her feet.
She knelt down to test the water with her hand and once she knew it was the right temperature, she stepped inside sitting down and then sliding down until the water and bubbles were up around her neck. She closed her eyes while she used her hand washing water up over her arms and chest.
She took both hands and pulled a pool of water up over her face refreshing it from the day she had at work. She felt like she was washing the day off of her. The steam from the water glazed over top of the bubbles like a fog over a still, glass-like lake. Kara found it so refreshing and soothing.
While soaking in the tub, Kara did not notice that she had, in fact, fallen into a sleep. HEr mind took over and what she saw made her body react. It was a tall, well-built figure but she could not see his face. She watched as he moved closer to her while laying in the tub. It felt so real to her. Who was this man walking into her bathroom?
He knelt down swooping her up out of the tub and with water dripping from her naked body, he carried her into her bedroom and to the bed. He placed her gently down onto her silk sheets before walking around to the foot of the bed.
He reached down grabbing her freshly manicured feet and gently pulled her down to the foot of the bed. Kara watched as he removed his shirt and showed his well-toned body. He unbuckled his belt that was around his waist, leaving it to hang as he got down onto his knees at the foot of her bed, taking his hands and caressing her legs and feet before pulling them apart.
Just before she could feel the passion he was wanting to show her, her cell phone began ringing waking her from her sleep in the tub and finding that her hand had found it's way to between her legs massaging her feminine mound that was swollen with arousal. It took her a minute to remember the phone was ringing.
Kara got up in the tub and wrapped a towel around her naked wet body and stepped out onto her fuzzy bath rug reaching for her cell phone that was on the bathroom sink. It was her boss wanting to know if she could come in early tomorrow morning, which she stated that she had a doctor's appointment in the morning. She could tell he was a little frustrated by her answer but accepted it and hung up.
She placed her cell phone back on the counter and turned to let her bath water out. While she listened to the gurgling noise of the water going down the drain, she tied her towel around her so that she could put her hair up. As she looked in the mirror pinning her hair up, she began to remember what she was doing in the tub when the phone rang.
Kara was not aware of her falling asleep in the bathtub and chalked it up to exhaustion from work and the hard day she had. Then, it was puzzling that she was still having the same dream now for days. It made no sense to her but she realized that it was arousing her mentally to the point that it was taking over her body unaware of her actions.
After she got her hair pinned up and teeth brushed, she put on her pajamas to get ready for bed. walking out of the bathroom, she turned off the light and walked over to her bed. Kara pulled the blankets back and climbed in between her satin sheets.
As Kara laid in bed stretching around trying to get comfortable she slowly drifted off to sleep. It was about fifteen minutes into her sleep that she began the dream again. This time it began where it left off the last time with this man's face placed closely near her female pleasure spot.
Instantly, she felt his mouth kissing her inner thighs and licking them. She moved ever so slightly in her sleep to the pleasure he was making her feel. His mouth and tongue began traveling higher up gently until she felt him right where he needed to be.
Kara began quietly moaning out loud in her bedroom but was louder in her dream. It was so intense that she began to move with every motion of his tongue. She wanted it so badly and could feel herself becoming wet in the dream. It felt so real and highly pleasurable.
After what seemed like hours but only a few minutes, his mouth began working his way up her body. First, he began kissing her soft pubic region before moving to her hips. Kara felt his lips kissing the tops of her hips and then to her abdomen. It felt so good that she couldn't help but feel a little ticklish.
She grabbed the sheets from underneath her feeling the silk sheets between her fingers as he pleasured her so much. His strong hands caressed her skin and body like he had wanted to be with her for so long. It was just a little awkward that she could not see his face, but felt every other part of him.
This mystery man licked his tongue softly up her abdomen and stopping at her erect plump nipples which were very stimulated by his actions. She released the sheets and reached for his head caressing it in her hands while his hot mouth found his way around her supple breasts.
He kissed around them and flicked his tongue over her nipples causing her to moan louder. She began to think that it was going to allow her neighbors to hear, but then he wrapped his wet hot lips around her nipple placing it inside his mouth which made her forget about the neighbors and she just wanted to enjoy what he was doing to her.
His firm hands were cupping and squeezing her breasts firmly which she loved and then her hips and pelvis began to move to allow him to know that she wanted him inside her. She could not stop what her body was feeling, but she knew that she was loving every minute of it.
His mouth went from one breast to the other, causing her to become wetter and allowing her juices to begin flowing making her ready for penetration. She reached and grabbed every part of his body that she could reach squeezing it telling him how much she was enjoying what he was doing.
After spending several minutes kissing and sucking on her breasts while she felt the sexual mound that was in his pants pressing against her pelvis, he finally began reaching down and unzipping his pants with one hand while propping himself up with the other.
She felt him push his pants down and then the hardness that he had released. He pressed it against her pubic region firmly causing her to thrust her pelvis back into him and licking her lips with excitement.
He was now propped up over her and sliding his manhood up and down her swollen and wet lips. He could feel the juices flowing from her wanting him inside. He finally placed the mushroom at her opening allowing it to become lubricated before slowly pushing inside her tightness.
She moaned louder with stimulation as he pushed deeper and before he could reach the depth of her womanhood, Kara began to have an intense orgasm which caused her to grab tighter to his arms leaving nail marks as she pushed her pelvis up to him sending him all the way inside.
She could feel the massive flow of juices pour from her soaking him and her together. Then, he began thrusting in and out pushing wetness all around them. As he kept thrusting, Kara had more orgasms that became more intense each time.
Finally, she felt him explode inside of her causing one last orgasm with the intenseness of his ejaculation. She felt their bodily fluids soak each other before he pulled out and disappeared. Once he disappeared, Kara jumped out of her sleep looking for this mystery man. She looked around before realizing that her blankets were pulled away, her pajamas and panties were off, and that her bed was soaked with orgasmic juices. Kara did not understand what was happening, but she will always remember that arousing dream.
Intimacy is Not Sex
When she wasn’t studying, she spent her free time in support and study groups. Rebecca was also a volunteer at the local soup kitchen that made her happy to give back to the community. While serving the homeless food, she met a few good people that shouldn’t even be homeless.
She made reservations at the local shelters and low-income homes to place people. She felt that it was her duty to give back to the community. Other than volunteering, she made dates with her girlfriends to hang out. They shared brunches together, mall shopping, and even the occasional movie theatre showing.
The one thing that her friends noticed about her life was that she had not had a relationship or even a date in many years. They felt like she was missing out on some of life's good experiences. They tried to talk to Rebecca about it and she would not budge about the experience of a date.
After the brunch with the girls, Rebecca headed back home to finish some work and research she was working on. The girls stayed behind and talked amongst themselves about her situation and devised a plan for a blind date for their loving friend. They ended their meal and said their goodbyes as each woman went their own separate ways. They would get together later to discuss men that would be a good fit for Rebecca.
Once Rebecca reached home, she immediately went to her cherry oak desk and sat down. She turned on her computer and grabbed for some paperwork that she had pushed to the side to continue her research. She spent most of her day sitting there with her face in books. She was very committed to her research enough to forget about anything going on around her.
Later that evening, her friends got together at one of their houses to discuss the perfect man for Rebecca. They talked about each man they knew who would be a good fit for her. Every woman picked out a man and gave his details for everyone to vote on. They knew how picky Rebecca was and finally, they just decided to let Rebecca choose.
Each one picked their favorite guy and then set up the date with the guys. Rebecca should have the final decision on which guy she likes better. Once the dates were set with the guys, one of the women called Rebecca to share the good news with her and they knew they had a fight on their hands getting her to agree.
Once they told Rebecca of her upcoming dates like they expected she was hesitant and tried to disagree with them. They tried explaining to her that she needed to have some fun and take a break from her research. It was only one date a week for the next four weeks.
As much as she fought against them, she knew they would not give up so she agreed to go on these dates just to please them. Rebecca told them she would and she could see how happy it would make them and that after these dates the women would leave her alone after it.
Once the phone call was over, Rebecca went back to her research before making her way to bed. It was about eleven at night when she noticed how tired she was getting. She shut down her computer and closed her files before standing to her feet and stretching.
Rebecca walked around the house turning off all the lights before walking towards her bedroom. She went straight to her dresser and pulled out her nightshirt. She changed and headed for the bathroom where she brushed her teeth and washed her face and hands.
She finished up in the bathroom and turned off the light and walked over to her bed pulling the blankets back and climbing in. She got nice and comfortable between her red satin sheets. She layed there thinking about her friends were asking her to do and it did make sense that she needed to start dating again. Then she cleared her mind and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, Rebecca woke from her sleep and layed in her bed for a few minutes waking up before getting out of bed. She remembered that she had one of those dates today and really didn't look forward to it but remembered she agreed to it. She then climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom to take a hot shower and get dressed for this lunch date she was to have.
She took her time showering and getting out putting some casual lunch clothing and lightly adding makeup to her face. She then went to her closet to choose which shoes she was going to wear. Altogether she had a nice light blouse with a thin light blue skirt that went to her knees, nylons, and a pair of light creme colored pumps that matched with her blouse.
She pinned her hair back with a strand lining the side of her face. She looked one final time in the mirror to make sure everything was good. Rebecca put some stud earrings on with a thin gold necklace and her watch to which she noticed the time. She had to get her things and purse before walking out the front door and down the elevator to the main street.
The restaurant she was to meet the first man was only a few blocks away so Rebecca decided to walk. It was a lovely sunny day with a light breeze blowing which made the temperature nice to walk in. It took her about ten minutes to arrive at the restaurant where she found the gentleman waiting outside for her.
When she saw him, his appearance was clean shaven, a polo shirt and khakis. He had nice shoes on and his hair was short and combed nicely. He was tall and well built and seemed to be very nice and well spoken when they introduced themselves to each other.
They spoke for a few minutes outside before he opened the door allowing her to enter the restaurant. They were taken to their table and he pulled out her chair for her to sit down. Rebecca couldn't believe how polite he was and it gave her a little hope that this man would be nice to date.
As they ate their food, the conversation was pleasant and Rebecca did everything she could to find a fault in this guy. He was everything she looked for in a man until she informed him how it had been a long time since she had been with anyone. That's when his expression changed on his face which Rebecca caught on to.
After the meal was over, he escorted her outside and asked to walk her home which she agreed to. They walked and chatted on the way back to her apartment. Once there, he asked to come in and continue their conversation? She thought that it wouldn't hurt and she did find him not to be a threat.
She allowed him to come inside and it wasn't long that he was trying to kiss her. That was behavior she was not allowing and after pushing him away he frowned at her and then said he had to go walking out the door. This is what Rebecca expected from him and that is why she stopped dating in the first place. All men wanted was a sexual pleasure and Rebecca wanted intimacy which was not the same thing.
After he left, Rebecca called her friends who set her up with him and told them how everything went even the last part. They were appalled by how he acted and it was nothing that they thought he would do. They apologized to her for the bad experience and hoped that she would forgive them and try for the next one?
She agreed with hesitation but still had her barriers up. Then the conversation went to something more pleasant and they began laughing and cutting up. They spent a good couple of hours on the phone before Rebecca noticed the time and how late it was getting. They all agreed to hang up the phone and get some sleep. They would see each other tomorrow for some mall shopping.
Rebecca said her goodnight and then hung up the phone. She was a bit fatigued and tired, so she walked into her bathroom and washed her hands and face taking all the makeup off before changing into her night clothes. She changed into her short blue nightshirt and then brushed her hair putting it up in a ponytail.
She finished up in the bathroom and then walked into her bedroom and pulled the blankets back on her bed. It looked so inviting as she climbed inside and covered herself up. Rebecca forgot to turn on her television, so she got back out of bed and walked over to her fifty-eight-inch television turning it on to an old movie that she likes.
After setting the television to the old movie, she walked back over to her bed and climbed in. She got comfortable on her side and snuggled up in her comforter watching the movie. It wasn't too long before Rebecca drifted off to sleep.
Eight hours later, Rebecca woke from her sleep and noticed the television was still on to the channel she was watching before going to sleep. She grabbed her remote and changed it over to the news and sat up in her bed to hear the news while waking up. She heard the weather was going to be perfect and it would be a good day for shopping.
After watching the news which with the crime rate going up became depressing and boring, Rebecca got out of bed and wrapped her pink plush robe around her and walked out of her bedroom. She made her way to her kitchen where she grabbed a coffee cup and made her a cup of instant coffee.
She sat drinking her coffee at the kitchen table and thought about the next date that she was to go on that night. She was not looking forward to it because she refused to have another night like the previous night. She sat for a bit at the table enjoying her coffee before making another cup. She needed a caffeine boost this morning.
Once she was awake and motivated to get things going, she stood up and walked over to the sink placing her cup inside. She stretched and yawned a bit before walking towards her bedroom. She went in and straight to her closet which was completely full of clothing and dozens of shoes.
It took Rebecca about twenty minutes to choose what to wear. She finally decided on a pair of blue capri pants and a white blouse with blue and white flat sandals. She walked into the bathroom after getting dressed and brushed her hair putting it in a braid and a little light makeup.
She was finally ready for her day and knew that her meeting up with the girls at the mall would bring her joy. She made sure all the lights were off before grabbing her purse and walking out the front door. She went down to her maroon Chrysler Three Hundred hitting her transponder which unlocked the doors and allowed her access inside.
She turned on the ignition and before pulling away, she checked her hair and makeup in the rearview mirror one last time. Putting the car into drive, Rebecca was off heading for the mall to meet up with her friends. It was such a nice day out with the sun shining behind a few scattered clouds and it really wasn't that hot out.
Rebecca drove about four miles to the mall with her windows down and the wind blowing against her face. As soon as she arrived, her friends were waiting for her in the parking lot. She pulled in and parked right next to them and shut down her car. Rebecca grabbed her purse, opened the door and stood up outside. Her girlfriends walked over exchanging hello and hugs.
They grouped up and began walking towards the entrance while apologizing for their choice in men on her first date. They hoped that she would forgive them and not hold it against the other guys that she still has dates set with? She smiled and agreed to see the other guys and see how everything goes.
The girls made it inside the entrance and began window shopping stores while they walked by until someone saw something they liked. Then, it was almost every store they had to go into to look around and choose items they wanted. Rebecca did her fair share of shopping being a trust fund baby.
They spent the day shopping and having a bit of lunch before going their separate ways and Rebecca having a date to get ready for. The girls all walked outside and made their way to each car in the parking lot. They again exchanged kisses and hugs and wished Rebecca good luck on her date.
They all got into their cars and one after the other ignitions were turned on and waves appeared out of the windows as each pulled off going in their own directions. Rebecca checked her hair and makeup again before putting the car into gear and driving out of the parking lot heading home.
She knew that her date would be in a few hours and she wanted to get some rest beforehand. When she pulled up in front of her house, she opened her car door and got out with her purse in hand. Once her door was closed, she pushed the button on her transponder key opening up the trunk. Rebecca walked to the rear of the car and pulled out her shopping bags of clothes that she had just bought at the mall.
She struggled to carry all of her bags but she managed to make it to her front door. She had to put some of the bags down in order to use her key. She finally got the door opened then picked up her bags and carried them inside shutting the front door with her foot.
Rebecca carried those bags straight into her bedroom setting them on the bed before digging everything out and looking them over. She picked out the perfect outfit for her date which wasn't too tight, too sexy, or that made her look desperate or cheap.
Once she picked it out and laid it aside, she put everything else into her large walk-in closet. She then walked over to her bed reaching down to set her alarm clock before she sat on the side of her fluffy queen size bed. Rebecca set her clock to wake her up in a couple of hours so she could get ready for her next date.
Rebecca layed down on the bed curling up with her long body pillow which made her so tired that it wasn't long before she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.
A few hours later, Rebecca woke to hear music as her alarm clock went off. She sat up and stretched some before getting up out of bed and heading towards the bathroom to take a shower. She washed her hair and her body with a soft body wash that will moisturize and make her skin feel soft.
She got out of the shower and dried her hair before slipping into her new clothes. She walked out of the bathroom when finished and looked at herself in her full length mirror that hung in her bedroom. She thought that everything was perfect and then turned off everything in her bedroom and bathroom while walking out into the living room.
She looked at the time and figured that he should be there anytime. Now she knew better as to let any man inside her house because of the grief she had the last time. Approximately ten minutes later, she heard a horn blow outside and went to see who it was.
When she looked outside, she noticed that he was parked right in front of her house so she grabbed her black with pearls purse and headed for the door. She walked outside and then turned to lock her door. After that, she walked down the walkway heading for his car.
When she opened the passenger door to get inside, she noticed how handsome but rugged he looked and automatically had the gut feeling that she was going to relive the previous night. She tried to remain positive but couldn't shake the feeling that he was going to want something in return for dinner.
They pulled off after she closed her car door and they had a minimal conversation, but when they did talk, he talked a lot about himself. It seemed like he had this enormous ego to go along with the small beer belly he had. Again, she tried to remain positive.
He took her to a nice mandarin restaurant where she enjoyed some good food as well as some sushi. The conversation was still a little on the quiet side. The date seems to be very boring and that she felt like she was eating alone.
After dinner, Rebecca informed him that she was beginning to get a mild headache just to end the date. He was okay with that and agreed to take her home. He spoke more about himself while they drove back to her house.
They arrived in front of her house and as she opened her door to get out, she noticed that he was getting out too. Rebecca watched as he walked around the car and escorted her up to the porch. Immediately she thought to herself that she was going to relive her last date.
They reached the porched and she started to thank him for dinner and that she had a nice time, but she was cut off in mid-sentence by his reaction that she wasn't going to invite him inside. She informed him that the date was over and that she doesn't make it a habit of allowing men to come inside on the first date.
His reaction was that he seems a little angered and disappointed, but she did not fins herself attracted to him in any way. He began having a sarcastic attitude until she politely asked him to leave. As he walked away, Rebecca heard him muffling things under his breath but she just unlocked her door and went inside.
Another date has gone bad and she was now losing hope that she would find anyone that peaked her interest. As she placed her purse on the table, the phone rang. When she answered it, it was her girlfriends on the line wanting to hear the details of her date but could sense the frustration in her voice that she was not happy.
Rebecca began telling them how the date truly went which appalled her girlfriends that he would even act like that. She was not happy and was about to throw the towel in on going on the next two remaining dates but again her girlfriends talked her into it.
The next date was the same and again her girlfriends talked her into the fourth and final one. Rebecca agreed to the last one which she wasn't very happy about having the track record of the first three. They hung up the phone and Rebecca went to bed fretting the next date.
The next morning, she woke to a bright sunny day and felt pretty good about the day until she remembered the one final date she had scheduled for the evening. This one would be a dinner date because the guy works during the day and would not be available until around six o'clock.
Rebecca was trying to keep an open mind because she didn't want to judge one guy by the actions of another. So, she spent the day cleaning house and burning her oils to make the house smell good. It was a great start to her day.
The day went by as Rebecca did chores and spent the rest of the afternoon lounging around the house watching television waiting for the final date to be over with. Her girlfriends called a few times to check in on her and to see if she was anxious about her last date for the evening?
Rebecca informed them that she was a bit anxious but still had the gut feeling that this date would be like all the rest. She told them that she tried to have faith in it and that this one might be a nice one, but the gut feeling was still there.
When it got around five o'clock, Rebecca started to get in teh shower and dressed for this final date. She washed up and sprayed some body spray on and very light makeup. She figured if the guy likes her it would be the true her and not some dolled up woman looking cheap. She wanted to be more natural looking.
When six o'clock came around she heard a soft knock at her door. When Rebecca opened the door, there stood a tall, dark-haired guy who looked very clean cut and still had a suit and tie on. He introduced himself to her and she was at a loss for words due to him being very attractive.
Rebecca said hello and introduced herself as well. He politely asked if she was ready for dinner which she nodded with a big smile on her face. She turned and grabbed her purse and door key before heading out the door with this very sexy man. She could feel her heart flutter and couldn't keep her eyes off of him.
They walked out to his car which was a newer model and very sleek. It looked like he had lots of money but Rebecca wasn't concerned with that. She knew that this guy was different from the rest. He looked like he had manners and was well behaved.
They reached the car where he opened the door for her and waited for her to get in before closing the door and walking around the car to his side to get in. Once in the car, both of them buckled up and he started the ignition. They were off to the place of his choosing which was a surprise for Rebecca.
They drove to the other side of town and pulled up to a restaurant that had valet service. A young guy opened her door for her and helped her out. Her date met her at the other side of the car and opened his arm to escort her inside. Rebecca did not know how to act because he was such a gentleman.
They walked inside and she found out that he made reservations which were ready and they were escorted to their table. Once seated, He asked for a bottle of wine first off. Rebecca was becoming very relaxed and pleased by his demeanor.
A few minutes later, the waitress walked over and asked if they were ready to order? Before Rebecca could speak, the guy had ordered for the both of them and what he ordered sounded great to her. She had never had a guy order for her and it felt good.
While they waited for their meal, he politely began asking Rebecca about herself and what her hobbies were. He told her about himself and that he was an architect for a big business firm. Rebecca was impressed by his conversation and thoroughly enjoyed herself.
While they ate their dinner, the conversation still remained polite and enjoyable. Rebecca had found someone that she was attracted to and hoped that they could see each other again so that she could get to know him better.
When dinner was coming to a close after their chocolate mousse, he stood up and escorted her back outside to await the car from the valet. When the car pulled up, he tipped the valet twenty dollars before helping her inside the car. He then walked around to his door climbing inside.
Once the car was started, he asked her if there was anything else she wanted to do for the evening? Her reply was quiet and with a smile when she said no. He then offered to take her home, which she considered allowing him to come inside her home because she didn't see him as a threat.
They continued their drive back to Rebecca's house along with more pleasant conversation. She found out that they had a lot in common from music to movies and even books. She began feeling more comfortable with him the more they talked.
When they pulled up in front of her house he turned off the car and they sat still chatting. Rebecca looked at her house and then glanced back at him asking if he would like to come in? He hesitated at first but then told her that he probably shouldn't because he didn't want her to think he was after something.
Feeling more comfortable and respected she offered again and said it would be casual and harmless. He finally agreed to go in and share a cup of coffee with Rebecca. He opened his door and got out of the car moving around to her side to open her door and assist her in getting out.
They walked together up the walkway to her front door where they stopped while Rebecca searched for her keys in her purse. As she rustled through her purse, he looked up at the starry sky and made the comment that it was a beautiful night sky. Rebecca stopped and looked up seeing all of the stars and constellations and admired the fact that he could appreciate something so complex.
She finally found her keys and unlocked the door stepping inside first as he followed. She asked him to make himself comfortable while she went into the kitchen to brew some coffee. He looked around her house and admired the pictures she had around.
After setting up the coffee pot, she came back into the living room where she found him glancing over some artwork that she had hanging on her wall. He knew the artist of one painting and began telling her the story of the painting as they went over to the couch to sit.
They both sat admiring the painting and Rebecca kept looking at him and began wondering how he kissed because he did smell good. She moved a little closer to him and he could feel her presence, so he placed his arm around her gently not to initiate anything sexual.
She felt so comfortable in his arm that she reached over her shoulder grabbing his hand and pulling it closer to her. She was not afraid that he would attack her but quite the opposite. She felt safe in his arm and next to him.
His hand began rubbing her shoulder as she placed her hand on his leg showing that she was receptive to him. He used his hand turning her face gently asking if he could kiss he which she agreed and their lips met. It was very sensual and he didn't have roaming hands.
He was very respectful of her and she felt that he would not take advantage of her. They shared a few kisses and then she had him turn to the side where she began giving him a back massage which he truly loved. She could sense his tightness and did her best trying to loosen his shoulders and neck up making him less tense.
Rebecca could feel his muscles as her hands ran up and down his back and arms. It was something that she hadn't felt in a long time. After about fifteen minutes of rubbing his back, she remembered the coffee and excused herself to fetch their coffee.
When she came back with two steamy hot cups of coffee, he met her halfway across the room to assist her. They went back to the couch to drink their coffee and enjoyed some more conversation. They sat and talked for quite a while and then he noticed the time and that he had to work in the morning.
He finished his coffee and placed the cup on the coffee table before standing up to leave. Rebecca rose to escort him to the front door where he turned and grabbed her in his arms placing his lips against hers. He kissed her so passionately that she almost felt like she was floating.
Once their lips parted, and her eyes opened, she saw a huge smile on his face as he bid her good night. Before he turned to step outside the door, he casually asked if he could see her again? Rebecca felt pleasured in his presence and told him yes she would like that very much. As he walked out the door and headed down to his car, Rebecca thought to herself that intimacy is not sex.
The one thing that her friends noticed about her life was that she had not had a relationship or even a date in many years. They felt like she was missing out on some of life's good experiences. They tried to talk to Rebecca about it and she would not budge about the experience of a date.
After the brunch with the girls, Rebecca headed back home to finish some work and research she was working on. The girls stayed behind and talked amongst themselves about her situation and devised a plan for a blind date for their loving friend. They ended their meal and said their goodbyes as each woman went their own separate ways. They would get together later to discuss men that would be a good fit for Rebecca.
Once Rebecca reached home, she immediately went to her cherry oak desk and sat down. She turned on her computer and grabbed for some paperwork that she had pushed to the side to continue her research. She spent most of her day sitting there with her face in books. She was very committed to her research enough to forget about anything going on around her.
Later that evening, her friends got together at one of their houses to discuss the perfect man for Rebecca. They talked about each man they knew who would be a good fit for her. Every woman picked out a man and gave his details for everyone to vote on. They knew how picky Rebecca was and finally, they just decided to let Rebecca choose.
Each one picked their favorite guy and then set up the date with the guys. Rebecca should have the final decision on which guy she likes better. Once the dates were set with the guys, one of the women called Rebecca to share the good news with her and they knew they had a fight on their hands getting her to agree.
Once they told Rebecca of her upcoming dates like they expected she was hesitant and tried to disagree with them. They tried explaining to her that she needed to have some fun and take a break from her research. It was only one date a week for the next four weeks.
As much as she fought against them, she knew they would not give up so she agreed to go on these dates just to please them. Rebecca told them she would and she could see how happy it would make them and that after these dates the women would leave her alone after it.
Once the phone call was over, Rebecca went back to her research before making her way to bed. It was about eleven at night when she noticed how tired she was getting. She shut down her computer and closed her files before standing to her feet and stretching.
Rebecca walked around the house turning off all the lights before walking towards her bedroom. She went straight to her dresser and pulled out her nightshirt. She changed and headed for the bathroom where she brushed her teeth and washed her face and hands.
She finished up in the bathroom and turned off the light and walked over to her bed pulling the blankets back and climbing in. She got nice and comfortable between her red satin sheets. She layed there thinking about her friends were asking her to do and it did make sense that she needed to start dating again. Then she cleared her mind and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, Rebecca woke from her sleep and layed in her bed for a few minutes waking up before getting out of bed. She remembered that she had one of those dates today and really didn't look forward to it but remembered she agreed to it. She then climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom to take a hot shower and get dressed for this lunch date she was to have.
She took her time showering and getting out putting some casual lunch clothing and lightly adding makeup to her face. She then went to her closet to choose which shoes she was going to wear. Altogether she had a nice light blouse with a thin light blue skirt that went to her knees, nylons, and a pair of light creme colored pumps that matched with her blouse.
She pinned her hair back with a strand lining the side of her face. She looked one final time in the mirror to make sure everything was good. Rebecca put some stud earrings on with a thin gold necklace and her watch to which she noticed the time. She had to get her things and purse before walking out the front door and down the elevator to the main street.
The restaurant she was to meet the first man was only a few blocks away so Rebecca decided to walk. It was a lovely sunny day with a light breeze blowing which made the temperature nice to walk in. It took her about ten minutes to arrive at the restaurant where she found the gentleman waiting outside for her.
When she saw him, his appearance was clean shaven, a polo shirt and khakis. He had nice shoes on and his hair was short and combed nicely. He was tall and well built and seemed to be very nice and well spoken when they introduced themselves to each other.
They spoke for a few minutes outside before he opened the door allowing her to enter the restaurant. They were taken to their table and he pulled out her chair for her to sit down. Rebecca couldn't believe how polite he was and it gave her a little hope that this man would be nice to date.
As they ate their food, the conversation was pleasant and Rebecca did everything she could to find a fault in this guy. He was everything she looked for in a man until she informed him how it had been a long time since she had been with anyone. That's when his expression changed on his face which Rebecca caught on to.
After the meal was over, he escorted her outside and asked to walk her home which she agreed to. They walked and chatted on the way back to her apartment. Once there, he asked to come in and continue their conversation? She thought that it wouldn't hurt and she did find him not to be a threat.
She allowed him to come inside and it wasn't long that he was trying to kiss her. That was behavior she was not allowing and after pushing him away he frowned at her and then said he had to go walking out the door. This is what Rebecca expected from him and that is why she stopped dating in the first place. All men wanted was a sexual pleasure and Rebecca wanted intimacy which was not the same thing.
After he left, Rebecca called her friends who set her up with him and told them how everything went even the last part. They were appalled by how he acted and it was nothing that they thought he would do. They apologized to her for the bad experience and hoped that she would forgive them and try for the next one?
She agreed with hesitation but still had her barriers up. Then the conversation went to something more pleasant and they began laughing and cutting up. They spent a good couple of hours on the phone before Rebecca noticed the time and how late it was getting. They all agreed to hang up the phone and get some sleep. They would see each other tomorrow for some mall shopping.
Rebecca said her goodnight and then hung up the phone. She was a bit fatigued and tired, so she walked into her bathroom and washed her hands and face taking all the makeup off before changing into her night clothes. She changed into her short blue nightshirt and then brushed her hair putting it up in a ponytail.
She finished up in the bathroom and then walked into her bedroom and pulled the blankets back on her bed. It looked so inviting as she climbed inside and covered herself up. Rebecca forgot to turn on her television, so she got back out of bed and walked over to her fifty-eight-inch television turning it on to an old movie that she likes.
After setting the television to the old movie, she walked back over to her bed and climbed in. She got comfortable on her side and snuggled up in her comforter watching the movie. It wasn't too long before Rebecca drifted off to sleep.
Eight hours later, Rebecca woke from her sleep and noticed the television was still on to the channel she was watching before going to sleep. She grabbed her remote and changed it over to the news and sat up in her bed to hear the news while waking up. She heard the weather was going to be perfect and it would be a good day for shopping.
After watching the news which with the crime rate going up became depressing and boring, Rebecca got out of bed and wrapped her pink plush robe around her and walked out of her bedroom. She made her way to her kitchen where she grabbed a coffee cup and made her a cup of instant coffee.
She sat drinking her coffee at the kitchen table and thought about the next date that she was to go on that night. She was not looking forward to it because she refused to have another night like the previous night. She sat for a bit at the table enjoying her coffee before making another cup. She needed a caffeine boost this morning.
Once she was awake and motivated to get things going, she stood up and walked over to the sink placing her cup inside. She stretched and yawned a bit before walking towards her bedroom. She went in and straight to her closet which was completely full of clothing and dozens of shoes.
It took Rebecca about twenty minutes to choose what to wear. She finally decided on a pair of blue capri pants and a white blouse with blue and white flat sandals. She walked into the bathroom after getting dressed and brushed her hair putting it in a braid and a little light makeup.
She was finally ready for her day and knew that her meeting up with the girls at the mall would bring her joy. She made sure all the lights were off before grabbing her purse and walking out the front door. She went down to her maroon Chrysler Three Hundred hitting her transponder which unlocked the doors and allowed her access inside.
She turned on the ignition and before pulling away, she checked her hair and makeup in the rearview mirror one last time. Putting the car into drive, Rebecca was off heading for the mall to meet up with her friends. It was such a nice day out with the sun shining behind a few scattered clouds and it really wasn't that hot out.
Rebecca drove about four miles to the mall with her windows down and the wind blowing against her face. As soon as she arrived, her friends were waiting for her in the parking lot. She pulled in and parked right next to them and shut down her car. Rebecca grabbed her purse, opened the door and stood up outside. Her girlfriends walked over exchanging hello and hugs.
They grouped up and began walking towards the entrance while apologizing for their choice in men on her first date. They hoped that she would forgive them and not hold it against the other guys that she still has dates set with? She smiled and agreed to see the other guys and see how everything goes.
The girls made it inside the entrance and began window shopping stores while they walked by until someone saw something they liked. Then, it was almost every store they had to go into to look around and choose items they wanted. Rebecca did her fair share of shopping being a trust fund baby.
They spent the day shopping and having a bit of lunch before going their separate ways and Rebecca having a date to get ready for. The girls all walked outside and made their way to each car in the parking lot. They again exchanged kisses and hugs and wished Rebecca good luck on her date.
They all got into their cars and one after the other ignitions were turned on and waves appeared out of the windows as each pulled off going in their own directions. Rebecca checked her hair and makeup again before putting the car into gear and driving out of the parking lot heading home.
She knew that her date would be in a few hours and she wanted to get some rest beforehand. When she pulled up in front of her house, she opened her car door and got out with her purse in hand. Once her door was closed, she pushed the button on her transponder key opening up the trunk. Rebecca walked to the rear of the car and pulled out her shopping bags of clothes that she had just bought at the mall.
She struggled to carry all of her bags but she managed to make it to her front door. She had to put some of the bags down in order to use her key. She finally got the door opened then picked up her bags and carried them inside shutting the front door with her foot.
Rebecca carried those bags straight into her bedroom setting them on the bed before digging everything out and looking them over. She picked out the perfect outfit for her date which wasn't too tight, too sexy, or that made her look desperate or cheap.
Once she picked it out and laid it aside, she put everything else into her large walk-in closet. She then walked over to her bed reaching down to set her alarm clock before she sat on the side of her fluffy queen size bed. Rebecca set her clock to wake her up in a couple of hours so she could get ready for her next date.
Rebecca layed down on the bed curling up with her long body pillow which made her so tired that it wasn't long before she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.
A few hours later, Rebecca woke to hear music as her alarm clock went off. She sat up and stretched some before getting up out of bed and heading towards the bathroom to take a shower. She washed her hair and her body with a soft body wash that will moisturize and make her skin feel soft.
She got out of the shower and dried her hair before slipping into her new clothes. She walked out of the bathroom when finished and looked at herself in her full length mirror that hung in her bedroom. She thought that everything was perfect and then turned off everything in her bedroom and bathroom while walking out into the living room.
She looked at the time and figured that he should be there anytime. Now she knew better as to let any man inside her house because of the grief she had the last time. Approximately ten minutes later, she heard a horn blow outside and went to see who it was.
When she looked outside, she noticed that he was parked right in front of her house so she grabbed her black with pearls purse and headed for the door. She walked outside and then turned to lock her door. After that, she walked down the walkway heading for his car.
When she opened the passenger door to get inside, she noticed how handsome but rugged he looked and automatically had the gut feeling that she was going to relive the previous night. She tried to remain positive but couldn't shake the feeling that he was going to want something in return for dinner.
They pulled off after she closed her car door and they had a minimal conversation, but when they did talk, he talked a lot about himself. It seemed like he had this enormous ego to go along with the small beer belly he had. Again, she tried to remain positive.
He took her to a nice mandarin restaurant where she enjoyed some good food as well as some sushi. The conversation was still a little on the quiet side. The date seems to be very boring and that she felt like she was eating alone.
After dinner, Rebecca informed him that she was beginning to get a mild headache just to end the date. He was okay with that and agreed to take her home. He spoke more about himself while they drove back to her house.
They arrived in front of her house and as she opened her door to get out, she noticed that he was getting out too. Rebecca watched as he walked around the car and escorted her up to the porch. Immediately she thought to herself that she was going to relive her last date.
They reached the porched and she started to thank him for dinner and that she had a nice time, but she was cut off in mid-sentence by his reaction that she wasn't going to invite him inside. She informed him that the date was over and that she doesn't make it a habit of allowing men to come inside on the first date.
His reaction was that he seems a little angered and disappointed, but she did not fins herself attracted to him in any way. He began having a sarcastic attitude until she politely asked him to leave. As he walked away, Rebecca heard him muffling things under his breath but she just unlocked her door and went inside.
Another date has gone bad and she was now losing hope that she would find anyone that peaked her interest. As she placed her purse on the table, the phone rang. When she answered it, it was her girlfriends on the line wanting to hear the details of her date but could sense the frustration in her voice that she was not happy.
Rebecca began telling them how the date truly went which appalled her girlfriends that he would even act like that. She was not happy and was about to throw the towel in on going on the next two remaining dates but again her girlfriends talked her into it.
The next date was the same and again her girlfriends talked her into the fourth and final one. Rebecca agreed to the last one which she wasn't very happy about having the track record of the first three. They hung up the phone and Rebecca went to bed fretting the next date.
The next morning, she woke to a bright sunny day and felt pretty good about the day until she remembered the one final date she had scheduled for the evening. This one would be a dinner date because the guy works during the day and would not be available until around six o'clock.
Rebecca was trying to keep an open mind because she didn't want to judge one guy by the actions of another. So, she spent the day cleaning house and burning her oils to make the house smell good. It was a great start to her day.
The day went by as Rebecca did chores and spent the rest of the afternoon lounging around the house watching television waiting for the final date to be over with. Her girlfriends called a few times to check in on her and to see if she was anxious about her last date for the evening?
Rebecca informed them that she was a bit anxious but still had the gut feeling that this date would be like all the rest. She told them that she tried to have faith in it and that this one might be a nice one, but the gut feeling was still there.
When it got around five o'clock, Rebecca started to get in teh shower and dressed for this final date. She washed up and sprayed some body spray on and very light makeup. She figured if the guy likes her it would be the true her and not some dolled up woman looking cheap. She wanted to be more natural looking.
When six o'clock came around she heard a soft knock at her door. When Rebecca opened the door, there stood a tall, dark-haired guy who looked very clean cut and still had a suit and tie on. He introduced himself to her and she was at a loss for words due to him being very attractive.
Rebecca said hello and introduced herself as well. He politely asked if she was ready for dinner which she nodded with a big smile on her face. She turned and grabbed her purse and door key before heading out the door with this very sexy man. She could feel her heart flutter and couldn't keep her eyes off of him.
They walked out to his car which was a newer model and very sleek. It looked like he had lots of money but Rebecca wasn't concerned with that. She knew that this guy was different from the rest. He looked like he had manners and was well behaved.
They reached the car where he opened the door for her and waited for her to get in before closing the door and walking around the car to his side to get in. Once in the car, both of them buckled up and he started the ignition. They were off to the place of his choosing which was a surprise for Rebecca.
They drove to the other side of town and pulled up to a restaurant that had valet service. A young guy opened her door for her and helped her out. Her date met her at the other side of the car and opened his arm to escort her inside. Rebecca did not know how to act because he was such a gentleman.
They walked inside and she found out that he made reservations which were ready and they were escorted to their table. Once seated, He asked for a bottle of wine first off. Rebecca was becoming very relaxed and pleased by his demeanor.
A few minutes later, the waitress walked over and asked if they were ready to order? Before Rebecca could speak, the guy had ordered for the both of them and what he ordered sounded great to her. She had never had a guy order for her and it felt good.
While they waited for their meal, he politely began asking Rebecca about herself and what her hobbies were. He told her about himself and that he was an architect for a big business firm. Rebecca was impressed by his conversation and thoroughly enjoyed herself.
While they ate their dinner, the conversation still remained polite and enjoyable. Rebecca had found someone that she was attracted to and hoped that they could see each other again so that she could get to know him better.
When dinner was coming to a close after their chocolate mousse, he stood up and escorted her back outside to await the car from the valet. When the car pulled up, he tipped the valet twenty dollars before helping her inside the car. He then walked around to his door climbing inside.
Once the car was started, he asked her if there was anything else she wanted to do for the evening? Her reply was quiet and with a smile when she said no. He then offered to take her home, which she considered allowing him to come inside her home because she didn't see him as a threat.
They continued their drive back to Rebecca's house along with more pleasant conversation. She found out that they had a lot in common from music to movies and even books. She began feeling more comfortable with him the more they talked.
When they pulled up in front of her house he turned off the car and they sat still chatting. Rebecca looked at her house and then glanced back at him asking if he would like to come in? He hesitated at first but then told her that he probably shouldn't because he didn't want her to think he was after something.
Feeling more comfortable and respected she offered again and said it would be casual and harmless. He finally agreed to go in and share a cup of coffee with Rebecca. He opened his door and got out of the car moving around to her side to open her door and assist her in getting out.
They walked together up the walkway to her front door where they stopped while Rebecca searched for her keys in her purse. As she rustled through her purse, he looked up at the starry sky and made the comment that it was a beautiful night sky. Rebecca stopped and looked up seeing all of the stars and constellations and admired the fact that he could appreciate something so complex.
She finally found her keys and unlocked the door stepping inside first as he followed. She asked him to make himself comfortable while she went into the kitchen to brew some coffee. He looked around her house and admired the pictures she had around.
After setting up the coffee pot, she came back into the living room where she found him glancing over some artwork that she had hanging on her wall. He knew the artist of one painting and began telling her the story of the painting as they went over to the couch to sit.
They both sat admiring the painting and Rebecca kept looking at him and began wondering how he kissed because he did smell good. She moved a little closer to him and he could feel her presence, so he placed his arm around her gently not to initiate anything sexual.
She felt so comfortable in his arm that she reached over her shoulder grabbing his hand and pulling it closer to her. She was not afraid that he would attack her but quite the opposite. She felt safe in his arm and next to him.
His hand began rubbing her shoulder as she placed her hand on his leg showing that she was receptive to him. He used his hand turning her face gently asking if he could kiss he which she agreed and their lips met. It was very sensual and he didn't have roaming hands.
He was very respectful of her and she felt that he would not take advantage of her. They shared a few kisses and then she had him turn to the side where she began giving him a back massage which he truly loved. She could sense his tightness and did her best trying to loosen his shoulders and neck up making him less tense.
Rebecca could feel his muscles as her hands ran up and down his back and arms. It was something that she hadn't felt in a long time. After about fifteen minutes of rubbing his back, she remembered the coffee and excused herself to fetch their coffee.
When she came back with two steamy hot cups of coffee, he met her halfway across the room to assist her. They went back to the couch to drink their coffee and enjoyed some more conversation. They sat and talked for quite a while and then he noticed the time and that he had to work in the morning.
He finished his coffee and placed the cup on the coffee table before standing up to leave. Rebecca rose to escort him to the front door where he turned and grabbed her in his arms placing his lips against hers. He kissed her so passionately that she almost felt like she was floating.
Once their lips parted, and her eyes opened, she saw a huge smile on his face as he bid her good night. Before he turned to step outside the door, he casually asked if he could see her again? Rebecca felt pleasured in his presence and told him yes she would like that very much. As he walked out the door and headed down to his car, Rebecca thought to herself that intimacy is not sex.
Sheila’s Broken Heart
Today Sheila woke up feeling pretty good and knew she had a long day ahead of her. She walked into the kitchen and began making coffee. While the coffee was brewing, she walked outside to get her morning paper and then returned to her kitchen. She grabbed herself a breakfast bar while she sat at the table reading her newspaper. She skimmed through it until her eyes fell on her article about how people can be so cruel to each other. It was found and published on the third page which was a big deal to Sheila.
She heard the coffee maker stop percolating and went to make herself a cup of coffee. Two creamers, one sugar. Sheila has always wanted to visit Paris, so the closest she can get to being there is buying French roasted coffee. Every now and then she will buy some French pastries from the bakery down the street. Hey, a girl can dream. So she sat at her table drinking coffee, eating her breakfast bar, and reading her article in the paper. She was so proud of herself that she felt she earned a reward.
Once she finished her breakfast and coffee, Sheila quickly went into her bedroom to get dressed when the phone rang. She picked up the phone and it was Roxanne on the other end. Roxane was her best friend and confidant. When she said “hello” Roxanne pretty much screamed in her ear how happy she was that Sheila got her article published. Sheila and Roxanne both got excited and Sheila told Roxanne that she was going to reward herself. When Roxanne asked her what she was going to do, Sheila replied that she was going to get her best friend and they were going to have a girls day outing.
Roxanne got so excited that she screamed into the phone again. Sheila informed her that she was getting dressed and that she would be by to get her. They got off of the phone and Sheila went back to getting dressed and decided to wear her lavender knee-length sun dress with spaghetti straps. Once she was ready, she grabbed her keys and purse and headed out the door. She walked down the concrete walkway admiring her Spring flowers that were blooming as she headed for her gold Chrysler three-hundred parked in her driveway.
Once she unlocked the door and proceeded to get in, she flipped down the mirror to recheck her make-up before putting the key in the ignition and starting the car. Sheila adjusted her seat and put on her seatbelt before putting the car into reverse. She pulled out of her driveway and headed down the road. While driving through her quiet subdivision, she was admiring the pretty trees and flowers in her neighbor’s yards. With her window down she could smell the aroma of magnolia trees that lined the street blooming their pretty flowers.
Sheila turned out of her subdivision and headed for Roxanne’s house. Roxanne lived about two miles away in another subdivision. She turned down Roxanne’s street and as she drove she couldn’t help but notice everyone else’s yards. All of the vibrant colors of flowers and trees brought a smile to Sheila’s face. She pulled up in front of Roxanne’s house and blew the horn. Roxanne came running out of the house excited to see her friend. She quickly got into the car and they drove towards the mall outlet about six miles away.
During the drive to the mall, they talked about everything including when Sheila was going to find a man. Sheila just laughed and shrugged it off. There wasn’t a whole lot of traffic during the drive, especially for a gorgeous Spring day. They admired the scenery as they drove and noticed a few things that they haven’t seen before, like the carnival that’s in town, or the new bank they are building. Like they don’t have enough banks in town. They proceeded to drive down Main Street towards the mall while Roxanne was taking notice of all the cute guys along the way.
They were finally pulling into the mall parking lot and it had a few parking spots left which Sheila found one closest to the mall. They parked and Sheila cut off the engine and they got out. They could feel the sun shining on their skin and smelled the freshness in the air. They met each other at the back of the vehicle and headed for the front entrance. As they got inside, they now felt the air conditioning which was a little too cold for Sheila since she didn’t have anything covering her shoulders.
They walked around in the mall and looked in different shops picking out accessories and outfits here and there. Sheila ended up buying a pair of shoes and purse that match, another sundress, hair accessories and make-up. That was her treat to herself. Roxanne picked out a few outfits, some make-up, and a guy’s phone number. She is the flirtatious type while Sheila calls her a slut. They took their bags and slushies from a nearby stand and headed for the exit. Sheila had to get out of there before she spent everything she had.
Upon leaving the mall entrance, they quickly felt the heat of the day that almost made them want to go back inside. They hurried to the car and got the doors open. Both of them tossing their bags into the trunk and getting inside the car which was even hotter. Sheila quickly keyed the ignition and started up the car. She allowed it to run for a few minutes before turning on the air conditioner. With a hot blast of air to the face it then quickly turned cold and began cooling down the inside of the car. They buckled their seat belts and pulled out of the parking space.
Sheila drove around the parking lot looking for a good exit to leave the mall. As they were pulling up to an exit, they spotted a few guys in one of the street parking spaces. They were there hanging out and Roxanne thought they were very cute. She couldn’t wait to get her window down and yell out at them. They heard her shouting and as they looked over, Roxanne waved her hand outside of the window. They waved back and then motioned for the girls to come over.
Sheila made the turn out of the parking lot and in the direction of the guys because Roxanne was doing a lot of pleading with her to go talk to the guys. They found a parking space right in front of the guy’s car and pulled in. Roxanne was quick to unbuckle her seatbelt and get out of the car. Sheila, more or less, took her time because she wasn’t all that interested in talking to these guys.
By the time Sheila got out of the car and got over to where everyone was hanging out, Roxanne already had a guy with his arm around her. By the way they were acting you could say they have known each other forever. While Sheila was standing there, the other guy offered for her to come hang out with him and get to know each other better. Sheila was not at all interested in these young guys and politely told him, “No thank you”. The guy stood with this look on his face as if he were calling Sheila a goody two shoes.
These guys were too young and childish for Sheila. They had to be in their early twenties while Sheila and Roxanne were in their early thirties. Sheila only hung out because of her best friend Roxanne and didn’t want anything from these guys, but she remained polite and respectful. Roxanne ran her mouth to these guys about Sheila’s article publishing and that was not interesting enough to them because they quickly changed the subject.
They hung out with them for a few minutes before Sheila told Roxanne they had to go. Roxanne pouted a little but respected her friend’s wishes and went with her. They walked back over to Sheila’s car and got in. As Sheila was starting the car, Roxanne rolled down the window and began yelling out to the guys her telephone number and for them to call her. The guys yelled back and waved.
Sheila pulled away and headed back down the road to find somewhere where the girls could get something to eat. Roxanne was hungry for pizza and Sheila agreed. They found a good pizza joint to stop at to eat and found a decent parking space. The girls got out of the car and walked inside the air-conditioned restaurant and found a place to sit.
Once they were seated, a waitress came over to take their order which was a large pepperoni and black olive with extra cheese pizza and two Cokes. The waitress wrote everything down and went to get the drinks. While the girls waited for their order, Sheila spotted a guy sitting alone eating a pizza and drinking a coke. He was tall, brown hair, and blue- eyed and gorgeous.
Sheila could not take her eyes away from him, even while eating she stared at him. Their eyes finally met and he smiled at Sheila making her blush. While the girls were enjoying their pizza, Sheila noticed him paying his bill and thought that he was leaving, but instead, he walked over to their table and struck up a conversation. Sheila offered for him to sit down but he turned it down stating that he had to get back to work but gave his number to Sheila and told her to call him.
She took his number and told him she would be calling him. She watched as he walked out the door and then looked back at Roxanne who had a mouth full of pizza and began laughing. The girls finished their meal but not before Roxanne told Sheila that she should call him. He looks to be a keeper as she put it. The girls laughed a little more before getting up from the table and walking up to pay for their meal.
Once they paid their bill, the girls walked out the door and headed over to the car. Sheila unlocked the doors and when they opened them, they felt the heat that had accumulated inside the car. They left the doors open and stood outside the car for a few minutes to let some of the heat out before getting in. It had been at least ten minutes before the girls decided to get inside the car.
They got in and before closing the doors, Sheila started the ignition and turned on the air conditioner. After the air became cool, the girls closed their doors and buckled their seatbelts. They began driving and heading towards Sheila’s house where they would indulge in a movie and good conversation.
Once situated for the movie, Roxanne looked over to Sheila and told her that she needs to call the guy from the pizza joint. Sheila was hesitant but decided to give it a try. She picked up the phone and dialed the number. It took three rings before a man’s voice answered the phone and Sheila said, “Hello?” The man spoke back and Sheila had to remind him of who she was and he was glad to hear from her. They spoke for a few minutes before setting up a date for dinner that evening. He then stated that he had to get back to work and that he looked forward to their date that evening. Sheila said goodbye and hung up the phone.
Roxanne was curious as to how the conversation went and Sheila began giving her details and that they had set a date for this evening. Roxanne was so happy for her and then they proceeded to finish watching the movie. It was a tear jerker and was not the right movie to watch before a date with a new guy, but they continued to watch it until the end.
Once the movie was over, it was almost time for Sheila to start getting ready for her date. She had Roxanne follow her into her bedroom to help pick out an outfit for her date. They went through several outfits before finding a nice knee length blue dress that brought out Sheila’s facial features and long legs. It was now time for Sheila to get in the shower, so Roxanne made her way back into the living room to wait.
Sheila jumped into a nice hot shower and took her time making sure she was nice and clean. She washed her hair and then turned off the water. She opened up the shower and reached for her towel while feeling her hair drip water over her shoulders. She dried her hair with the towel before wrapping her hair up in the towel on top of her head. She reached for her big bath towel and began drying off her body. She put on deodorant, lotioned up her body before spritzing some body spray all over herself.
Then, she made it into her bedroom to put her outfit on. She slipped on black panties with a matching bra and then slipped some thigh high nylons on. After working the nylons onto her legs, she was then ready to slip her blue dress on over her head. Turning around and grabbing her dress, she slipped it over her head and pulled it down her body. It was a perfect fit.
Sheila then walked over to her closet and pulled out a pair of her suede blue heels that accented her outfit and her legs. Sheila was now ready and sprayed a little alluring perfume on her and dabbed some on her wrists.
She walked back into her living room with the towel still on her head and asked Roxanne how she looked? Roxanne looked at her and told her that her outfit looked perfect but she really needed to get the towel off her head and put a little make-up on. Other than that, Roxanne started to laugh a little and then realizing that she still had the towel on her head, Sheila began laughing with her taking it off her head.
She walked back into her bathroom and started brushing her hair before looking over at the clock checking the time. She still had a few minutes before her date was to show up. After getting the tangles out of her hair, she grabs the blow dryer and starts drying her hair before putting a few curls in it. Then, it was time to add some color to her face. It only took a couple of minutes for her to add make-up and then once she was finished she got another approval from Roxanne.
Sheila was finally ready for her date and just in time because a knock came to the door. Sheila walked over to the door and opened it staring at a very attractive guy with flowers in his hand. He reached out and handed her the flowers and then commenting how beautiful she was. Sheila started to blush again and then told Roxanne to lock up when she leaves. Roxanne watched as her best friend left with her date.
While they walked down the sidewalk to where he was parked, Sheila finally asked him what his name was. It was so odd because when he gave her his phone number, instead of putting his name, he just wrote down “pizza guy”. He turned to her and said that his name was Brad. After hearing what his name was she returned with her name to him. Brad just laughed.
They were finally at his car which was an older Ford Mustang which was canary yellow. He reached down and opened her door allowing her to get inside before closing the door back and walking around to his side of the car. He opened his door and immediately sat inside and put his key in the ignition turning the car over and then taking a minute to listen to the hum of the engine. He then buckled his seat belt just as she did and they were on their way.
As they drove down the street making their way to the restaurant, they made minimal conversation due to the strangeness and nervousness of actually going on a date. They began talking about little things here and there until they both felt a little at ease with each other. It wasn’t long before they arrived at the Italian restaurant where Brad had made reservations for the two of them. He found a parking place and pulled in shutting down the car and unbuckling. Sheila unbuckled her seatbelt before noticing that Brad had already gotten out of the car and waiting at her door to open it for her.
He reached out for her hand helping her out of the car before closing the door. Brad escorted her to the door holding it open for her as she walked inside. They walked up to a gentleman standing behind a podium and Brad informed him they had a reservation. The gentleman escorted them to their table and helping Sheila with her chair. He handed each one a menu and excused himself for a few minutes.
Brad and Sheila looked over their menu and decided what to have. It was only a few minutes before the waiter came over to take their order. Sheila wanted the large stuffed shells with garlic bread and Brad asked for the chicken parmesan with fettucini. After placing their order, and the waiter walks away, they both looked at each other and smiled. It was an odd situation for Sheila but she was being a good sport about everything and trying her best to have a good time.
After about twenty minutes or so the waiter arrived with their food and a complimentary bottle of champagne. As the waiter poured the champagne, Sheila noticed and watched the bubbles rising and sticking to the side of the glass. It was almost mesmerizing to her. She had never had champagne before but was willing to give it a try. She reached for the glass and brought it to her lips only taking a sip at first. She looked at Brad and smiled making the comment of how it tasted fruity and tickled the back of her throat. Brad let out a small laugh and told her to enjoy it.
They both sat eating, drinking champagne, and gaining in good conversation. It was becoming more relaxing with each other that they actually found out that they have quite a few things in common like music, movies, food, and vacation spots. They spent the better of two hours sitting there enjoying their meal and talking that a closeness was starting to happen. Sheila could feel how involved she was becoming with Brad and felt a little more relaxed with him.
After dessert, the couple got up to leave and Brad escorted her out to the car. He opened the door for her and then closed it before heading back to his side to get in. Brad started the ignition and before backing out he looked at Sheila and asked her if she was enjoying herself to which she quickly shook her head and said, “yes”. Then, he backed the car out of the parking space and began driving out of the parking lot.
Once they left the parking lot, Brad began driving down the street and told Sheila that he wanted to take her somewhere special. She smiled back before asking, “where?”. He said it was somewhere he always goes to clear his mind and it has a great view. This sounded exciting to her and she looked forward to it.
As they made their way up the winding road in his Mustang, Sheila couldn’t help but be amazed by the scenery. They reached the top and came to a clearing on the mountain side where Brad had parked the car and they had both gotten out. They walked close to the edge together to look out over the city and see all the pretty lights. It was such a clear night and Sheila could see stars beyond stars. As she looked up gazing at the stars she just happened to see a shooting star before closing her eyes to make a wish.
They stood there for minutes before getting back into the car to get Sheila home before it gets too late. He walked her to her side and again opened the door for her. Once she was inside and buckling up, Brad closed her door and walked around to his side to get in. he started the car and they started the ride to Sheila’s house. It was a decent ride which took about thirty minutes to reach her house from the top of the mountain. The night air was crisp and fresh smelling and she loved the ride home.
They pulled up in front of her house where he got out to escort her to her door. On the porch, they stood staring into each other’s eyes and telling each other how they had a good time. Before leaving, Brad leaned down and kissed her cheek softly which caused Sheila to blush again. He was such a gentleman and Sheila was growing fond of him. After kissing her cheek he said his goodnight before turning to walk down the walkway which led to his car. Sheila just stood there smiling as she watched him pull off before entering her front door.
She got inside her house and headed for the bedroom to change into something more comfortable. She was very happy with her date went and couldn’t wait to tell Roxanne about it. Before she could even finish that thought in her head, the phone rang with Roxanne on the other end. When she picked up the phone, Roxanne’s first sentence was, “how did your date go?”.
Sheila was happy to tell her how it went and what fun she had. They had a phone conversation for about an hour before ending the phone call and hanging up. Sheila did not feel tired at all because of her adrenaline rush from the date. She got into her pajama’s and went to the kitchen for a cup of hot tea. After brewing her tea, she headed into her bedroom to cuddle up on her bed with her tea and a novel she had been reading. She stayed up for about another two hours because she got caught up in her novel before getting under the covers and falling asleep.
The next few days had been fun because every day she had been going out with Brad. They have done so many things together and Sheila feeling closer to him, that she got it into her head that they were going to become a couple. They spoke on the phone a lot, went out on dates, and even had a few picnics. Everything seems to be going well.
Over the course of the next few months, they had been dating quite a bit. It was thought by Sheila at this point that they were officially a couple until one day when she hadn’t heard from Brad all that day. She tried calling him to get no answer. Sheila started to worry about him.
Over the next few days, Sheila still had not heard from Brad and was starting to feel a little depressed about it and wondering if she had done something wrong. She confided in Roxanne for advice about what she should do, and then the phone rang.
When Sheila looked at her phone she noticed it was Brad calling. She instantly got excited until she answered it. When she said, “Hello?”, a woman on the other end asked who Sheila was. It sort of caught Sheila off guard as to why a woman would have Brad’s phone. She told the woman her name and then asked the strange woman who she was. The woman answered stating that she was Sophie, Brad’s wife.
At that moment, Sheila’s mouth fell open and her heart fell to the floor. How can he have done this to her? He never said he was married and this is exactly what every other man has done to her. Either they were married or had girlfriends. She apologized to Sofie and told her what all had been going on. Now it made sense why he always paid with cash even though he had credit cards.
After the phone call, Sheila hung up the phone and began crying. Roxanne just so happened to be there and tried comforting Sheila. She had such high hopes for their relationship. Sheila felt so bad because she truly had a broken heart.
Lesson’s of Marital Romance
Today there are many relationships on the verge of divorce or separation. Why, because of some people, whether it be your husband or wife, feels the relationship has run its course, has gone sour, or in most cases, it has become a strained relationship due to both spouses having to work to pay the bills in their household. I am writing this blog in hopes that it will help those who want out or have gotten to that point where they can’t take any more stress or heartache.
I have learned from past experiences in marriages that there are simple little things to keep the marriage alive, even in tough times. In this series of blog posts, I want to offer some advice or steps that you can do to make your relationship a little better or make couples become closer. Maybe this advice might even kindle that fire a little for both spouses. I wish every married couple could wake up next to their significant other and fall in love with them all over again. Can you see yourself remembering why you fell in love with that person? I know some marriages are joined because of money, but I find it hard to believe that most marriages are built around money. Whatever happened to courtship and dating? Don’t you want to fall in love for love?
I remember my first date with my current husband. He came over to my house and we sat watching movies and getting to know one another better. Which brings me to the first lesson of marital romance, communication. Can you say, com-mun-i-kay-shun? This is one of the biggest downfalls of marriages today. Yeah, I bet you thought it was cheating, right? No, it is the lack of communication that separates even the best of marriages. If you cannot talk with your spouse, or communicate, why did you even get married? You join together as one in holy matrimony but still act like there are two separate entities.
When you get together in marriage, the best part is talking to your spouse and finding out more about them. You should want to know what their hobbies are, their dreams and ambitions, or what they expect from you in return. I love my husband to death and would die for him because he knows everything about me. That first date, we shared our most intimate feelings and secrets. I told him of my traumatic past, every fine detail. I wanted him to know everything there was to know about me. I find it scary though that we have so many things in common. We just celebrated our third year anniversary back in October and do you know how we spent it? I made us a nice dinner and we laid in bed just talking. We make that a part of our everyday life, just talking.
You should want to talk to your spouse because then you would know where their mind is, how they are feeling, or even what their day is going to entail. Every day we talk to each other, and when our day is hectic, we still manage to stop what we are doing and say something to one another. This is how a good marriage is supposed to function. It is what keeps things interesting. Which brings me to the next piece of advice. Tell them you love them.
If you married your spouse because you fell in love with them, then reminding them every day that you love them intensifies the bond between you. They feel that you are still there with them. It reminds them of why you got married in the first place. I love my husband and we constantly throughout our day tell each other we love each other. If we didn’t, then there is a problem somewhere and we need to find it to fix it. Marriages are supposed to be happy and loving. Every day, no matter how we feel, saying “I love you” makes the day even better. Sometimes one of us will stop what we are doing just to tell the other how much we love them.
Love is a wonderful thing and I just wish every human on planet Earth would find that special someone or soul mate, just to be happy with life. Be happy with each other. Loneliness can destroy so many, but loving someone is the healing force to marriages. Tell that spouse every day that you love them. When you or your spouse are on your way out the door to work, stop and tell the other you love them. When you or your spouse come home, stop and tell them you love them. Keep reminding them. Make it a habit you can’t break and see how much better or stronger your marriage becomes. Three little words can make a difference in anyone’s marriage. Just do me one favor, don’t say it unless you really mean it.
A spouse can tell when those words have no meaning or are not heartfelt. A marriage is a living thing with a heartbeat that can die at any minute. Sometimes all the best life-saving measures can not resuscitate it or bring it back to life. Start at the beginning of your marriage telling your spouse how much you love them and keep doing it every day you are together. A marriage is a blessing and it should be treasured because so many will never have one.
The third lesson is to always tell your spouse to “have a good day”. I know it seems so simple but you would be amazed at how many people find it hard to say. It is called positive affirmation. It is basically a mind conditioning phrase that works wonders for a person. When you tell someone to have a good day, they, in turn, will believe they will have a good day and it raises their self-esteem. It also shows that you care how their day will go. My husband and I don’t work because we are disabled, but every day we tell each other to have a good day because it gives assurance of how our day will go.
Even if at the end of the day or part of the day we had a bad one, we still remember that our spouse told us to have a good day and it lightens the load a little. I think back to the beginning of the day when my husband told me to have a good day and it brightens my day back up. Always give your spouse positive affirmations to help them along the way. Show them how much they mean to you and that you wish them the best day ever.
So, if you are in a marriage or engaged to be married, please remember why you are getting married. Was or is it for love, or money? The wrong one can cause havoc and end pretty badly. I wish the best for all couples who are married or engaged and that they have a “good day”.
Today, we are going to talk about another three things to keep your marriage or relationship a happy one. Now in the last lesson, we talked about communication, saying “I love you”, and asking your significant other “how was your day”. The next three things we are going to talk about are separation, commitment and vows, and appreciation.
These things are not hard to do and can make any relationship a good one. When I speak of separation, I am not talking about ending the relationship in any manner. Every relationship should have a period of separation to function correctly and make it a happier one. Each partner needs some space just for themselves. I have found with my own experiences that when each individual takes a break away from the other, it makes each one more appreciative of the other person. They have that saying “you don’t know what you had until it’s gone”. That is entirely true. When you are away from that special person in your life, you tend to want that person even more. You find it difficult to not think of the other person. You can also realize how much you need and desire that person.
I miss the hell out of my husband when he is away from me, even for a short period, but it is the fact that when we are apart I appreciate him just that much more.All couples need that space from one another. Take some time and do things without the other. Go for a walk, do some shopping, go hang out with some friends. When you do, you find that you think of that person. You wonder what they are doing, who they are talking too, and one of the most important thoughts is are they missing or thinking about you. So give it a try, take a few hours away from each other, then when you get back together you have things to talk about while you were apart and you become closer to that individual.
The next thing to talk about is your commitment or vows that you made to that person. I have found that a lot of people lose track of the vows they recited to each other the day they got married. If you didn’t want to be committed to that person, why did you get married in the first place? Commitment means being only with that person and forsaking all other’s. Giving your life to that person. I would die for my husband because he is always there when I need him despite some of the petty little disagreements we have with each other.
If you commit yourself to that person because you love them, then it shouldn’t even be a question as to who you would choose in a decision. I choose my husband because he will always have my back and he is very supportive. Remember your vows that you made to that person and own up to them. Make that person dear to you and don’t be selfish and put you first. It is always better to think of others before yourself because you will never know the day you will need them.
Commitment is always about choosing to be with that person. You take them with the good and the bad. That is where communication would fall into play. Should the two of you have a disagreement, talk it out with yelling or attitudes being thrown around. Not every marriage or relationship is perfect and should be seen that way. Every person will make mistakes because they are just that, human. I can understand if the mistake they made was a huge one where they defaulted on their vows or commitment to you to be with another. Even God forgives the largest of mistakes if they are repentant and asking for forgiveness.
The next and last thing I would like to advise is being appreciative of your significant other. No matter if you have been married or together for three days or thirty years, you should always show the other person just how much you appreciate them. Voice your appreciation or send them little notes stating it. Being selfish or greedy will always cause turmoil in a relationship so being appreciative of your significant other will make for a better relationship because they will feel good and be happy with you.
I appreciate my husband every day and I tell him this either verbally or by showing it. It is the little things that can make a person feel like they are special. He might cook for me one night and that is his way of showing how much he appreciates me. I woke up one day and he had gotten into my computer and posted a note on my desktop, which I have not erased yet, telling me how much he loves and appreciates me even when he doesn’t show it. He tells me thank you for all the times I was there for him and just that little note goes a long way. It makes me feel like I am wanted or appreciated.
I stand by all my advice because I live it every day. We have been married for three years now and we are still on our honeymoon even with the little disagreements we still love and cherish each other. We take the time to tell or show the other person how important they are in our life and how much they are loved and appreciated. Try it sometime to show how much you appreciate your spouse or significant other. It will make them and yourself feel really good and it will make your relationship that much stronger. Leave me a comment on how it helped your relationship.
Hello everyone and thank you for joining me on our journey of marital romance. First, I would like to apologize for not posting these last few days due to the sudden attack of the flu. I am back now and would like to continue our journey. I do hope that my lessons and posts have been insightful and helpful. Okay let’s get started with part three of our lesson’s shall we?
Everyone in any type of relationship loves to be acknowledged in one form or another. One form that I love is when I find little notes from my husband. He doesn’t have to leave or be gone from the house to still leave me little notes. They don’t even have to say much. Sometimes it could just be “I love you” and that simple form brings a smile to my face every time. You could even be the little note maker for your significant loved one. It doesn’t take much to make someone else feel good or brighten their day.
Wouldn’t you love to find a little note from your loved one telling you to “have a good day”, “thank you”, or even a “thinking of you”? It is the little things that we should cherish the most. It also shows that person that you appreciate them, think about them, and to some, it is a positive affirmation of how much they are loved or thought about. My husband and I constantly leave little notes to each other. We both have computers with messengers on them in the same room and while I sit at mine working, he will send me a quick little message telling me how much he loves me. It’s funny how one little message can brighten the day of another person. So, try it. Leave that person in your life a little note and see what kind of a reaction you get or how they respond to it.
The next thing is texting that person. With technology rising with new creative ideas every day, send a text to that person just saying “hi”, or “how is your day going?” and let them know you miss them or are just thinking about them. I know all of this should have been covered in communication, but to me, this is a whole other aspect of it. While you’re at work and taking that fifteen-minute break, text your loved one and tell them how much you are missing them. It doesn’t take much to do even with a sandwich in your other hand. Multitask people.
Texting someone at home while you’re away can make for a nice homecoming after a hard stressful day at work. I know it sounds so cliche but everyone needs some positive affirmation in their life no matter how bad or good it is. People think we need money, technology, or fancy things to be happy, but I am here to tell you that I live in a two-room tent with my husband and two and three-quarter dogs on disability, and we still leave each other positive affirmations and little notes. We are still happy even being homeless. It is those simple little things that make a whole big difference in someone else’s life.
The third part of this lesson is even simpler. It is called making a phone call. One of the oldest ways of communication can be uplifting to someone’s spirit. Call that person just to say “hi”, see how they are doing? It is not that you are checking up on them or accusing them of something, it is just a caring reminder that “hey, someone is thinking of me today” and it feels so wonderful. Every time my husband and I are away from each we call each other about every two hours or so just to see how the other is doing or feeling.
It is so calming to hear my husband’s voice on the phone telling me that he was thinking of me, or that he loves me. It can make a relationship stronger and be appealing to each other. It draws the two of you closer and builds an invisible barrier around you that no one can break.
Allow that person to know and feel how much you love or care about them. You appreciate or respect them enough to send them little notes, text messages, or even a phone call to see if they are okay or need anything. My husband and I both suffer from Major Depressive Disorder and these little affirmations make a very big difference in our lives. I encourage you to try it with that special someone in your life. Make a big difference in their life which will cause a domino effect and the world would be a better place. 
Thank you for being here today and I want to wish everyone a great day and remember that there is someone out here who does care and appreciate you.
In this lesson what are searching for what can make any marriage or relationship a good one. I hope you have learned from the previous lesson’s which are based on my experiences. The things we are going to talk about are dinners, romantic evenings, date nights, walks, and weekend getaways. These are all a part of a happy relationship.
Starting with dinners, they don’t have to be extravagant, and you don’t have to run out to the grocery store and buy lobster or shrimp. Any good meal can be cooked with what you have in the pantry and refrigerator. All you have to do is cook from your heart. Believe me, your significant other can tell whether you have put your love and heart into your cooking. After preparing the meal and making the table look enticing, you sit down with your partner and you enjoy your dinner. The conversation should be kept pleasant and do not, I repeat, do not talk about work, finances, or anything of the like. Yes, you can ask them how their day went but don’t go into details.
The conversation should revolve around the two of you and not just be one-sided. Tell each other how much you love them, or how good the food tastes. Always discuss things with your partner. Stare into each other’s eyes and remember why you fell in love with them. The dinner can only help intensify the relationship.
The next thing is to plan for romantic dinners. This will strengthen your relationship by showing the other partner how much you love and appreciate them. Make their favorite meal, candles, dim the lights, and have some nice romantic music playing. This will almost always put your partner in a sensual mood. Spend the evening holding hands at the table and looking into each other’s eyes and always make eye contact when speaking or listening. That is a basic gesture of respect. Some of you can possibly get away with feeding your partner. Just a few servings will do. You don’t want it to seem like you have to force feed them.
Now that you have gotten past the dinners, how about having a date night. We all loved them when we were younger. Make a plan to go out somewhere with just the two of you. If you have kids, see if one of the grandparents will take the kids for a few hours so that you can reconnect with your significant other. Go out and have some fun, it doesn’t have to be dinner at a restaurant or anything, go to a carnival, go see a movie.
The whole point of date night is to reconnect with your loved one. Do some of the things you did when you first dated. Share all your interests in common. Remember to always compromise on the things that you are going to do that night. Never seem overbearing and controlling. Let your partner feel they are part of the decision as well. There are so many things to do and sharing your interest with each other will bring you closer too.
Another awesome thing to do with each other is how about taking a walk together. You can walk around the block, down by a river, lake, or pond, through a museum, there are endless possibilities. Conversations with each other while walking together can be so enlightening. Just keep work and finances out of the conversation. You fell in love with your partner because they had qualities you liked and admired. You can share positive things about work, like promotions and such, but never talk about negative things.
It doesn’t cost anything to go for a walk, and it shouldn’t cost anything to spend time with your loved one. So don’t make it about money. Talk about what each is into or their hobbies. Reconnect with them on a personal level.
Lastly, in this lesson, we want to talk about having a weekend getaway. Take the weekend off and go spend a couple of days with just each other. Maybe you want to stay cuddled up in bed the whole time or if you are close to a beach or river take a walk together. Just spending time alone together is a fascinating way to grow closer. Getting away from the stress at home, the kids, and sometimes the in-laws can make for a better relationship. My husband and I like to lay in bed and watch movies while it is raining or snowing outside.
Sometimes we lay in bed at night or in the morning and we talk. We talk about what we are going to do that day, how we feel, and sometimes we tell each other how much we love one another. So those weekend getaways can be something you could cherish and it gives you a new sense of meaning to each other. So, plan a weekend getaway once a month or every other month, but take time for yourselves without all of the drama and stress of everyday life. Until next time, keep those home fires burning and the love alive in your relationship.
Hello everyone and thank you for reading my posts. Today is the final lesson of marital romance and I do hope that you enjoy it and take it to heart. The first thing I want to talk about is affection. Everyone needs it and it is part of being human. We could not survive if we didn’t show affection for one another. As far as your significant other is concerned, you don’t want to smother them but do show them affection every day and make them feel loved or cared about. It could be as simple as a hug, a kiss, or even holding that person’s hand while walking through a store shopping.
Affection shows someone how much they are appreciated and how much you love them. We all deserve to be loved and cared about. My husband tells me how much he loves me every few hours and always shows me affection even when I am writing. He will come over to where I’m sitting at my desk and run his fingers through my hair or kiss the side or back of my neck before whispering in my ear that he loves me. It really makes someone feel special.
Another thing that you could do for your significant other is to give them a trinket or symbol of your affection and love. You could give them a charm for a bracelet or necklace, a single rose or flower, or even a sentimental card from the dollar store would be a nice gesture. I have a wall full of cards from my husband and some of them are handmade on just a piece of construction paper. Things that are so simple, or look like a child did them can mean the world to someone because you made it from your heart.
The last thing that is really good for relationships is family time. Whether you have children or not, spending that quality time with each other heals all relationships. It is like that healing medicine for someone who is sick. Leave the cell phones off and pay attention to each other. Sit and watch a movie together, go to a nice restaurant, and for some, a good comedy club fits nicely. Always compromise on what you want to do together so that no one feels forced to do something.
It is so nice spending time with my husband and it always brings us closer, so I encourage you to remember that special someone in your life and always make time for them. Show them your commitment to the relationship by showing them how much you love and appreciate them.
So this concludes my lesson’s of marital romance series and it has been a pleasure sharing my thoughts, opinions, and marriage with you. I hope that this series has given you some insight into your own relationships and may it bless you and give you peace.
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