Sunday, July 29, 2018


Good morning everyone! How are we doing this morning? I woke up about forty-seven minutes ago and enjoying my cup of coffee and posting this to all of you wonderful people. I just got finished sorting my ten newspapers for coupons and I will be clipping them sometime today, but first I will be getting some writing done. I finished one manuscript last night and printed it up for some major editing. I need to do some fill-in work on it because I left some stuff out and remembered it later.

I am also going to be getting my to-do list together here in a minute to remind me what I have to do today. It is my temporary goal list every day and it makes sure I stay on track with moving forward. I had a long night last night with sleep and was even up at three in the morning drinking a cup of coffee and letting the dogs out. Then, I went back to bed.

It is kind of nice outside and I am sitting here with the back door open to get some of the cool air. I am waking up and getting myself motivated to get some stuff done. My husband went to the flea market with our friend and I am going to be here working. Some people don't consider my writing to be working, but it is. I have to sit here and type and write for hours, so it all, it is like being a secretary that sits and types for eight hours.

The plan is to have the second manuscript done today and printed for some editing. I am working on a third book now which the first chapter is complete and will hopefully have time to get a second chapter done today. I also have a short story freebie book that I am working on and need to get another short story done for it. See, I have lots of writing to get done and, so it is work. Eventually, it will bring in an income so, again, it is work.

Well, it is getting late for me to get started and will be going for the second cup of coffee and have tea to make for the day. I will be ending this post here and I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Everyone with a birthday today, I want to wish you a very "Happy Birthday" and may you have many more. The rest of you, I hope your day is full of blessings and will talk again soon. Take care.

Friday, July 27, 2018


Morning everyone. I woke up about twenty minutes ago and enjoying my first cup of coffee. It is beautiful outside and I just fed my dogs, so they are now happy. Yesterday I got out in the front yard and mowed the lawn for my daily exercise and also did some clean up in the backyard. I did quite a bit yesterday plus cleaned the kitchen.

Last night I was actually able to get some more writing done. I am almost finished with one book, got the first chapter of a new book done and I will try to get the second book done today because it will involve a lot of editing and adding some more stuff to it, but it will get done. I enjoy my writing because it is good therapy for me even when things bother me or get to me, I just sit down and write.

I am looking forward to having a positive day and getting things done to move forward in my writing. I have been working on some arts and crafts with paper mache and will be putting the details of the face on one of them. I also have some other arts and crafts things I will be working on. I am just trying to keep busy.

How is everyone doing today? I forgot to say, "Happy Friday". I cannot believe how fast these weeks are going by. It almost seems like in a few weeks it will be Christmas again. that is how fast these weeks seem to be going by. So, the weekend is here again and let the partying begin. I don't party anymore, those days have been gone. I prefer quiet time and writing. I guess that means I am getting older, lol.

Well, I will go ahead and post this now, I have quite a bit of stuff to get done today and I don't think there will be enough hours in the whole day to get them done but I will try my hardest. Have a great Friday everyone and be blessed. "Happy Birthday" to those with a birthday today and may you have many more.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Good morning everyone. "Happy Humpday!" I cannot believe the weekend is rolling around again so soon. I have been up and down all night for unknown reasons but I wanted to give you an update to my doctor's appointment which was to have steroid injections in my neck. It went good and when I go back for the post-op appointment we will be scheduling another procedure for ablation which is burning the nerve ending in my neck. If I can tolerate the procedure we are all good, but if I cannot they will just do steroid injections on the other side of my neck.

After my neck is taken care of, then they want to move on to injections in my lower back to help deal with the pain there. I wasn't as loopy as I was last time, so I got up as much as possible and cleaned the house since it was my day to do so. I tried laying down but I fought it to do some writing and I have nearly finished the last chapter of one book.

I already have the outline for the next book out and have gotten the first paragraph of it done. Which I did last night before going to bed. I am beginning to get back into the habit of writing and it will be a struggle for a minute because I fell behind a little in how many books I wanted to have published this year, which if I can kick it into gear, I should have close to my goal done before January first.

I love writing and I know it seems to be a lot to write a book a week but I think I can do it. The children's books won't take a whole week, so it gives me an extra day or so extra to complete a longer book if need be. I will need to get an illustrator for those books that are early readers and will have plans for that.

Well, it is almost seven thirty in the morning here and I have an appointment at eleven, so I want to get a few writing things taken care of before I go. I wanted to give you all an update on my procedure yesterday and to inform you of where I am in my writing. I should be posting another short story today or tomorrow but I have to check my short story planner and see where I am on that. My plan is to get one posted every three days as long as nothing hinders me.

Well, I will end here and get things going while I'm almost finished with my first cup of coffee. I want to wish everyone with a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and to all the rest of my friends and family an awesome and blessed day. Take care.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Morning everyone. I  just got back from the doctor and feeling a little loopy, so please excuse my writing. I am seeing double if not triple but feeling no pain or anything, but I am going to still make progress today. I am on my last chapter of one book to have it finished and ready for editing I will do three rounds of editing before sending it to the editor. I love writing and publishing makes me feel accomplished.

I will end this post here for now due to the inability to write. I wish everyone an awesome day and a "Happy Birthday" to everyone with aa birthday today. Take Care.

Monday, July 23, 2018


"Happy Monday Everyone!!" It is that time of the week when everyone goes back to work and the work week begins. How was everyone's weekend? Mine was nice and quiet and full of writing. I do apologize, however, for my not being here posting because my internet was acting up and we lost power on Saturday due to a severe thunderstorm. 

It is a cloudy and rainy looking day outside and I am waiting for my arthritis to kick in because it feels like it is going to rain all day. It is overcast outside and a bit chilly. I did manage to almost finish writing one of my books, I just have to finish the chapter and it is done and ready for editing. The other one is going to take a bit longer, so I will put it on the back burner for now and begin writing the next one. 

my husband is cleaning up the house while I sit here and write and I have to get two loads of laundry done today and that is it until next weekend. I am still a little tired and I have had two cups of coffee, so we know the coffee isn't working and will try drinking a soda and see what happens. I am being positive about everything and will continue to move forward.

This will be a short post because I have to get motivated this morning, I wish everyone with a birthday today, "Happy Birthday to You", and to the rest, have an awesome Monday. Take care.

Friday, July 20, 2018


Good morning and "Happy Friday" everyone. The weekend is finally here again and I can't believe how fast the year is going by. I woke up earlier but was still tired so I laid back down and just got back up. I am ready for another day of writing because I will have both books done by Sunday evening and ready to print up for editing.

It must be nice outside because I can hear the birds chirping and some sunlight showing through the room. The dogs are playing and paying around while my husband is sitting watching television. I am so glad that it is Friday because my neck procedure is on Tuesday and I can't wait. My neck has been hurting for the past few weeks. 

I am glad to be here talking to all my followers, friends, and family. I look forward to posting my life to you every day whether it is good or bad. This is the one place I like to vent until we head for an amusement park where screaming and yelling look normal, lol. 

I was up late last night working on some writing and will be doing some more after we get back from my husband's doctor's appointment this afternoon. I am so excited to actually have them done by the end of the weekend. It has been one big journey writing them and I have enjoyed it so much. There are many other books that are waiting to be written and my heart is set on making my goal this year.

My plan is to have a book a week written and ready for editing and thanks to software on my computer, it will make the editing process easier with it reading it back to me while I follow along on the printed version to catch any mistakes and adding any remarks to the side. I tried the dictation part but it is hard for me for some reason to speak the story from my head but I have no problem writing it from my head.

Well, it is time to go get busy. I have a room to clean and laundry to catch up on and then some other things before his appointment. I wish everyone with a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and to everyone else, have a wonderful and hopefully short day. Take care.

Thursday, July 19, 2018


Good morning to all. I haven't been outside yet to tell you what it looks like or how hot or cold it is. I do know that it is cool here in the back room without any fans or AC on. The dogs are playing and my husband is still laying in the bed. I actually got a lot accomplished yesterday and a chapter is done in each book. I have two remaining chapters to go to finish one book which I realized last night that I will have to break two chapters up into other chapters because they are each going to be thirty pages long if I don't.

The other book I should have done by the end of the weekend which I am happy about. I am still writing short stories for my other two books which will be done by the end of the month. I am moving right along. The editing process will be fun, but I look forward to having both of these books ready for publishing by the middle of next month.

The short story books should be ready for editing at the end of this month and hopefully published the middle of next month. I will be editing the two and working on writing the next one which would fall into the genre of a paranoid crime thriller. I love working on two or three books at once, it breaks up the monotony and keeps it from being boring to me.

Sometimes writer's block happens with one and so I move to the other book and have no problem writing on it. I just feel the need to pump books out because I have a goal for the year which I intend to make. The stories are there in my mind and the outlines are done, I just need to write them. once I pull out the outline, the writing becomes easy as the storyline just falls into place in my mind.

Other than that, everything is good so far and now I have been outside and it is beautiful and not so hot, yet. We have had some really high temperatures here lately and the hottest month is not even here yet which is August. We are trying to stay cool and I am trying to keep functioning and it seems to be working.

Well, here it is that time again that I must get to work and I wish everyone a blessed and prosperous day. "Happy Birthday" to everyone with a birthday today. Take care.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Morning everyone, it is four twenty in the morning and I am up this early due to taking a late nap yesterday evening. It is okay though because everyone else is asleep and it is nice and quiet. I am hurting a little this morning in my neck and shoulder area but I can function a little. Mentally I am doing better than yesterday. I was a little unstable yesterday and did not feel safe enough to make it to my therapy appointment so I rescheduled.

I was not able to complete my daily goal sheet for the day but I did manage to get a lot of other important things done. I will complete my goal sheet today since I am up so early. I am looking forward to the day and getting some more things done to help increase books sales as well as my nonprofit stuff.

I have fed the dogs and it is hard to keep them from chasing and barking after ghosts outside, lol. They are very good guard dogs but sometimes they can take it overboard, but I love them anyway. I am on my first cup of coffee this morning and see this as a two or three cup morning since it being early and still dark outside.

I will be getting a chapter if not more done on my books today and two short stories done for my other two books. One will be a freebie for signing up for my weekly newsletter and the other will go up on Amazon.

I sat down the other day and started throwing together a design for our house and hopefully will soon begin the building process. I look forward to having our own house will a lot of room for the dogs to run. We will be having a mini farm with the goal of becoming self-sufficient. We will have our own meat, a garden for fruits and vegetables, a well for water, and solar panels for electricity. That is the plan for our future and if everything goes right, we will complete that goal as well.

Well, it is time to publish this post and begin my day with writing. I hope everyone enjoys their "Hump Day" because it means the weekend is close, so take care and remember to love everyone. Take care until tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Unknown Killer

He felt the coldness of the blade as it touches his throat slowly
slicing away at it. His hands tied tightly behind his back as he
could see each burst of dark red blood from his throat with
every heartbeat. He is being held by his hair as he feels his
body grow cold. He knows he will die and the last thing he will
hear is the creepy high-pitched laugh from behind him.

His eyes begin to droop as he is slowly losing consciousness.
His body going limp as his attacker releases him from his grip.
He looks down as he falls forward into a pool of his own blood on
the cold concrete floor. His face covered with blood as he takes
his last breath. He is now dead and gone to a better place.

A few weeks later, neighbors have called the police to report a
horrific odor coming from an abandoned building. When they
arrive, they too can smell the aroma of death that fills the
neighborhood air. They begin their search of the old creepy
building. Several officers are on scene and do a sweep of the
house one room at a time.

Clearing each room as they go, two officers find a hidden door
that leads down to the basement. Upon opening the door, the
foul odor slaps them in the face as they cover their noses to
visit the dismal dark room under the house. Walking slowly
down the creaking old steps taking care not to fall through
them. This house is so old that anything can be assumed and

Once in the basement, they shine their flashlights to each
corner of the concrete-walled room seeing mold and spiders
everywhere. As they walk through the darkness, the vulgar
smell gets stronger until one of them happens to kick into
something soft and flimsy. When shining his flashlight down in
front of him, he sees the deteriorating body in a thick pool of
drying blood.

He looks upon it in horror because this is the first dead body he
has ever seen. He calls his partner over who just happens to
slide into the pool of blood which was not seen. His shoes
covered in the deceased body’s blood he too looks upon it with
the feeling of nausea in the pit of his gut. After viewing it, they
finally call to everyone else on their findings and the location.

A few minutes later, several other officers cautiously make
their way down the creaky stairs. Once standing with their
fellow officers, they peer down with flashlights at the gruesome
sight of a cold-blooded murder victim. An officer calls over his
radio to send the coroner for a pickup and gives the address
and location in the house. Several officers feeling faint and full
of nausea make their way back up the stairs and outside to get
a breath of fresh air.

As they spoke among themselves, two detectives pull up in a
gray Ford Crown Victoria. Getting out of the car, they make
their way past the crime scene tape and into the abandoned
house. Hearing the call over the radio for the coroner, the
detectives know the location inside the house where the victim
is located. Following the directions, they find the doorway
down to the basement and begin their descent. Not standing
the vulgar odor, they stop to apply a cream under their noses
to prevent from smelling it.

They continue their way down feeling the decrepit steps
beneath their feet. Feeling them give and wondering if they
were going to make it down into the basement. After stepping
from the last step, the two detectives walk over to where the
victim lies. Officers have placed several flood lights around
giving light to the dark damp room.

The coroner has already arrived and is looking over the
deceased body taking samples while the officers walk the
perimeter searching for any clues or evidence of who could
have done this. The detectives begin asking questions of the
coroner of what happened and how the man died.

After taking a sample from the victim’s hair, he looked up to
the detectives and informed them that his throat was slit, and
he suffocated on his own blood not to mention the mass blood
loss which lay on the floor. The time of death was approximately
two to three weeks ago and that the body has laid here for
some time. He suffered his ordeal greatly.

The detectives looked at each other and one made the
statement that this is the third murder in five weeks and all
with the same modus operandi. The victims’ throats slit,
and they were left in old abandoned houses. They now know
that they had a serial killer on the loose and needed to find him
before another person is killed.

They watched as the victim was sealed in the coroner’s black
bag and hauled up the stairs to be loaded in the van and taken
to the morgue where the other bodies are. The detectives
questioned all the officers to see if any clues were found in that
damp basement? No one found anything because of the
decomposition of the body and no murder weapon was found.

When ready to leave the room and head back upstairs, the
basement door had partially closed, and something was seen
on the back of the door. One of the detectives closed the door
to expose the number three written in blood on it. They had
verification now that it is a serial killer who left the number of
victims he has killed.

The manhunt was now on. Everyone convened back at the
police station after sealing up the house as a crime scene. They
sat and everyone including the detectives went back over all
three case files of the murders to see if anything could be
construed as a clue to who this madman was. Nothing made
sense and they could not put all the pieces together to identify
the killer. So far, he was labeled the unknown killer.

Everyone did all they could and scrambled around trying to find
him. Meanwhile, the killer now kidnapped two young women.
He picked them up at a college campus each walking alone back
to their dorms. Both chloroformed and rendered unconscious
to be taken to a farmhouse that had not been lived in years.
Both girls, in their twenties, were tied both wrists and ankles
with steer rope that was inescapable.

His interest was not in sexually harming them but to see them
die slowly and gasping for their last breath. Now he had moved
up to having another victim watch as he slices the young tender
throat of her companion. Something that would terrify the
other victim into fighting and struggling for her life. They could
not see the face of their abductor which was hidden partly in
the shadows but could hear that creepy spine-chilling laugh as
he took a very sharp blade to the throat of the young college

Her companion in all this could see the glimmering light of the
steel blade that became covered in blood as he held the girls
head back by her hair while almost decapitating her from his
arousal. Her eyes and mouth wide open screaming as every
inch of her skin was being sliced like melted butter. She looked
down at her blood pouring from her body onto the floor.

The other victim having to turn her head to keep from seeing
the gruesome event knew she was next. While he lavished in
his deed of killing the one college student, the other was trying
to work at loosening the rope from her fragile wrists. Once he
was done and slowly letting her hair slip from his fingers into
the pool of blood, looked over at the other seeing her struggle
to get loose.

Not a sound came from him except that gory laugh which made
the hair on her arms and neck stand on end. He walked over to
his other victim grabbing her by her hair and dragging her over
to the dead body on the floor and pushing her into the pool of
blood. She screamed out louder thinking that she would be
heard but the sounds of crows muffled her noise.

He lifted her to her knees in front of him while standing behind
her. He took the blood-soaked blade and waved it in her face
drawing more fear from his young victim. He pulled her head
back stretching her neck to show off those beautiful arteries
which he was about to filet. She could hardly breathe in that
position which made it harder to scream out.

Then she felt the cold steel slide across her neck not knowing
that her throat had been cut yet until she felt the warm fluid
soak her blouse and making it even harder to breathe. All she
could do was gurgle on her own blood as she felt the cool air
lightly blow into her exposed flesh.

The last thing she heard before taking her last breath was that
gory high-pitched laugh of her captor. She felt herself go cold
as her blood ran from her body. The last few images in her mind
flashed as she drifted away in her captor’s hand. He then
dropped her limp body to the floor in her own pool of blood. He
took his knife and used her dry clothing to clean that cold steel

After his fun was over and he cleaned his knife, he felt the
satisfaction of killing his victims and it was time to search out
new ones. So, he grabbed his things and went back to the van
to leave that farmhouse where his last victims lay on a
blood-soaked floor. He did wonder for a moment how long it
would be before they were discovered being that this house
had not been lived in for many years. It only lasted a moment
before his van pulled away driving down the dirt path to the
nearby road.

It had days before anyone at the college noticed that the girls
were missing before calling the police. When they showed up at
the college, they noticed that the girls hadn’t been to their
dorm lately and the search was on. They put out a bulletin to
find these girls and when the detectives got word they knew
in their minds that they were the next victims they would find.

Since the last victim was found in an abandoned house, they put
out the word to check all abandoned houses and buildings for
the missing girls. As the search went on, the detectives and
officers searching for the girls were becoming exhausted, but
they had to find them.

It had been a month of searching before the call came in that
two decomposed bodies were found in an old farmhouse at the
edge of the city. The detectives grabbed their jackets and things
hurrying out of the police station to their car. After getting in,
the detective driving fumbled to get his keys due to the
thought of finding these two girls deceased.

They headed out to the farmhouse and pulled up the dirt path
which was the entrance to the farmhouse. They pulled up to
the front yard and turned off the ignition while staring at this
old decrepit house. The reporting officer was there and walked
up to their car informing them that the girls were inside. He
informed them that it was a gruesome sight and to cover their
noses due to the smell of decaying flesh.

The detectives got out of the car and walked up to the house
walking towards the front door. Before getting to the door, they
could smell the stench of decay. Covering their noses, they
walked in the front door and headed for the room where they
were found.

As they got closer to the room, the stench got worse. As they
entered the room, they saw two decaying bodies almost
unrecognizable. They could tell it was two females and
automatically they knew it was the two college girls that were

As they began working the crime scene, the coroner arrived. He
looked at the bodies and informed the detectives that it was,
in fact, two young females. He said it looked like they had
been there a while. The detectives already knew the timeline
of when the girls went missing. It was the killers second and
third victims, so they automatically knew they had a serial killer
making his way through the city.

They watched as the coroner bagged up the bodies to carry
them away. It was a sad day for the parents of the victims who
showed up at the scene as they watched the bodies of their
daughters being carried from the house. One arm of the victims
fell from the bag that was partially zipped and the bracelet on
the wrist told the parents which bag their daughter was.

The parents broke down crying as their daughters were being
put in the coroner’s van and taken off. The detectives walked up
to the parents and informed them they will catch their
daughters’ killer. One of the officers came from the house and
told the detectives that no trace of the killer was found. There
were no clues as to who he was.

One of the officers outside called the detectives over to show
them the tire tracks that he had found and then they called a
specialist with tire markings to make a cast of the tire track to
use in their evidence. If anything, they could track down what
kind of vehicle he is driving and then move to catch him.

As the detectives got back inside their car to go back to the
station, one made the comment that they had an unknown killer
on their hands. The other agreed and informed him that they
need to work harder at catching him. Most of the officers stayed
behind searching for any more clues as to who it could be.

As the detectives made it back to the station, they were
informed that the specialist had made a cast and was on his way
back to the station with it. When he arrived and walked into the
office of the detectives, he right away told them that it was a
van. They took the cast and asked the specialist if he knew what
kind of van, so they could start searching for it. He stated that it
was some sort of cargo van because of the weight it took to
make that tire track.

With this information, now the detectives had something to go
on. They began their search for all cargo vans in the city, but it
seemed a little troublesome because there were many cargo
vans in the city. They decided to print up the list and hand it out
to everyone so each officer could search for so many of them at
one time.

While the detectives worked the case, the unknown killer was
searching out his next victim. He drove around looking for
someone who is alone and, in some place, less public. He
searched alleys and dead-end roads. No one was around due to
the news coverage of the killer and for everyone to stay inside
if they have no place important to be. They also stated that if
any person had to leave their homes to go with someone else.

The killer was more aroused now that they were searching for
him and that made his search more fun. He drove around and
finally found someone sitting in a park where there was no one
else around. He noticed the man when he got up was blind and
more easily to subdue.

He walked up to the man who was walking with his feeler stick
and asked if he needed any help? The blind man stated that he
was making his way to the store a block down from the park.
The killer offered to take him, but instead of walking him
towards the store, he walked him right up to his van and then
hit him with chloroform knocking the man out and placing him
inside his van.

As he walked around to the driver side he gave out his creepy
laugh with arousal knowing he had another victim. He drove
around heading for the city limit and crossed over into another
county looking for an abandoned house to play with his victim.
He thought going into another county would set the detectives
off his trail.

After driving about five miles into the neighboring county, he
finally found a house that was condemned. He pulled up into
the driveway and then over the grass to hide his van around
back. Once he was parked, he got out of the van and walked
around to the side door to get his victim out. The man was
coming to and began panicking as to who had kidnapped him.

He felt strong hands grab him as he let out a yell for anyone
nearby to help him, but this house was a country house with
acreage and the nearest neighbor was miles away. The killer
took him inside the house through the back door. There he
threw his victim to the floor before tying him up at the ankles
and wrists. The blind man began pleading for his life and all he
heard was that gruesome laugh of the killer.

After laying on the floor for a few minutes, the killer picked him
up and placed him on his knees while the blind man again pled
for his life. The killer laughed as he drew out his shiny steel
blade and rubbed it against the blind man’s face. This frightened
the blind man as he now began to cry for his life and prayed
to God.

It was a few minutes before the blind man felt the cold hand of
the killer placed on his forehead. He pulled his head back as far
as it would go and removed the glasses the blind man was
wearing because the killer wanted to look into his eyes as he
bled over himself and took his last breath.

Seeing the tears trickle down his face made the killer more
aroused with his sadistic homicidal ways. As the man cried and
pled for life, the killer took his blade and very slowly cut the
blind man’s throat from one ear to the next making sure to hit
the carotid arteries.

As the killer slowly sliced away, the man who was pleading for
his life began gurgling on his own blood never finishing his
sentence. The killer began laughing as the blood squirt from
the blind man’s throat. The blind man felt his artery cut and
then felt his own heartbeat as each ounce of blood left his body.
His eyes had the look of surprise as the killer made the knife
end his cut over the other carotid artery.

By now, blood was rushing out and the blind man became
weaker as he slowly fell over towards the ground but still held
up by the killer. The killer watched his face as the blind man’s
eyes began to roll up inside his head.  He was ready to take his
final breath and the killer was there to watch. It was his
pleasurable moment to see how death takes a person because
all deaths are not the same. If they were, it would get boring
and the killer would have to find something else to do
instead of killing.

When the last drop of blood poured from his neck, the killer
dropped his body to the floor. He then covered him up with an
old blanket that he found in the house. While standing over the
blanket-covered body, he took a piece of the man’s clothing
and wiped the blood from his knife. Once it was clean, he put it
away in its sheath attached to his belt and then took one last
look at the covered body on the ground while letting out that
creepy high-pitched laugh that all his victims heard before dying.

He left the man there and walked back out to his van getting in
and pulling away down the driveway. He was very aroused by
this killing because the man was blind and could not see the
terrible things happening to him. It made the killer thrilled and
was back out looking for his next victim.

About a month later, the detectives got a phone call from the
neighboring county who had been keeping tabs on their killer.
He notified them that they just found a body that could be
related. This peaked the detective’s interest, so he agreed to
meet the sheriff at the crime scene.

The detective grabbed his things relating to the case and his
partner and walked out of the police station heading for their
car. They got inside, buckled up, and were on their way to the
next county over. It was going to be about a fifty-mile drive,
so the detectives began reviewing the case as they drove.

Once the detectives arrived on the scene, they met the sheriff
who briefed them on everything before going into the old
country house and seeing the victim. Once inside, they saw
how old and decrepit the house was. The floors creaked, there
were spider webs everywhere and cracked and chipped paint
on the walls. It looked like the house hadn’t been taken care of
in a long time.

When they reached the room where the victim was, they saw
the old blanket that he was covered with and asked for it to be
analyzed for any DNA possibly from the killer. The sheriff
had it sent off immediately while they continued their
investigation. The sheriff informed the detectives that the
victim was a blind man and probably didn’t see this coming.

The detectives noticed the knife wound on his neck and knew
it well to be that from the same killer they were looking for.
Now, they knew that the killer was moving further out and
making the search of a wider area. One of the detectives got on
the radio and called back to the office informing them that the
killer has entered another county and to widen the search area
and put out a curfew.

Meanwhile, the killer was parked in a truck stop taking a nap
when he heard the broadcast come over the radio about the
all-out curfew set in all neighboring counties. He became more
aroused by the fact that now he was a wanted man in several
counties. It wasn’t his main goal, but it was nice to know that
everyone wanted him.

He got himself woke up and dressed and felt like doing another
killing just to satisfy his craving for the day. Everyone knew him
there at the truck stop, so he couldn’t just nab someone there
without being seen and reported. He got behind the wheel and
turned over the van to hear its engine roar which gave him the
spunk to go out searching.

He filled up his gas tank right there at the truck stop before
leaving and headed out in the opposite direction of his last kill.
It made him excited with pleasure to know that it became a cat
and mouse game with law enforcement. He headed out and
once he made it to the next county over, he searched out his
next victim.

He drove for about two hours before finding a young girl
somewhere in her teens walking alone down the sidewalk.
He pulled up beside her and asked where she was headed?
The young girl told him that she was going over to a girlfriend’s
house and that she was late. He offered her a ride stating he
was going in that direction and that she wouldn’t be so late if
he takes her.

The young girl agreed and jumped inside the van. As they drove,
he offered her a soda from his special cooler which contained
knock out drugs. She took the soda and began drinking it and
within a few minutes became very groggy. She started talking
gibberish and not making any sense when he pulled over
along the side of the road.

He got out and walked around to her side of the van opening
her door and began to tie up her feet and wrists. There was
no struggle from her being that she was almost knocked out. He
then pulled her toward him throwing her up over his shoulder
and taking her to the side door where no one would see him
put her in the back of the van.

Once he had her inside the back, he closed the door and got
back inside the driver’s seat and started off to find someplace
private. He drove out of the area of her kidnapping and drove
for the outskirts of town where he was sure to find somewhere
vacant. He looked back and noticed she was sleeping soundly
and continued to drive.

He finally found a construction site where no one was working
because of it being the weekend and decided that this might be
fun. His mind was becoming more sadistic and cruel the longer
he kept killing. There were nice homes already up and covered
and decided to check one of them out.

He parked his van around the back of one of the houses and got
out. He walked from house to house looking for that special
spot for his craving. At last, he found it, a house that was almost
completely ready for interior painting. This is where his victim
will be found.

Now that he had a place, he went back to the van to claim his
victim. She was still unconscious in the back of the van, so he
picked her up and carried her to the house that he found. He
took her inside closing the door behind them and took her to an
upstairs bedroom with no carpet or flooring yet.

He left her tied and placed her on the floor while he searched
out some items that he needed. He found a paint try, a paint
roller, and some plastic to which he was going to do some
decorating. He took these items back to the room where she

The young victim had not moved an inch and he had to make
sure she was still alive by placing his fingers on her carotid
artery to make sure blood was still pumping and that there was
a heartbeat. Sure enough, she was still alive just out cold.

He grabbed his victim and knew that she was not going to wake
up so easily but knew he had a time constraint for the location
he was in, so he got started anyway. He pulled her up to her
knees and while holding her, he kicked the paint try beneath
the front of her. As he held her by her hair, he used his other
hand to stroke the softness of it and ran his hand across her
soft face.

He thought to himself that it was such a shame he had to kill
her, but his mind wanted this craving satisfied. So, he reached
to his side and took out his cold-steeled knife from its sheath
and wiped it across his hand to make sure it was clean from
dust. Then, as he held her head back seeing those veins
pumping her young blood through them, he took his knife and
began slicing her frail skin from one side to the other which
was his signature mark.

Only this time, when her blood began to pour from her throat,
he leaned her forward catching her blood in the paint tray.
Once the tray was filled, he laid her head down on the concrete
floor while he took the tray and paint roller and began painting
the walls with the young vital fluid. It was almost a sick prank.

Once he ran out of blood, he looked over to his victim to see
that she still had a little left oozing from her arteries, so he
walked over and tried to fill the tray up again with her blood.
As he painted the new walls with her blood, he laughed that
creepy laugh as if to enjoy it thoroughly.

Once he was done, he didn’t even bother covering her up but
did cut the ropes free at her ankles and wrists. He placed her
so angelic on the floor as if she was only sleeping. He then left
the paint roller in the blood covered tray and began walking out
of the house. He climbed into his van and began driving out of
the construction site and headed for the freeway.

He drove up onto the freeway never to be seen or heard from
again. Some wonder if it was that young girl that made him
disappear, or he just kept going to places unknown only to be
the unknown killer.


Good morning everyone. it is going on eight thirty here this morning and I am finding it hard to wake up and get motivated this morning. It is cloudy outside and that doesn't help any because I want to sleep when it has been raining. I am hurting a bit in my neck and will be getting my injections next week which I can't wait.

I did manage to get some things done yesterday and will continue to get things done no matter what is thrown at me. I am getting tired of being drawn away from what makes me happy and will now take matters into my own hands. I am always putting my stuff off for others and it has got to stop. It sets me farther and farther back from my goals and sometimes you just can't catch up.

I seem to have to constantly rearrange my writing calendar to make changes so that I can make up for lost time and it wastes a lot of paper so I will be changing it one last time so that my goals are accomplished correctly. I even moved all of my doctor's appointments back to the mornings so that they don't interfere with my writing time.

Last night I got my script done for my video and podcast introductions and will hopefully be putting them up today as well. I have a lot to do and it just seems to not be enough hours in a day to get them done, so I have to prioritize from here on with what is most important and go from there.

Well, I have a lot of things to get done this morning and will need to end this post here, but first I need to make an update with everyone. Blogger seems to be having some issues and will not allow me to republish my Crime Thrillers page so I will be posting my Crime short stories here on this page until it gets corrected. So, the next posting after this will be my current short story that I just finished writing for that genre.

I will be posting a short story every three days for a different page so check them out and please leave some feedback on them. It happens to be that time again for me to stop here and get my day started, so I wish everyone an awesome day and be blessed. Take care.

Monday, July 16, 2018


Good morning everyone. It is such a cloudy day here and I can feel the rain coming but it still makes it a great day for me to stay in front of my computer and work on my books. I feel amped up this morning and I have already run to the bank to make a deposit, stopped by the grocery store to get a few things for dinner, and dropped off some prescriptions for a morning pickup tomorrow. I am moving this morning and it is Monday, what is really going on? :)

Today's goals are going to be met come hell or high water and I feel pretty good about it. I do have to make something later today and write a letter for my therapy session in the morning, but it will get done also. I feel like running right now and I don't understand why. I know a lot of you are dragging out of bed or dreading the day because it is Monday, but I have not felt like this in a long time.

My husband is still lying in bed awake watching television and it is eleven o'clock in the morning, go figure. I spent the weekend watching the "Harry Potter Marathon" and look forward to next week when "Shark Week" comes on. I feel like I will be finishing one book by Wednesday and the other could possibly be done by the same day. I am also working on a "freebie" book as well which already has a few short stories written for it.

Sorry if I seem to be rambling on but that is how much energy I have today to get things done and I will use it in a positive manner. The dogs have just as much energy today with them running all around the room playing with each other. I think I could have a book written a day with as much energy as they have, lol.

I had a new short story ready for posting on the site but using Word threw the whole blog page template off, so I am having to make some adjustments to it, but it will be up today for sure. Well, time to get flying with things. I wish everyone a happy Monday and a prosperous one. We all need a little money in our pockets. So have a great day and take care.

Sunday, July 15, 2018


Good morning everyone. It is Sunday and a day of rest for many. I didn't have so much luck yesterday at the flea market but I did hand out plenty of my author brochures and spoke with people. A couple of them were interested in audiobooks, so I sent them to my Amazon page since two of my books are in audiobook format. In all, it was a good day even though I didn't sell anything. Just knowing that I got out there and got my name and books into the hands of people was a good day.

I am not going to the flea market this morning so I will be staying home and working on finishing my books and some crafts I have been working on. I will also be setting up some scripts for my author videos to get them started not to mention some podcasts. I will be looking at doing a podcast every week and maybe a video or two a week. I want everyone to get a chance to read my books and either learn from them or get some pleasure from them.

My husband is in a mood this morning because he is trying to wake up to go with our roommate to the flea market and the dogs are telling him that they are awake by running around the room and back and forth out the back door barking at nothing. The tiniest one is so cute trying to be a big dog and barking at things.

I went out and got my newspapers from the curb and took my coupon inserts out and will be getting those done today as well. I love couponing and saving money and I already have a full six-foot shelf filled with condiments, hygiene, and laundry stuff. I have the whole bottom shelf filled with two-liter bottles of soda for the month. It doesn't look like much but it helps us save for other things.

I will be working on sketching out our house today. We will be soon buying some land and building our own house. So we get to design our house and make it the way we want it. I find this to be fun because I want something unique so I will be designing it today just to get started. Our goal is to have a mini farm and becoming self-sufficient.

Well, a new day has begun and my first cup of coffee down so I will leave you to rest today and get ready for a new work week. Thank you so much for following my webpage and reading my posts. I appreciate all my friends and family, old and new. So, have a great and blessed day. Take care.

Saturday, July 14, 2018


Good Morning to all my friends and family, even the new ones. How are we feeling this beautiful Saturday morning? I have been up since four o'clock and showered and packed the car for the flea market. Now I am enjoying my coffee with my wonderful husband before doing my hair and getting there early to get a good table. 

I am feeling very positive this morning about meeting and talking with people and getting my brand out there. I have three different books to sell and next month will have five or six. I have been working diligently on getting the next two books done and can see the light at the end of the tunnel on finishing them for next month.

Getting into a routine can sometimes be hard, but it will soon happen and that's when more books will be written. Granted, a lot of my books will be novellas but that is okay too. I just can't see myself doing anything else but writing. It is good therapy for me and it helps me deal with a lot of things as well as giving people something good to read that is enjoyable.

On my "How I Survived Prostitution" book, the people I gave a copy to for reading stated they liked it and that it was heartfelt. I have been getting good feedback on all my books because I don't fluff them with words and don't beat around the bush about anything. I make them easy to read and not full of long, hard to pronounce words.

Well, it is time to get ready to head out the door. I wish everyone an awesome Saturday and a blessed one. Wish me luck for a good bookselling day. Take care.

Thursday, July 12, 2018


Good afternoon friends and family, old and new. How are you today? It is almost the weekend and I know everyone is anxious for it to get here? My apologies for not posting yesterday, after the doctor's appointment and grocery shopping and running some other errands, I was not feeling well mentally and needed to lay down in a quiet, dark room.

On a brighter note, I just got my letter from the diagnostics place that my mammogram was normal and there were no malignancies. That made me feel better to know and now I can wait another year unless things change. Today was a little weird being that when I got up from a restlessness night, I felt the sudden urge to stay near my husband for some reason. I could not put my finger on it, so he is staying close to home today and an eye on me.

I will try more writing today and hopefully get closer to having one done. I was just looking at websites for cover images and pricing and found several that were intriguing. It will be fun when the time comes to format my books and set up the covers. I am really anxious but will take my time writing and editing and should be on schedule to publish two or three books in August. I will have a fourth book which will become a short story freebie or a short story to one of my characters, I haven't decided but would like some feedback in the comments of which you think it should be?

Well, I need to get going to accomplish my daily goals and wish everyone the best day ever. Take care.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Hello everyone. how are you? I am doing good this morning considering I got to sleep in a little. I am now ready for my day. Taking to you guys first makes my day go better, so you are my priority. I was not nauseous last night after taking meds and skipping the one that I think that was causing me to throw up every night. So, I know that it is too strong for me and will be seeing the doctor tomorrow morning to let her know and to correct my dosage.

I stayed up until about midnight last night working on one of my books and got quite a bit done. I will be finishing off the chapter today after I clean this back room/ office, lol. It is my day to clean the house and then to clean this room before making any videos. It will also feel awkward because I don't have my dentures yet and will be toothless, lol.

Sorry, I had things to do and got stuck doing them, so now it is 10 o'clock at night and I just finished organizing and cleaning the back room where I am now. I have to have organization and cleanliness to be comfortable. well, I have some things to get done and wish everyone a good restful night. Take care.

Monday, July 9, 2018


Good evening all and how was our first day back to work? My first day of the week was okay at the start and then went downhill from there. I ended up with a really stiff neck which caused a moderate headache on the right side of my head, so I feel a little miserable right now, but always look forward to communicating with you and being myself.

I manage to get a few things done today and as soon as I finish here I will be working on one of my books. I am anxious to finish them and begin the editing process. See, whether I feel good or not I always try to be here and you, my friends and family make me feel better and forget my pain.

I just finished posting some ads on my published books and ran some posts on my social media sites to get the word out about my already published books. I will also post updates about the new books on my website where you can actually purchase an autographed book from me personally.

Tomorrow, I will also be checking in on doing some promo videos for Youtube, my site, and will post them on social media. I am fearful of being on cam
era but I think I can do it and have to get over my fear, right?

My weekly goals will be getting one book done, possibly both, printing them up and then going over them with the editing process. I will keep everyone updated and let you know the publishing date of both of them. Well, it is time to go get to work and I hope everyone has a great night and remember to love each other. Take care.

Sunday, July 8, 2018


Good evening everyone. How was everyone's weekend? I do apologize for not posting yesterday but had every intention to do so. I even started my post but got called to do other things and the day slipped by me. So, here I am completely exhausted from a day of multitasking. I was mowing the yard, cleaning the house, and doing laundry all at the same time. Figure out how I managed that, lol. What I did was go out mow a little, come in and wash some dishes, change the laundry over just to go back out and mow some more.

My husband was off helping someone, but as soon as he got back and saw me mowing the yard, he took over. We have been married going on five years and we have only had one really stressful disagreement and that was about who was going to move the yard, lol. I did it for so long by myself and working from home, it was my only form of exercise besides running to the store at the end of the block.

I have slipped by one day on my schedule and should be able to catch everything up over the next two days because we have no appointments until Thursday, thank God. There is one week a month where we have appointments every day of the week and sometimes two appointments on the same day. It does get crazy every now and then.

So, I will be here every day to keep everyone informed of how my day is going and what progress I have made in catching up and how far along my writing has gone. For now, I will be sitting here writing and getting the catch up started. So, to everyone, I wish a very good night and get some rest because the work week begins again tomorrow for most. Take care.

Friday, July 6, 2018


"Good morning!" How is everyone doing this morning? it is going on eight o'clock here and I have been up since seven thirty. I got up before my alarm clock went off. I am doing pretty good this morning even with my scheduled mammogram this morning. I really look forward to that. 😀 There is just something about my breasts being squished in a machine that makes me smile. I am glad it is only once a year. It feels like the machine is ripping my skin off of my chest.

Other than that, I finished my schedule of things yesterday which makes me happy. I finally got things done, so now I just need to keep it up. I will be posting a short story today which my goal is to post one every three days since they are around five thousand words.

This will be a short post because I need to get ready to leave for my appointment. I wish everyone an awesome Friday and I will post again tomorrow. Take care.

Thursday, July 5, 2018


Good morning to all my friends and family, even my new ones. It is eight o'clock here this morning and I am having my first cup of coffee. It rained here yesterday for a bit but it didn't last long. it was enough to water my garden though.

I am a little sore this morning after my near accident yesterday. My neck is hurting from the jolt of slamming on the brakes. I will get past it soon but for now, I am good. Did everyone enjoy their holiday yesterday? I pretty much sat here getting things sorted out and changing my office around. My office right now is the back room which is the storage room for the house but I am okay with it. It keeps me at the back of the house in a quiet place to write.

I will be posting another short story tomorrow on the site and look forward to finishing it. I am trying to get back into writing and I have been doing a little here and there and that is not my goal. I have alotted several hours a day for writing and starting to slip a little behind but I will catch up. If you are wondering why I can't stay on my schedule, it is easy to slip behind if you are going to doctor's appointments or running errands.

I will be getting it back together and doing what I am supposed to be doing whether anyone likes it or not, lol. I need to be doing for me. I and my happiness are what matters.

Well, it is time to get to work as I call it and I wish everyone a happy and safe day. Don't work too hard. Take care.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


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"Happy Fourth of July!" I hope everyone is enjoying themselves today and those barbeque's sure smell great outside. I know most people celebrated over the weekend with the cookouts and fireworks, but we did not have any plans for any of it. It was a money thing for us, but I would have enjoyed cooking up some steaks and hamburgers with all the fixin's.

I just got back from Walmart getting some Elmer's glue for clay making because I have been working on a project to take to the flea market. It is paper mache with some paper mache clay and I am molding it. I think they will come out pretty good.

Well, on my way home I was almost in a car accident because someone didn't know how to look before proceeding out into an intersection. I am doing the speed limit of forty-five and I see a couple cars waiting at the intersection when a box truck pulled up on the other side of one of the cars and then it seems like he waited for me to get right there before he slowly drove out into the intersection right in front of me.

I could see the driver who never even looked my direction and I began laying on my horn which didn't get his attention either. I slammed on my brakes, and I mean slammed on them because everything in the back seat ended up in the front seat to keep from hitting the side of this truck. There were witnesses if I would have hit him.

I hit the brakes so hard that it jarred my wrists which ache as I am sitting here typing. I got so shook up by it that I pulled over to get my composure and the two vehicles that saw what happened pulled over to check on me. It took a few minutes before I could drive again but then I continued on my errand running.

Usually, my husband rides with me, but he doesn't like going with me when I go shopping and using coupons, lol. He knows that if there is a good sale I will spend hours in the store shopping for that low price item. I used to be able to go into a store which has since closed down and could buy five-hundred dollars worth of food and spend less than two-hundred. It is still possible to get awesome bargains and I have been building my stockpile slowly but it is getting there.

Well, it is time to get some writing done to finish one of my books so that I can start with the editing process. I will be here again tomorrow, so I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday.