Sunday, July 29, 2018


Good morning everyone! How are we doing this morning? I woke up about forty-seven minutes ago and enjoying my cup of coffee and posting this to all of you wonderful people. I just got finished sorting my ten newspapers for coupons and I will be clipping them sometime today, but first I will be getting some writing done. I finished one manuscript last night and printed it up for some major editing. I need to do some fill-in work on it because I left some stuff out and remembered it later.

I am also going to be getting my to-do list together here in a minute to remind me what I have to do today. It is my temporary goal list every day and it makes sure I stay on track with moving forward. I had a long night last night with sleep and was even up at three in the morning drinking a cup of coffee and letting the dogs out. Then, I went back to bed.

It is kind of nice outside and I am sitting here with the back door open to get some of the cool air. I am waking up and getting myself motivated to get some stuff done. My husband went to the flea market with our friend and I am going to be here working. Some people don't consider my writing to be working, but it is. I have to sit here and type and write for hours, so it all, it is like being a secretary that sits and types for eight hours.

The plan is to have the second manuscript done today and printed for some editing. I am working on a third book now which the first chapter is complete and will hopefully have time to get a second chapter done today. I also have a short story freebie book that I am working on and need to get another short story done for it. See, I have lots of writing to get done and, so it is work. Eventually, it will bring in an income so, again, it is work.

Well, it is getting late for me to get started and will be going for the second cup of coffee and have tea to make for the day. I will be ending this post here and I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Everyone with a birthday today, I want to wish you a very "Happy Birthday" and may you have many more. The rest of you, I hope your day is full of blessings and will talk again soon. Take care.

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