Friday, December 27, 2019


My apologies for not writing any posts lately, it has just been one of those years where I am elected to cook dinner and no one wants to help. I have been so busy cleaning the house, cooking, and baking that my life went on standby for a few days. let me wish everyone a Merry Christmas even though it is a little late. My favorite place to be is here writing to all of you.
Now that the holidays are officially coming to a close for another year, I can finally get my life back in order and back on track. I have just a few days left of this year to have my addictions book part one completed and I think it will be on time. I have to possibly break this book into two books because of the content. I call it the beast because there is so much information plus there will be a companion book to go along with it.
I am wrapping up the first part of it and still have to format and edit but my hope is that it will help just one person to break their addiction cycle. I went through many years of all types of addictions and have broken most, but I still have one or two left to break. With God's help, I think those two will be broken soon.
Did everyone have a great Christmas? We didn't too much celebrate this year. No decorations or even a tree. This is what happens when you live with someone else. Next year, I plan on having a tree fully decorated and lots of gifts underneath it. I am the decorating type of woman who loves to see tinsel everywhere and a bright lighted tree with gifts for my babies underneath it. I wasn't able to afford anything for them this year but will get them some stuff after the first of the year.
My husband is gone to a doctor's appointment and I just got up and I am having my first cup of coffee. The babies are eating their food and playing in the next room while I sit here and write this post. I am going to be working on my book for the next few days and getting it finished.
Well, it is time to get motivated and I have the music playing so allow me to say goodbye for now. Have a blessed day and bless others. I want to say "Happy Birthday" to those of you who are celebrating today. May you have many more to come. Please remember the homeless in your thoughts and prayers as we move into colder months. Take care.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

12/22/2019- Happy Birthday to Me

Hello everyone. Today is my birthday and I am forty-nine years old. I do not look or feel that old. It is my day off from house cleaning and cooking, so they need to figure something out for dinner. I have been sitting here with my husband since we got up. I have a plan to relax and write today and nothing else. I have no more birthday cake left and don't know what else to do.
I have plans to make cookies over the next couple of days and also watching my sugar which has been running good numbers. My husband takes really good care of me and makes sure that I stay on my medication and do what I am supposed to do. I love him for that because no one really cared about me so much.
I will be working on my addictions book today and hope to have it completed by the end of the month and ready for publishing on Amazon. I feel confident that my books will help people and make their lives better. It is a part of me and my life with addictions. If I can overcome them then I know that anyone can overcome them with just a little support from friends and family.
Well, I will let you go from here and I want to enjoy the rest of my day. "Happy Birthday" to others who join me in celebration of our day. For the rest of you, I hope that you have a blessed day and many more to come. Please join me in keeping the homeless in our thoughts and prayers. Take care.

Saturday, December 21, 2019


Hello everyone. It is six twenty-five in the evening here in Dalton, Georgia and it has been a really good day today. The sun came out and the temperatures were nice. I got the house cleaned and then rested a bit because my leg was hurting. I just got out of the shower and now I am sitting here getting ready to begin my writing. It has been hard to get back into because of my not feeling well since Thanksgiving. I do plan on getting back into it full time and I will have to get my body back into the routine.
I have just had the blahs since Thanksgiving along with some vomiting and chills. I felt like a mucous factory with all the draining of my sinuses and the post nasal drip. Well last night I made my birthday cake and we had it early because one of my friends won't be able to be here tomorrow for my birthday, but that is okay too. I don't feel another year older, but I guess it is all in your mind.
Things are quiet around here tonight with my husband asleep because he couldn't sleep last night and I will have to go wake him up here shortly so that he can try to sleep tonight. I am sitting here at the dining room table and I can't believe how quiet it is. There are not many people here visiting and it is so nice because I can get some writing done uninterrupted.
Well, I need to get my stuff done and I wish everyone to have a happy and safe weekend. "Happy Birthday" to those of you are another year older today, I will be there at midnight tonight. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers. Take care.

Friday, December 20, 2019


Good afternoon everyone. It is going on one o'clock in the afternoon here in Dalton, Georgia and the sun is shining brightly. I am sitting here doing a breathing treatment to help me breathe better. I can barely smell right now so hopefully, this cold is going away. I have been sick since Thanksgiving night and have hated it ever since.
I just got back from running errands and not it is time to get things done around here. I finished off a short story for one book last night plus did a few things for another book. My goal is to get these books published right around the first of the year. My addictions book is likely to be a large enough book that I can break it down into two books with a companion book to go along with them, so I need to get things moving today.
Everyone is leaving to go visit their daughter, so I will get a chance to clean up the house while they are gone. There isn't much to do because we cleaned really good the other day. Everyone doesn't want me to hibernate and isolate in my room to write so I have agreed to sit at the dining room table and write plus I can watch the house better in here.
Sunday is my birthday and I will be forty-nine and everyone says that I don't look my age and that is okay. They all want me to bake my cake early because I am making a German Chocolate cake and it seems to be everyone's favorite. So, I gave in and I am making it now while everyone is gone, so it will have a chance to cool off.
Well, I should end this here so that I can tend to my husband who just had the rest of his teeth out and will be sore. I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and be safe this weekend. "Happy Birthday" to those who are celebrating today ad may you all have many more to come. Please keep Hope Station USA and the homeless in your thoughts and prayers. Take care.

Thursday, December 19, 2019


Good evening to all readers here on my site. How are you? I am okay today just still a bit under the weather. I have been trying to rest today because being sick has brought out the worst in me with me vomiting all day and having a bad night last night. I coughed so much last night that I threw myself out of the bed and slept on the floor for the rest of the night.
How is everyone enjoying their night? I hope you all are having a great night with loved ones. Christmas is right around the corner and everyone should be bustling around doing their last-minute shopping. We had no money this year to do Christmas and we don't even have a tree up. I will be getting the babies some toys and treats after Christmas when we get paid again. They need some toys so they will leave my husband's stuff alone.
I have been doing some writing but not as much as I should be doing because I have been sick. I have so many things that need to get done but I have to get better first so my voice will be normal. I struggle every day to get out of bed because I feel so bad, but I am trying.
Sunday I turn forty-nine years old and have plans to make a large German Chocolate cake for my birthday. Everyone has been trying to get me to make it for the last week, but I keep telling them "No". Fifty is approaching soon and I cannot believe I have lived so long being that I had a bad past which I shouldn't have lived through, but I know God has been with me all this way.
Well, it is almost time for dinner to be done and I have some other things to get done for the night. I hope everyone sleeps well tonight and that your morning will be a blessing to others. "Happy Birthday" to those who are celebrating today and may you all have many more to come. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers for a plate of food to eat and a warm place to sleep. Take care.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Good morning to all. It is nine ten in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia and a sunny morning outside. the sun is shining but the temps are still low with a wind that is bringing in the windchill factor of cold. I just woke up not to long ago and I am having my first cup of coffee. My head is a little foggy because of my cold but it is getting better.
I did some writing yesterday and I did manage to get quite a bit of my daily list done. I was happy with that. I have been trying to work on getting back into my routine and it has been hard with my being sick and all. It is miserable being sick and for me because I don't get sick that often. I hate it because I can't really do anything but stay in the bed or lay on the couch.
Today is a new day and I feel a bit better so I will be trying to get things completed today. I feel the need to write and keep writing. It is my passion and I must keep going. I have many books to write and I will be publishing a couple more at the end of the year. I am hoping to have my addictions book done by then, but I will not know for sure until it is complete.
I need to start making calls today to Walmart's and get some donation table set up for the new year. We need supplies for the upcoming year. We will be acquiring a small passenger bus soon to be able to transport supplies and services to the homeless. I am looking forward to fixing it up and getting Hope Station USA put on the sides of it. It will be a great year for Hope Station.
Well, time to start my schedule and daily list, so I wish a blessed day for everyone and a very "Happy Birthday" to those who are celebrating today. May you all have many more to come. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers during this winter season. Take care.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


hello everyone. It is almost twelve-thirty in the afternoon and cloudy outside. It is not really cold, but a little chilly here in Dalton, Georgia. I have been sick for the past few days and I went to see my doctor yesterday and she gave me antibiotics for any bacterial infections, but she thinks that my sinus and head cold are possibly viral. She is also treating my stomach issue for diabetic gastroparesis. Everything that I eat, causes issues a couple hours later and it doesn't matter what I eat or how little I eat.
My face was swollen last night on the right side with my sinuses inflamed and irritated. It hurt so much that I sat with an ice pack on my face just to numb it a little enough for me to go to sleep. It worked for a bit, but I still hurt going to sleep.
I woke up this morning with a clogged head but not so much swelling and pain in my face. I took all my meds this morning and even began taking Chantix to help me quit smoking. I am tired of cigarettes and how they taste but I can't seem to quit on my own. It is going to be a New Year's resolution to stop and so the first day of the year is my quit date. Please keep me in your prayers that I can quit.
Other than what I have mentioned, everything seems to be going okay. I have missed a few days of writing since being sick, but I am going to get things going today and hopefully get most things done on my list. I am a list person and can't seem to function without a list. I am also a person who can't function when there is chaos or drama.
so, let me get things moving forward and I hope that everyone has a great day and "Happy Birthday" to those who are a year older today. May you all have many more to come. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers and please remember before you judge that not everyone homeless is out there because of drugs or alcohol. that is just the coping mechanism for being homeless. Take care.

Monday, December 16, 2019


Good morning everyone. I apologize for not posting these last couple of days due to being sick. I woke up the other morning with my sinuses draining and then I knew that I would get sick soon after. My sinuses have been swollen and very uncomfortable. the post nasal drip is the worst part of it. Then it all moved to just one side of my face with my face and head hurting.
It lasted a couple of days and last night it moved into my ear. Now my ear is hurting and stopped up and it stretches down to my neck. I am going to go see my doctor this morning which will give me antibiotics and cough syrup for the nasty dry cough that I have.
Once I get back from the doctor I will be making calls to Walmarts to set up tables for Hope Station USA to collect the much-needed things for the homeless. It is time to get in gear with my nonprofit because the homeless need our help and assistance. I will be diligently working on grant proposals for the coming year and getting our fundraiser in gear for our new project called pathways to self-sufficiency which is a six-month program to help the homeless become self-sufficient again. My expectations for this year are high and I know that we will do our best and getting them off the streets and someplace safe.
other than that, I will be going back into my writing today and getting my daily goals done. Everything is on a timeline schedule and I will need to follow it specifically in order to get projects done within a timely manner. I hope everyone has an awesome day and "Happy Birthday" to those who woke up another year older today. May you all have many more years to come. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers. Take care.

Thursday, December 12, 2019


Good afternoon everyone. How are we all doing this cold morning? I actually slept in a bit today and got up around eleven o'clock this morning. I have had my coffee and now I have to get ready to go to a doctor's appointment. I got the house cleaned yesterday and by the time I was done, I was tired and couldn't find the motivation to write.
Today will be different because there is not that much to clean and then I will have the day to write and catch up on yesterdays to keep with my schedule. I just have to write an extra short story, article, and then catch up on my current book's word count. I love writing and I think it loves me too because it keeps me motivated and focused.
This will be a short post because i have to get ready to go, but I wanted to wish everyone a blessed day and to those who are another year older today, "Happy Birthday" and may you have many more to come. Take care.

Monday, December 9, 2019


Good evening everyone who is still awake on this chilly evening. I have been busy all day getting things in order to get back on a more permanent schedule to get everything done. It is ten twenty-two in the evening here in Dalton, Georgia and all is quiet outside.
One of my roommates is finally cooking dinner, but my husband is already asleep because of a toothache he has had for a couple of weeks now. He is finally getting to the dentist tomorrow to have those broken teeth taken out. I smell the grease from the chicken frying and it is making me queasy to the point of not wanting to eat.
Tomorrow is a busy day for both of us because we both have appointments to go to and then the food bank with the food stamp office following that. Then, when we get home it is to writing I go. I have my binder set up now with all my schedules and stuff inside which is my life. I am a list kind of woman who needs it to function. I have a list or check-off sheet for everything.
I will try to get back to posting my journals in the morning with coffee so that everyone can hear about how my day has gotten started and then you will know how my day will pan out. I am looking forward to getting back into my schedules and having the time for my family too. The dogs have gotten a little time from me because of the move and me setting up things to get started.
Well, they just called for dinner, so I will go and put plates away for my husband and me because I can't eat so late with my diabetes. I will end this post here with fond wishes to everyone. I hope everyone has had a prosperous day and a blessed one tomorrow. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers as the Christmas season moves closer with winter and freezing temperatures ahead for those sleeping outside. "Happy Birthday" to all of you who are celebrating today and may you have many more to come. Take care.

Saturday, December 7, 2019


Hello everyone. It is going on three o'clock in the afternoon here in Dalton, Georgia and the sun is shining and not quite so cold outside. It is hard to believe that it is winter with the sun shining and no snow on the ground. I slept in a little today and had coffee with my husband this morning. I have been on strike with cleaning the house since yesterday because after cleaning the house really good I found a sink full of dishes and people's clothing everywhere, so I figured that I can't do it anymore by paying rent to live here and be everyone else's maid too.
I have gotten our stuff unpacked and put away and now I am ready to get back to writing. I recently published my crime thriller and I have had a good response to it so far. I am proud of my writing and published books. I have just had a couple of weeks of unpacking and getting things established here and now I can get back into my writing and find my passion again.
Monday, I will begin making phone calls to several different Walmart locations to set up weekends for our donation drive where we collect socks, blankets, food, and other things for the homeless. I plan on making this a better year for Hope Station USA and getting her back on track since my health is improving. I look forward to helping the homeless and passing out hope to them that there is another way to live and that they don't have to be out there in the elements.
Well, time to get things going around here and back into my writing. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and a "Happy Birthday" to everyone born on this date. May you all have many more to come. God Bless and take care.