Sunday, December 22, 2019

12/22/2019- Happy Birthday to Me

Hello everyone. Today is my birthday and I am forty-nine years old. I do not look or feel that old. It is my day off from house cleaning and cooking, so they need to figure something out for dinner. I have been sitting here with my husband since we got up. I have a plan to relax and write today and nothing else. I have no more birthday cake left and don't know what else to do.
I have plans to make cookies over the next couple of days and also watching my sugar which has been running good numbers. My husband takes really good care of me and makes sure that I stay on my medication and do what I am supposed to do. I love him for that because no one really cared about me so much.
I will be working on my addictions book today and hope to have it completed by the end of the month and ready for publishing on Amazon. I feel confident that my books will help people and make their lives better. It is a part of me and my life with addictions. If I can overcome them then I know that anyone can overcome them with just a little support from friends and family.
Well, I will let you go from here and I want to enjoy the rest of my day. "Happy Birthday" to others who join me in celebration of our day. For the rest of you, I hope that you have a blessed day and many more to come. Please join me in keeping the homeless in our thoughts and prayers. Take care.

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