Friday, May 17, 2019


Hello everyone. Well, we are six days away from moving to our property and the excitement grows. I have been packing stuff up for the past few days and we have begun loading the trailer with our stuff. It will be nice once we get up there and begin clearing more property and then putting the fence up for the dogs to run free, but until then they will be on runners.

I imagine it will take a few days to unload the trailer and organize where everything will be going. Our cabin will have a front porch and twenty-eight feet of living space with a loft at each end which will be used for storage.

I need to get on the ball with my writing and publishing more books as well as writing grants for our nonprofit to get funding in for our big project. It will take some money to get it set up, but I am willing to use some of my own money to help get it going.

My husband has been a big help with loading everything while I pack it up. I think he is worried about being knocked back into the stone age since we won't have electric except for a generator and no running water for a minute. We will get there eventually a little at a time. I am staying positive.

It is time for the dogs quiet time where they come inside and take a nap for a couple of hours so that we can have peace and quiet to either get things done or take a nap ourselves. Right now they are playing on the bed behind me.

Well, I will end this here and get them to calm down so that I can get some writing done while it is quiet. I hope everyone is having an awesome day and a very "Happy Birthday" to everyone celebrating today. May you be blessed with many more. Please also keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers because they need it to overcome their trials of addiction and homelessness.

If you would like to support our cause to end homelessness please click a link below and make your donation.

Paypal Fundraising

Monday, May 13, 2019


Good morning everyone. How are you? I am good this morning now that I got to shower. It is difficult sometimes to get a shower in this house because every time I want to get in someone else is getting in there. Well, I feel human again and today will be a good day because the sun is shining and we will be able to start packing up the trailer for next weeks move.

It is almost here and I am getting excited by the minute thinking about what things I will get to do up there on the property. The only power we will have will be a generator for now until we get the kitchen built and put in the breaker box. That will be a minute thought because we first have to get the yard fenced in to get the dogs taken care of.

The next step would be to search for water and dig the well and then go from there. It will be a slow moving process but we have plenty of time to get it done and at our leisure. I will be getting in shape while working the property and preparing it for a large greenhouse and small farm.

As for my writing, I will probably be a few days over into the next book's term because I could not get my file explorer to work to open anything, so I had to reset my computer back to factory settings. Now, everything works and I can get back to my writing. I have missed it and stress out when I don't get to write.

Well, time to get my husband motivated to packing the trailer up and get things done around here. I hope everyone has an awesome Monday and a "Happy Birthday" to those celebrating today. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers and if you would like to make a contribution, please click a link at the bottom. Take care.

Paypal Fundraising

Sunday, May 12, 2019


Good morning to all. It is seven forty-one in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia and still very wet outside. We are supposed to have rain up until Tuesday. I am sitting here with my first cup of coffee while the dogs are outside. My husband is still asleep and I am trying to be as quiet as a mouse to allow him to sleep.

I went to bed late and I have been up and down several times, but I don't feel so tired. I have been monitoring my blood pressure since taking new medicine yesterday and it still varies. I got a few things done yesterday but not a whole lot because my blood pressure was so high that I thought I was going to the hospital, but I rested instead.

Today I will be posting another article and writing on my next book. I have some author pages to work on and revamp plus some stuff for my nonprofit organization as well. I have to research some foundations to begin grant writing for our new project. Everything will get done today because I have the motivation now to do them.

I am excited about the last two books that I just published and enjoy writing them. Being on our property where it is pretty quiet, I will have the chance to write in a better atmosphere and uninterrupted. It is the book writer's dream to have a place so serene and quiet.

Well, I will have to end this post here today because there are so many things to get done and I want to be able to get them finished without rushing. I wish everyone a blessed day and a "Happy Birthday" to those who were born on this date. May you be blessed with many more to come. Please keep the homeless in your prayers and that we can get our project off the ground.

Take care and if you would like to help us out in our endeavors, please click on one of the links below and make your contribution to assist us in helping the homeless regain their self-sufficiency.

Paypal Fundraising

Saturday, May 11, 2019


Hello everyone and how are you? It is eleven thirty-one in the morning and very wet outside here in Dalton, Georgia. I have been up since about ten o'clock and I am almost finished with my first cup of coffee. Everyone is awake in the house after a night of drinking and arguing to which I stayed in my room and away from it all.

I have had my fill of drunk people in my life and can't stand it anymore. I used to drink and stopped drinking ten years ago when I grew up and realized that I had responsibilities to take care of. So, I guess I have to clean up their mess again today, but in two weeks, I will not be here to pick up after them.

I am counting down the days now. Wednesday or Thursday we go up and pick out our cabin and pay for it which is very exciting for me. It is getting to the point where it seems so surreal now. We will have a rough month of June as far as finances go, but July will get easier.

My husband keeps making jokes because it seems we are going back in the stone age with no power or video games, but we will have a generator for lights and everything we need. The first thing we need to get done would be putting up a fence for the dogs to run loose without runners.

Once we have that, then we can set things up one thing at a time. We will have to get the outhouse put up until we get the soil mapped and a septic system put in. It will be weird at first, but things will happen and God will bless us in His own time.

When it comes to my book writing, I have four days to finish this other book to stay on the schedule before having to start the next one. I have figured out how to do that and will work it to the best of my ability.

Now, once we move, we will not have internet for a bit so I will be still writing my daily journal just saving them until we go to Walmart or McDonalds where they have wifi where I will post them all at once. I want everyone to keep up with what's happening with me and my family plus my book writing.

Well, it is time to get going and working on my daily stuff. I wish everyone a blessed Saturday and a "Happy Birthday" to everyone celebrating today. Yesterday was my husband's birthday and he turned forty-six. Please also keep the homeless in your prayers. If you would like to make a contribution please click one of the links below. Thank you.

Paypal Fundraising

Thursday, May 9, 2019


Good morning to everyone, it is eight thirteen in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia and it has been raining throughout the night. The countdown has begun for our move and the closer it gets, the more excited I get. I have approximately half of our stuff packed in boxes and totes and hopefully tomorrow we will begin loading the trailer up with what is packed so that I can make more room to move around and pack the rest of our stuff.

I have had a weird night with waking up several times and just sitting here. I sit for about thirty minutes and then go right back to bed. It is crazy. I have been looking over our bills and things are going to be tight for next month, but they will get straightened out and we will be back on track financially.

For some good news, I just published those two manuscripts that I had been sitting on and now I have seven books published. Yay Me! I just had to share that with everyone. Now I can finish the one I have been working on and hopefully, after the editing process it will be ready for publishing. I know that while we are living on our property I will be able to get more writing done.

I have informed my husband that while up there, I will work half a day on clearing the property and then the other half goes to writing my books to which he agreed. We both know that this will be a good thing for both of us and really for me with my mental illness. He hates to see me stress so much and go through changes, so being up there by ourselves and with peace and quiet, I will be better.

I just fed my dogs and gave them their water and now it is time for me to get other things done before my doctor's appointment this morning. I get to go see my diabetes doctor today and show her how crazy my sugar has been since getting my epidural. It will be okay because I am getting it back under control again.

Well, time to get off of here and do some other things. I wish everyone a blessed Thursday and a "Happy Birthday" to those celebrating today. Take care and keep the homeless in your prayers.

Paypal Fundraising

Sunday, May 5, 2019


Good morning everyone. It is eight-thirty-seven in the morning with cool temperatures and the sun is trying to poke it's head out. The dogs have just been let out to go potty and I am sitting here with my husband drinking our first cup of coffee together. I am still a little tired and can go back to sleep, but I won't. I am going to stay up because I have things to do today.

We finished my roommate's bedroom and got it switched around. Both of us were hurting by the time we were done. He has a four poster bed that weighs more than my husband and I together and it is a monster. We went to get something to eat after we finished the room and then I showered getting the dust off me.

We took our medications and then went to bed with the babies and I slept most of the night with only a few bathroom breaks but slept pretty good. I got up this morning with things to do. I have to do my daily house chores, make a store run, and then I will be editing one of my finished manuscripts to get it up and published.

I am slowly waking up and trying to get myself motivated to get things done. I have an article to write which is simple enough in itself and then working on my newest manuscript. I fell behind a few days on it but I will be trying to do my best at catching it up to where it should be. My coffee isn't helping right now and I need to get a refreshment so I will be right back.

Okay, I have my drink and just checked my sugar and took my insulin. I know that when I finish here I will have to go clean up the kitchen since no one in this house likes to clean. I feel like I am being used because no one will clean except my husband or me. So, I will end this here and go take care of it so that I can sit and get my stuff done.

I wish everyone a blessed Sunday and a "Happy Birthday" to those who were born on this date. May each and every one of you be blessed with many more. Take care and keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers. Take care.

Saturday, May 4, 2019


Good morning everyone. It is nine forty-seven in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia. I have been up and down just a few times during the night, but I was able to go right back to sleep. I got word yesterday from my dad that he mailed out some money to me to help with the permits needed for building on our property. I checked today and it isn't here, so we should it on Monday which will be good because we need to go back up and burn our brush piles.

We need to get them done so that we can make plans for the fence to begin being installed for the dogs. I am excited that our move will be in four weeks and then we can live a normal happy life without all of the stress. It will be a very quiet and serene living for us. I will be able to write my books and work on the land at the same time.

I will be doing a final edit on one of my books that has been sitting here shelved and getting it published either today or tomorrow. It is a fantasy about elves and ogres and more of a young adult book. I enjoy reading the story and maybe every other adult will too.

Today I will be busy cleaning and rearranging his room to make it better for him to get around in. His ex-wife came and got her things last night that were still left here and now today is the day to clean it up.

I will also be catching up on some writing from the last couple of days that I have missed and it will get me close enough to publishing it. Granted it will still have to go through the editing process, but I look forward to having it published next month.

I am slowly getting things for me done as well as taking care of the house. It has been such a stressful time since buying the new property and getting things ready for the move. I will have to get shots for all my dogs before we move and get them up to date so that we have no problems with them up there.
I know they will enjoy it because they will have their own big back yard to run around in off chains and runners. I can't wait to see their reactions.

Well, I need to get off of here and get to cleaning my roommate's room before I can shower because of the filth. I wish a blessing over everyone today and please keep the homeless in your prayers. "Happy Birthday" to those of you celebrating one today and may you be blessed with many more. Take care.

Paypal Fundraising