Saturday, May 4, 2019


Good morning everyone. It is nine forty-seven in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia. I have been up and down just a few times during the night, but I was able to go right back to sleep. I got word yesterday from my dad that he mailed out some money to me to help with the permits needed for building on our property. I checked today and it isn't here, so we should it on Monday which will be good because we need to go back up and burn our brush piles.

We need to get them done so that we can make plans for the fence to begin being installed for the dogs. I am excited that our move will be in four weeks and then we can live a normal happy life without all of the stress. It will be a very quiet and serene living for us. I will be able to write my books and work on the land at the same time.

I will be doing a final edit on one of my books that has been sitting here shelved and getting it published either today or tomorrow. It is a fantasy about elves and ogres and more of a young adult book. I enjoy reading the story and maybe every other adult will too.

Today I will be busy cleaning and rearranging his room to make it better for him to get around in. His ex-wife came and got her things last night that were still left here and now today is the day to clean it up.

I will also be catching up on some writing from the last couple of days that I have missed and it will get me close enough to publishing it. Granted it will still have to go through the editing process, but I look forward to having it published next month.

I am slowly getting things for me done as well as taking care of the house. It has been such a stressful time since buying the new property and getting things ready for the move. I will have to get shots for all my dogs before we move and get them up to date so that we have no problems with them up there.
I know they will enjoy it because they will have their own big back yard to run around in off chains and runners. I can't wait to see their reactions.

Well, I need to get off of here and get to cleaning my roommate's room before I can shower because of the filth. I wish a blessing over everyone today and please keep the homeless in your prayers. "Happy Birthday" to those of you celebrating one today and may you be blessed with many more. Take care.

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