Thursday, June 7, 2018


Good morning to all my friends and family. Another gorgeous day outside and I love watching the sunrise. I have been up since five o'clock this morning again and got the house cleaned early and checked on my garden which I do have some more transplanting to do. We got a burn permit yesterday to burn some of the brush that we have been cutting while pruning trees and shrubs.

I am now getting ready to start shredding paper for my paper mache plaques. I am going to get started with my arts and crafts for the flea market. I have most of the essential items needed to get them almost completely done. I will post pictures of them on the site for sale as well and remember twenty-five percent of the profit will go to charity to assist the homeless and needy families.

I also just got done dusting my stockpile of food and hygiene supplies that I have bought with coupons. Big bottles of Sweet Baby Rays barbeque sauce usually sales for two- thirty-nine and I got each bottle for sixty-seven cents, so I bought thirty bottles for my stockpile. I love couponing!

I have checked the sales papers for the deals where almost everything will cost me a dollar or less. I have been buying Glucerna shakes to help with my sugar and it has been working really good, especially when my sugar dips real low. I have found that when I am active or exercising, my sugar stays low so that means if I keep it up I could take less and less insulin and maybe even be able to come off the insulin. I found out yesterday that I have lost nine pounds in the last week and it feels good.

Well, time to go to finish what I have been doing. I have been working on my marketing and sales of my books and audiobooks have slowly picked up but I need to be more aggressive with marketing if I want to see a steady flow of income. I hope everyone has a blessed and prosperous day. Everyone with a birthday today I want to wish you a very "Happy Birthday". Take care.

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