Thursday, June 28, 2018


Hello everyone! I am glad to be back here posting to everyone. I had been really sick for a bit due to an unknown cause. Once before I ate some chili cooked by another person and the next day the top of my stomach hurt really bad and then severe watery diarrhea began with mild nausea and vomiting. Well, I finally got over that a few days later, but the other night a different person cooked some chicken alfredo and the same thing happened again the next day. This time it was more severe with moderate nausea and a lot of vomiting. I have not been able to conclude the reasoning or what the coincidence could be between the two that made me so sick.

I just got over a couple days ago but I am still dealing with some vomiting but not as severe. I am almost back to normal now and I can now resume with my everyday goals and daily living. So, I am back posting and writing my books and even doing some arts and crafts to sell at the local flea market. Things are starting to calm down now that I have set some boundaries for myself due to having a lot on my plate.

My sugar has been doing awesome and within range for the past several days and I now have my diabetic shoes and discharged from wound care now that the ulcer on the bottom of my big toe has healed. It is a relief to get the cast off my foot and be able to walk in normal shoes. I went to see the podiatrist yesterday who checked my feet and I do not have Charcot's foot but I do have hammer toes which caused my toenail to fall off twice because I am walking on it instead of my toes.

My mental health is improving but not fast enough because there is a lot of trauma I have to deal with and in three weeks when I go back to see my therapist we are going to start dealing with and processing some of it. I never dealt with stuff when it happened and just locked it up inside and now it is time to get rid of it and clean out the closet.

Well, back to work writing and telling my stories. I am still on track with beginning editing this next week. My goal is to have these two books published by the end of the July and out to the public. I am still looking for readers to give feedback so if you are interested drop me a message or comment on this post. I hope everyone has a great day and be blessed. Take care.

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