Thursday, June 28, 2018


Hello everyone! I am glad to be back here posting to everyone. I had been really sick for a bit due to an unknown cause. Once before I ate some chili cooked by another person and the next day the top of my stomach hurt really bad and then severe watery diarrhea began with mild nausea and vomiting. Well, I finally got over that a few days later, but the other night a different person cooked some chicken alfredo and the same thing happened again the next day. This time it was more severe with moderate nausea and a lot of vomiting. I have not been able to conclude the reasoning or what the coincidence could be between the two that made me so sick.

I just got over a couple days ago but I am still dealing with some vomiting but not as severe. I am almost back to normal now and I can now resume with my everyday goals and daily living. So, I am back posting and writing my books and even doing some arts and crafts to sell at the local flea market. Things are starting to calm down now that I have set some boundaries for myself due to having a lot on my plate.

My sugar has been doing awesome and within range for the past several days and I now have my diabetic shoes and discharged from wound care now that the ulcer on the bottom of my big toe has healed. It is a relief to get the cast off my foot and be able to walk in normal shoes. I went to see the podiatrist yesterday who checked my feet and I do not have Charcot's foot but I do have hammer toes which caused my toenail to fall off twice because I am walking on it instead of my toes.

My mental health is improving but not fast enough because there is a lot of trauma I have to deal with and in three weeks when I go back to see my therapist we are going to start dealing with and processing some of it. I never dealt with stuff when it happened and just locked it up inside and now it is time to get rid of it and clean out the closet.

Well, back to work writing and telling my stories. I am still on track with beginning editing this next week. My goal is to have these two books published by the end of the July and out to the public. I am still looking for readers to give feedback so if you are interested drop me a message or comment on this post. I hope everyone has a great day and be blessed. Take care.

Saturday, June 16, 2018


Good evening everyone. it is about nine forty-five at night and I did my first author table at the local flea market which I didn't sell any books but that will not frustrate me. I actually got a third of a chapter written while I was there. I just need to publish more books to have at my table.

I did get a few good comments about me being an author and that was enough to give me hope for a brighter tomorrow. I know it will take some time but eventually, I will get there to selling more books. Today encourages me to keep pressing forward.

I was exhausted from the heat when we got back today and needed a couple hour nap from having to get up so early. Tomorrow is another day and a new day for getting my brand out there. I plan on publishing some more books next month so it will get better.

Other than that, I will be going to bed soon because five-thirty comes early and fast. My husband goes with me to show his support of my writing which I love that about him. It might seem stupid or senseless but to me, it is a way for me to tell my stories. Even if I never sell one book which I have sold quite a few paperbacks and audiobooks, I will build a library for me to look back on and remember that it was me who wrote them.

Well, it is time for me to say goodnight so that I can get ready for tomorrow. I hope everyone has a good and safe night tonight. Take care.

Friday, June 15, 2018


"Happy Friday!" It is a beautiful morning outside, the sun is shining which is a good thing because the rain was getting to be too much. The weekend is here for a lot of you which is a good thing and I know you are waiting for the clock to finish your shift at work.

I transplanted the rest of my garden from pots to the ground and upon checking on them this morning they are all perked up and growing strong. We just got back from dropping someone off at work which I had to get up at six this morning, bummer. Some of my tomato plants are beginning to flower and the rest are doing their best to grow. I still need to get my pumpkins and watermelons in the ground before the end of this month.

I manage to get fifteen hundred words of my next short story done yesterday which made me happy. I write short stories of about five thousand words which became too much to write in one day and be able to get things done around the house. So, I broke it down to fifteen hundred words a day for three days to write one story. It looks like I will be posting a short story every three days for each page of my site.

I just returned from my primary doctor's appointment and had mentioned about my treadmill exercise which was good in her opinion. She gave me hope that if I lose enough weight, my diabetes could eventually disappear. That would be great and I know I am on the right path to achieving that goal. I came home and jumped right on the treadmill to get my time done for today which right now is a quarter mile every day. I am starting out slowly because I have been sedentary for many years.

Well, I need to get going on the rest of my goals for today since I got a late start with doctor's appointments and everything. Have an awesome Friday and welcome to the weekend.

Thursday, June 14, 2018


Good morning everyone. What a nice gloomy day outside and a little on the cool humid side. My garden is loving the rain but I am not happy due to arthritis and the pain I feel during a storm. I woke up about an hour ago and just finishing my first big cup of coffee and have taken all of my medications for this morning. Sorry for not publishing my post from yesterday until this morning. That is what happens when you get pulled away on I need a ride here, that turns out to be a four-hour sit in the car and wait, which I will never do again.

People take my kindness for a weakness and they will find out real soon that it is definitely not a weakness. I have a heart and compassion but it will not be taken advantage of. My experience with homeless people has made me realize that I get more respect from them than I do some people around me. Not including the two roommates I have.

I have realized that I do have too much on my plate and will be making some corrections. One of my roommates has taken care of one lump of it, but I will only be cleaning the house twice a week with laundry. My husband will help out on the other days because it takes too much of my attention and then I am working with my other roommate to fix the issues we have but it is getting better.

Yesterday's joy ride for four hours kept me from completing yesterday's goals, so today I will be getting all of my goals accomplished today and every day from here on out. I cannot take care of other people when I cannot even take care of myself in the daily sense of things.

My writing makes me happy and my husband has noticed that when I am not writing, I am miserable because it is the one place I can go to get away from everyday stressors. I feel like I am dying a slow death when I cannot write and be creative. My doctor thinks the same things as well. Everyone sees a difference that are close to me and knows that writing is what keeps me alive.

So, I will end and publish this post now and get to work, I have paper mache to do to get them done for next weekend since this week was a complete washout to have them for this weekend. I wish everyone a great day and be blessed.

6/13/2018- Forgot to publish yesterday :(

Happy "Hump" Day to everyone! The weekend is almost here and I know I am ready because I am tired of hearing my phone ring from telemarketers. I have been up since seven this morning unexpectedly but I am doing okay. I went to the eye doctor and will have new glasses in about seven to ten days. I have another appointment I have to leave for in about twenty minutes. I had my coffee and now it is time for something cold to drink.

It is a gloomy day outside with a strong chance of rain. The wind is picking up and the sky is gray. Hopefully, I can get to the doctor's office and back before the rain comes. I hate driving in the rain because people here don't know how to drive. The news will call for a severe thunderstorm and the town freaks out by rushing to get water and enough supplies to fill a bomb shelter. It is a bit hilarious.

I have had a few bad days with my mood swings because I again have not been getting enough sleep, even with medication. I just got back from seeing the doctor and again a change in medication which makes me feel like a guinea pig. Some of them have stopped working for me and we are on to higher doses or completely taken off of them and put on something else.

Friday, June 8, 2018


Good morning everyone. I finally slept in until eight o'clock this morning and still feel a bit tired but I will wake up more here shortly. I am sitting here looking out my office door and see the sun shining and the baby squirrels making a racket. My dogs love chasing the squirrels and hearing the babies drives them crazy.

I had a talk with my husband last night and we agreed that I put everything aside and get back to writing where I am most happy. He told me that there is nothing stopping me from writing except me. The conversation went into "Who is going to take care of the house?" He said that there were other people in the house that could take care of it also.

He is right to a point that no one is stopping me from doing my goals every day except me and that I shouldn't put the whole burden of taking care of the house on myself because it will burn me out and I will never get anything done. There is a reason why I put daily goals on myself and there are quite a few sad faces on each page because I am never able to complete everything.

My new goal is to complete my tasks each day and make sure I come first. If I am not happy then everyone around me will sense it and then my day goes to crap. I even had a goal to post a short story every three days and that hasn't even happened so I have to update that schedule so that I can get them done too.

Today is a new day and new things will happen. I just have to have faith in myself that I can get everything done and be happy again. So, I wish everyone an awesome Friday and that everyone has a good day at work. Take care.

Thursday, June 7, 2018


Good morning to all my friends and family. Another gorgeous day outside and I love watching the sunrise. I have been up since five o'clock this morning again and got the house cleaned early and checked on my garden which I do have some more transplanting to do. We got a burn permit yesterday to burn some of the brush that we have been cutting while pruning trees and shrubs.

I am now getting ready to start shredding paper for my paper mache plaques. I am going to get started with my arts and crafts for the flea market. I have most of the essential items needed to get them almost completely done. I will post pictures of them on the site for sale as well and remember twenty-five percent of the profit will go to charity to assist the homeless and needy families.

I also just got done dusting my stockpile of food and hygiene supplies that I have bought with coupons. Big bottles of Sweet Baby Rays barbeque sauce usually sales for two- thirty-nine and I got each bottle for sixty-seven cents, so I bought thirty bottles for my stockpile. I love couponing!

I have checked the sales papers for the deals where almost everything will cost me a dollar or less. I have been buying Glucerna shakes to help with my sugar and it has been working really good, especially when my sugar dips real low. I have found that when I am active or exercising, my sugar stays low so that means if I keep it up I could take less and less insulin and maybe even be able to come off the insulin. I found out yesterday that I have lost nine pounds in the last week and it feels good.

Well, time to go to finish what I have been doing. I have been working on my marketing and sales of my books and audiobooks have slowly picked up but I need to be more aggressive with marketing if I want to see a steady flow of income. I hope everyone has a blessed and prosperous day. Everyone with a birthday today I want to wish you a very "Happy Birthday". Take care.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


"Good morning to everyone!" It is such a beautiful morning here in Georgia. I am sitting here next to an open back door and I can hear the birds chirping, people going to work, and seeing the sunshine through the trees. The dogs have been fed and the house cleaned. I have had my coffee and now I am drinking some ice tea and my meds have been taken also.

Mentally I am doing good so far and feel good knowing that I will accomplish things today and be happy about it. I went yesterday to the doctor and got fitted for my diabetic shoes and don't have to wear a cast anymore. I will have my shoes in about two weeks which I am excited about. I still have a mild deformity in my feet and the shoes will help slow the progression.

My husband has been up with me since I got up about six o'clock and will be helping me with my garden and pruning some trees. I will hopefully be planting my pumpkins and watermelons today or tomorrow. My potato and tomato plants are getting so big, and the onions are sprouting very well also.

I have been getting my coupons organized in their books and already have a stockpile started with hygiene supplies and some shelf stable food. I will be going shopping again on Monday for local sales and using the coupons to save money. I usually on a big shopping trip with a mega sale get about five to six hundred dollars worth of food for about one-hundred to one-hundred and fifty dollars.

Well, it is time to get some things done and accomplished and hopefully my day will be a great one. If your birthday is today, "Happy Birthday" and to the rest of you, have an awesome and blessed day. It is "Hump Day". Take care.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Good morning everyone. It is about five o'clock in the morning here and I could not sleep anymore. I went to mow the lawn yesterday and slid enough down a slope that it twisted my back a little and then I quit. My husband finished the rest while I laid down. I ended up falling asleep and waking up approximately ten last night but still went back to sleep after taking my medication.

I had to use the bathroom and that is why I am up now and still a little woozy from medication. My husband just got up to have coffee with me and we are sitting here with the back door open feeling the coolness from outside. It is now just becoming light outside and very pretty to see. I have not been up like this in a very long time.

I am getting my day started early so that most of it can be directed towards writing and finishing some of it up. I have to play catch up a little but it is okay I know I can do it. I have a few short stories to catch up on and will begin making my masks today for the flea market. Some will be 3-D creations and I will have fun making them. It will be paper mache with a plaster of paris finish.

Well, I need to get moving so that everything can get accomplished. I wish everyone an awesome and prosperous day. Take care.