Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Good morning to all. It is seventy-five degrees here in Bethel Springs, Tennessee and it looks beautiful this morning. We are just getting up and having our first cup of coffee together. Actually, the dogs woke me up to let them outside and then my husband woke up and made the coffee. It will be another productive day here on the homestead.
My husband first has to screen our windows and make them escape proof because we have to leave our dogs inside while we take a five-hour drive to doctor appointments. They seem to love jumping through the screens to get outside while we are gone. So, he is going to dog proof the windows and then go out and clear some more underbrush from my soon-to-be orchard area.
Things might be moving slowly, but at least they are still moving forward. I am positive that we will be ready for planting season this next year and all the fruits and vegetables we will have. I know it will be a couple of years before my trees start producing fruit so I will be ready with my kitchen to can fruit. I will be selling veggies and fruit at the local farmers market to make our crops income producing to help out with the bills and get us back on track where we need to be.
I am halfway done with my latest book and proud of it. I love writing it because I see the story play out in my head and live in the moment. It will be my first crime thriller and I hope that everyone else will enjoy reading it as well. It has taken me a while to write it with the moving and everything so I will feel accomplished when I write “The End” to it.
Well, it is time for me to get moving and finish up my coffee. I hope everyone has a blessed day and “Happy Birthday” to those of you who are another year older today. May you all have many more to come. Take care.

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