Wednesday, August 21, 2019


It is a beautiful day here in Bethel Springs, Tennessee with the sun coming up over the tree line and my husband already outside burning tree stumps to clear them from the path of our house being built. Hello everyone. I got up this morning to a fresh cup of coffee and a smiling husband. It has been difficult these past few days with it being the end of the month and we are running out of things.
Our car has enough gas to go to town, but not return. We have run out of generator gas and almost out of weed eater gas which puts us at a stand still on clearing the property. We did manage to get the front yard taken care of for curb appeal and most of what we have cleared already. I ran the weed eater yesterday while my husband was burning piles of brush. I must say that I got a little too much sun and my arms and shoulders are a bit burned, so there will be no working outside for me today.
Our food rations are depleted except the one can of soda I have remaining and enough food to make a goulash for dinner. We both have been losing weight and the energy levels are low. My husband was hypoglycemic yesterday and I needed to give him some of my glucose tablets to help raise his sugar. We have no way of getting to any of the food banks for food because of our gas issue and my husband’s pride can be an issue with asking for help. He reminds me we are not a charity case.
Our neighbors filled out IBC totes back up with water for us the other day so there will water to drink, but no food. I have written my father asking for help to buy food but haven’t gotten an answer yet. Things look grim for us and my husband is afraid we will lose too much weight especially with me being diabetic. My sugars have been running very low and he fears that something will happen to me. We are running on fumes and don’t know how to take a day off because there is so much to do around here. We just have to get to the 29th of the month to see any money.
What we have left to do while our gas has been depleted is burn all the brush we have piled up in groups which means it will get really hot and we will be drinking a lot of water. Well, it is time for me to get on to something else and I will talk again tomorrow providing I have battery life on my computer. I wish everyone an awesome hump day and a “Happy Birthday” to those who gained another year today. May you have many more to come. Take care.

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