Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Good morning everyone. It is nice to see everyone this new year. I hope that it brings happiness and blessings to all. I just got up out of bed not long ago and drank my first and only cup of coffee. I really wasn't in the mood for coffee this morning. I am now drinking some kool-aid and writing this post. My goal to stop smoking hasn't worked yet but I have cut down with the help of the Chantix. I don't have the cravings so much, but I wanted to stop altogether but right now there is a lot of stress in my life which is causing me to keep smoking. I am working on it though.
Did everyone have a nice new year beginning? My husband and I went to bed early like we always do because it is just another date and we don't drink or do any partying, so it didn't make sense to stay awake. We heard the fireworks go off in our neighborhood and knew that it was the new year already, but I went right back to sleep.
I have taken every one of my lists and check off sheets and combined them into one simple list for everything because I felt overwhelmed trying to get everything done. I am beginning the new list right now and analyzing how long it will take me to get everything done in a day and then I will know how to revise it if I need to.
My sugar has been so bad the last couple of days that it took me to the hospital the other night because I knew that it was over seven hundred. The meter has been reading "HI" ever since. I am back taking my Novolog to help with the high sugars and I know a lot of it is due to stress. When we moved from here and went to our property, living there my sugars were running perfect and I even had a few episodes of HYPOglycemia and was not having to take insulin. Now, being back here in this house or town has made my sugars go uncontrolled again.
I have been keeping an eye on my Amazon reports and I have been selling books slowly due to not paying for any ads yet because of the lack of money. I have been running ads on Twitter and Facebook for as posts until I can get our bills back to normal and be able to afford to pay for ads. I have ads up on free sites and I monitor them casually. I have half of my addictions book done and instead of making it two books, I will just leave it as one book with a companion book and have it set to be finished at the end of this month.
Well, it is time to get other things done with my list so I will say goodbye for now. "Happy Birthday" to everyone celebrating today and may you have many more to come. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers during this cold season. Take care.

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