Well, good morning everyone. It is three forty-eight in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia and I have been awake since one thirty. It is a clear starry night and only twenty-nine degrees outside. My husband and I are sitting here drinking coffee together while the babies are still asleep on the bed. In about two hours I will be getting them up to go outside to potty. I try to keep them on a schedule since mine is so messed up, but they work their schedule very well.
This is how my last week has gone with me up half the night because I can't sleep, but then when the sun comes up and I let the dogs out, I get to lay back down for a bit. Most of the time I lay down, but then there are those days that I don't. I figure while I am awake that I would go ahead and post my journal for the day and wish everyone a good morning.
I have a doctor's appointment this morning and want to get some things taken care of before leaving. I will be doing some writing today and attempting to get back on my schedule again. I fixed and revamped some of my paperwork yesterday to give me a fresh start since I fell behind about two weeks.
I got everything ready for the next month as far as my check off sheets goes and daily schedules. I am trying to keep my mind occupied because I keep seeing those homeless people under that bridge we fed the other night. It bothers me that people have to live that way when no human being should. Only animals should have to live outside and I will be going back at some point to get their stories as to why they are out there and hopefully have some blankets to give them.
I have my work cut out for me when I go to write grant proposals for funding. I have to work on our new program information to make it ready for submitting to foundations. We feel that it would assist many in getting off the streets and being able to get back to work. I have positive faith about the new program and need to get things in place.
I should be publishing another book in the next couple of weeks which I feel it would be considered a young adult fantasy about elves and ogres. I am waiting on the response of a beta reader for feedback. Hopefully, it meets her approval since she is a young adult.
Well, it is time to get this posted and move on to something else on my list. I wish everyone a "Happy Monday" and may your day be prosperous and blessed. To everyone born on this date I want to wish them a "Happy Birthday" and may they have many more. Take care and don't forget to show your support of our organization to help those living on the streets by making a monetary donation through the PayPal link or buy one of my books where a percentage of the royalties go to the organization. Every little bit helps.
This is how my last week has gone with me up half the night because I can't sleep, but then when the sun comes up and I let the dogs out, I get to lay back down for a bit. Most of the time I lay down, but then there are those days that I don't. I figure while I am awake that I would go ahead and post my journal for the day and wish everyone a good morning.
I have a doctor's appointment this morning and want to get some things taken care of before leaving. I will be doing some writing today and attempting to get back on my schedule again. I fixed and revamped some of my paperwork yesterday to give me a fresh start since I fell behind about two weeks.
I got everything ready for the next month as far as my check off sheets goes and daily schedules. I am trying to keep my mind occupied because I keep seeing those homeless people under that bridge we fed the other night. It bothers me that people have to live that way when no human being should. Only animals should have to live outside and I will be going back at some point to get their stories as to why they are out there and hopefully have some blankets to give them.
I have my work cut out for me when I go to write grant proposals for funding. I have to work on our new program information to make it ready for submitting to foundations. We feel that it would assist many in getting off the streets and being able to get back to work. I have positive faith about the new program and need to get things in place.
I should be publishing another book in the next couple of weeks which I feel it would be considered a young adult fantasy about elves and ogres. I am waiting on the response of a beta reader for feedback. Hopefully, it meets her approval since she is a young adult.
Well, it is time to get this posted and move on to something else on my list. I wish everyone a "Happy Monday" and may your day be prosperous and blessed. To everyone born on this date I want to wish them a "Happy Birthday" and may they have many more. Take care and don't forget to show your support of our organization to help those living on the streets by making a monetary donation through the PayPal link or buy one of my books where a percentage of the royalties go to the organization. Every little bit helps.
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