Tuesday, January 1, 2019

1/1/2019- Happy New Year!!

"Happy New Year!!" Well, we made it through another year everyone. How did you spend your New Year's Eve? My husband and I along with all of the dogs sat and watched television until midnight, had our first kiss of the new year, and then went to bed. Not much celebrating for us because of how and where we are living, and our finances play a major part.

I had a bad night of nightmares which had me not feeling well today but I tried picking myself back up and did some house cleaning and clipping coupons from Sunday's newspapers. I have not been in much of a celebrating mood lately, just thankful to see another year really.

My recovery from surgery is going pretty good so far even though not following doctor's orders too much because there is no way I can depend on everyone else to help me to do simple things like picking something up that I dropped because I am not supposed to be bending over for a month. My incisions are healing good and the soreness is almost gone except for a bit of burning every now and then. Otherwise, I am very happy with the results.

I am hoping to get things back on track financially soon so that we can begin plans for our future. I know we have gone through some tough times together and have made it to the other side, but it has to give somewhere and soon. I want our own things and a big yard for the dogs to run and play. I guess it is just wishful thinking sometimes.

I hope everyone has enjoyed their first day of the year and spent it with family and loved ones. These past few years have gone by so fast that it makes me wonder how fast this year will go by and how fast Christmas will be here again?

Well, it is getting late and I still have some other things to do before the night ends and I want to wish everyone a safe and happy evening. "Happy Birthday" to all of you who were born on this day and may you see many more to come. Be safe and take care.

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