Sunday, January 13, 2019


Hello everyone. I wish I could say that I have had a good couple of days. My husband and I have actually had our second fight in five years, but at least this one was over something serious as the finances. We are in debt and have been for months due to our circumstances changing. He now understands why I have been so uneasy and scatterbrained because of everything going on. I was always the one who could fix things but now I can't fix them the way he wants me to.

It has now come down to me selling and liquidating everything we own just to pay some bills that haven't been paid this month yet which were due weeks ago. It is stressful because everything we have accumulated together now has to be sold just to make ends meet. It hurts that things he bought for me have to be sold for pennies on the dollar just to pay some bills.

We don't flaunt money or do a whole lot of frivolous spending, but committing to bills we couldn't afford from the beginning has put a financial burden on us. I love my husband to death but sometimes he can be such a good guy and want to help everyone. So, over the next couple of weeks, we will be going to the local flea market rain or shine and selling off our stuff.

Everything is materialistic and this would not be the first time that I have had to sell my stuff to pay bills. I made the comment to him yesterday during our fight and my mental breakdown that I wish we could go back to when I had nothing and was just surviving because it was so much easier. I had nothing, so to let something go was no big deal because I had nothing to start with.

Between the two of us yesterday, we managed to smash our one smartphone. It got caught up in the breakdown of my mental status. He makes me want to be a better person and want for nice things, but at what cost? I don't care to own fancy televisions, real jewelry, or pricey things because they don't make me who I am.

Well, enough venting for now. I wish for everyone a nice evening and a blessed one. "Happy Birthday" to everyone born on this date and may you have many more. Take care.

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