Friday, January 11, 2019


Good morning everyone. It is five o'clock in the morning and twenty-one degrees outside here in Dalton, Georgia. I just got up for the second time this morning and let the dogs outside to go potty. They are now resting warmly on the bed and at my feet here at the desk. My husband has been up since about one o'clock because we were both in bed about eight last night.

Yesterday we took me to the emergency room due to some chest pains on my right side and tenderness. We didn't spend long there, but the quack tried to tell me I had gastritis which the only symptom that I had which would result in gastritis was some vomiting. I feel like I have a touch of pneumonia in my lungs but he said my lungs were normal, but I saw the x-ray and one of my lungs did not completely fill with air and looked white at the bottom.

I made sure that the nurse marked in my chart that should something else happen that I would be getting a lawyer because they have misdiagnosed me before and allowed me to leave the hospital with pneumonia and no medicine for it. The nurse began tracking me down by phone over the course of the following week to tell me that I was misdiagnosed and that she had to call in a prescription for me.

Other than that, I had not been feeling well the last couple of days and have hardly had any sleep that is why I have not been posting. I am about one page, maybe two away from finishing my next book and then will have the other book in progress finished hopefully in the next couple days. The new book that I was supposed to be writing this week is a nonfiction book based on my nonprofit which shouldn't take me long to write because I know all of it by heart since I lived it.

I have lots of writing to do today while my husband is away at a doctor's appointment, plus I have some couponing to do before going to the store to pick up some groceries. Well, it is time to get going and I want to wish everyone a warm and safe day. "Happy Birthday" to everyone born on this date and may you be blessed with many more to come.

Check out my latest books on Amazon. Take care.

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