Thursday, January 31, 2019


Good morning everyone near and far. It is nine twenty-four in the morning and twenty-three degrees outside here in Dalton, Georgia. I have not been awake long and the dogs are outside going potty while I drink my first cup of coffee. My husband is also awake and having coffee with me. I am sitting here planning out my day and looking over my schedule to see what needs to be done.

I figured out our finances real quick and now I am ready to move on to the day's events. I have looked over my writing schedule and I am still on track with that and everything looks good. I have my day planned and I will remain positive for this year with the hopes that everything works through to our favor. Book sales have been down, but I know they will bounce back.

I have two books in the middle of editing one and adding more to the word count on the other but I am still on schedule to have them finished soon. I look forward to publishing books and getting my stories out to the world. It is the one true thing that makes me happy, aside from helping the homeless.

My husband just fell back to sleep which makes it quiet again while I post this. My goals are on track with everything and it looks good so far. In a few months, we will begin working on our new house and getting it built which is exciting for me. We get to build it the way we want it to look and I am excited.

Well, since I got up a little late, I need to get going on getting other things done for the day. I still have some candles that need to be finished for the weekend as well. I hope everyone has a special day and be blessed. "Happy Birthday" to everyone born on this date and may you have many more. Take care and do something nice for someone else today. Pay it forward.

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