Monday, February 11, 2019


Hello to everyone. It is me again, lol. I have been up since around eight this morning and we had to go take care of some business and then I came home and got the house cleaned up. I have been busy this morning and productive. My husband had a little of a mood swing this morning but he seems to be getting over it and talking to me now.

I sat up last night and getting paperwork done for a grant proposal for Hope Station USA and also doing some financial stuff for us. If everything goes as planned this next first of the month we should be able to dig our way out of our financial debt and proceed in a forward way. My fingers are crossed that it goes correctly.

My book sales have been down since there is no money now to run any advertising, but I am looking into setting up free advertising on other sites to keep them out in the public eye. I need to get back in gear with posting the promotion links on some of my facebook group sites to keep it there smoothly. I am hopeful that sales will pick back up once we get through this financial bump in the road

I am still feeling positive about life right now and my main focus is to not give up and keep pressing forward no matter what bump befalls us. My husband is taking everything the best way he can, but it stresses both of us out to where we want to shut down and I can't right now. I am needed more now.

I just grabbed me a peanut butter sandwich for lunch and my sugar has come down quite a bit. I am trying to get it back under control with my goal set in my mind for this state walk. Before the walk, I will get doctors to sign off on my health stating that I could do the walk.

It has been stressful for a few days and now it is time to sit down and get things in order and begin putting a press release together for the walk, that is how positive I am about hitting that goal, then I need to get my route planned out and checkpoints set. It is going to be a busy few weeks for me, plus I am putting the information together to set up my grant proposal for Hope Station USA's new program that will make changes in peoples lives for the better.

Well, I could talk and write forever about everything that will be going on, but my main focus will be getting things planned and organized, even with my books. Twenty-five percent of all royalties earned with go to benefit Hope Station USA, so get your copies now and show your support.

It is time to publish this post now, so I want to wish everyone a very "Happy Monday" and a very "Happy Birthday" to everyone born on this date. May you have many more to come. Take care and be blessed.

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