Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Good morning everyone. It is eight forty-four in the morning and fifty-five degrees here in Dalton, Georgia with misty rain and fog outside. I have been up for several minutes ow having my first cup of coffee and paying some bills at the moment. I just let the dogs go outside and they are in the other room eating their breakfast and my husband just woke up.

I will be busy today working on one of my books to get it finished and ready for editing. That will make two books in the editing phase which is exciting for me. I love to see my books being published. I want to tell my stories to the world.

I sat here last night working on stuff for my nonprofit like the charity walk I want to do in September when the temperatures are milder. It is very exciting for me to be doing something that shows my support of a cause and we have such a big issue with homelessness here in America that it should be addressed.

This will be a short post today because I have rambled on the last few days so I hope everyone has a blessed day and to everyone celebrating a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and may you have many more. Take care.

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