Friday, February 15, 2019


Good morning everyone. It is six twelve in the morning and fifty-two degrees outside here in Dalton, Georgia with cloudy skies. I have been awake and up since about three thirty this morning because I went to bed early last night. I feel pretty rested since taking this new medicine, but I could go back to sleep if I chose to.

My husband has been up since about four thirty and is having coffee with me while the dogs are in the other room eating and going potty outside. I began cleaning our room yesterday and just finished organizing my desk to make it more manageable.

It will be pretty busy for me today because I have several articles to write in order to catch up on them. I am almost done writing my current book and pushing it into the editing stage with the other. I am excited to get them published and seeing them in physical form. I haven't decided on a cover yet for either of them and need to get it in gear.

I don't know what my husband has planned for today, but I will be writing and taking care of some writing stuff. I also need to clean the back room and reorganize it because it looks like a cluster f***. The dogs are enjoying chewing things up back there or taking things out the back door and playing with it in the backyard. They are little rascals if you ask me, but they are too cute.

I will be getting on the treadmill today and starting my journey of getting back to health and fit to do my charity walk. I spoke to my primary care doctor about it and she is excited for me. She stated that she would be honored to give me a physical around August thirty- first and sign off allowing me to do the walk unless she feels it will be too much.

So my training begins today and I will have six months to build up my endurance and lose some weight to become fit enough for this walk. Cleaning the house every day will help with the weight loss and keeping my sugar down where it is supposed to be.

My doctor is also putting me on the insulin pump, for now, to help regulate my sugar. She is willing to do whatever it takes to help me reach my goal for this walk. I appreciate anyone who will help me. I have some support here as well in the form of young adult girls. They are my cheerleading squad, lol.

Well, it is time for me to get to writing since it is now seven o'clock and the sun hasn't even come up yet, but I want to wish everyone a safe and blessed Friday. "Happy Birthday" to everyone born on this date and may you be blessed with many more. Don't forget to show your support of the homeless regaining their self-sufficiency by purchasing a book or making a monetary donation to PayPal.

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