Monday, February 25, 2019


Good morning everyone. It is seven o'clock this morning and a chilly thirty-two degrees outside here in Dalton, Georgia. I have been up since six and my dogs have been outside and are now eating their breakfast while I sit here enjoying my first cup of coffee with my husband.

I have good news this morning! Last night I finished another manuscript! Now I have two books in the editing phase and I am going to be working on another already started manuscript and hopefully I should have it done by the end of the weekend.

I have been feeling up and down here lately for unknown reasons. I know that I am on some different medication which should be in my system by now, but it just seems like everything is moving slowly and I get a bit frustrated. I don't know, maybe it is just me overthinking things, but I am excited about finally finishing another book.

I plan on spending time beginning tomorrow afternoon placing my books on sites to get more exposure for the ones already published. I have them on a few sites now, but until I can pay for ads and marketing, my only option is the free placements.

I went off my schedule for a few days just so that I could get this one book finished, but now I am going to go back onto it and then everything will continue to get done. It was becoming easy each day with the new schedule and I was happier because it meant that I could spend more time with my dogs and husband. The life of a writer doesn't have to be a lonely one. :)

Things are going slowly with my nonprofit, but at least they are going. I have to begin researching foundations and writing grant proposals again for a new program that will benefit the homeless and the community.

Also, we are getting close to buying our land and begin building our house. That is very exciting too with just a couple more months to go. We are both looking forward to it and having a place of our own again. Plus, the dogs need a bigger yard to play and run in.

Things are really beginning to pick up and the future looks brighter. This will be a good year for us personally and for my nonprofit that assists the homeless in regaining their self-sufficiency. If you would like to know more about our organization, I will place the link at the end of this post. See the work that we are doing.

Well, time to get busy so let me wish everyone a "Happy Monday" and a very "Happy Birthday" to those born on this date. May you have many more. Take care and keep our organization in your thoughts and prayers as well as those sleeping outside. Take care.

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