Friday, April 26, 2019


Good morning to all. I just got out of bed and it is eleven-seventeen this morning. I had a bad day yesterday and almost a breakdown because everyone thinks that I am their slave or another word that I will not use because I don't like it. I have to do everything in this house now that our roommate's woman moved out which left everything on me and I felt so overwhelmed.

I was doing so much running yesterday trying to cook dinner, having to take our elderly roommate to his doctor's appointment, plus I have stuff of my own to get done and I became overwhelmed quickly. I decided to take the weekend off from doing extra things for anyone in the house so that I can get some of my stuff done.

I have to take a shower, finish packing some of our stuff, and clean the back room. There is a lot of things to do and I cannot get them finished with having to clean up behind everyone and doing all this running around. So, I am taking the weekend off from extra stuff to allow myself time to get our stuff done, plus I want to get some writing done which I have not really done any in about two weeks.

I have to wait until Monday now to begin making calls to set up donation tables at local merchants because the managers are not there on Fridays. My husband tells me to put the Georgia walk off until next year because we will only be living on our property for a couple months by that time and there will be a lot to do. So, I need to set up tables and get grant writing done for our new program.

I have my faith that God will bless Hope Station USA because she is a blessing to everyone who is without. I go out to feed his children and to give them comfort in their time of need. My passion to help them has become stronger and that I feel they need our help and prayers. I ask that everyone keep the homeless in their prayers because one day it could be you out there trying to survive.

Well, I need to go and get stuff done, but I wish everyone a happy Friday because the weekend is here. "Happy Birthday" to those celebrating today and may you be blessed with many more to come. Should you want to show your support of our organization in assisting the homeless regain their self-sufficiency, please just click a link below and make your donation.

Paypal Fundraising

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