Monday, April 22, 2019

4/21/2019 & 4/22/2019

Good morning everyone. It is eleven seventeen in the morning and fifty-eight degrees outside with a beautiful sun shining. We just woke up because we were up late last night watching "The Passion of the Christ". It is one of my favorite movies along with "Risen". I want to say "Happy Easter" to all and may you find many Easter eggs on your hunt.

Yesterday was a crazy day for me with all the cleaning that I was doing. Our roommate's ex-wife left him again and like every other female who moves in, they leave a huge mess that I have to clean up. Then, his own son came over and got violent with his crippled father and caused him to obtain three breaks in his tail bone from hitting him and knocking him to the ground.


Hello everyone. I apologize for not finishing my post from yesterday. I got caught up in doing other things and then I wasn't feeling good. My stomach is sour and making me have gas and an upset stomach. I got up this morning feeling like I weigh one-hundred pounds more than I currently do because of how my stomach feels.

I have an agenda today to get some writing done. I watched a few of my Sunday sermons and teachings last night that gave me a sense of peace knowing that every step I take has been ordained by God. It makes me feel joy and calms my being to know that I have been redeemed and that my walk with God will be a closer one. He has a purpose for my life and with the helper in my life, I will have understanding.

Today is going to be a good day no matter our roommate trying to cause issues stating we owe him money for a month we were not here. I am not going to allow him to take my joy from me today. I have a psychiatrist appointment in about an hour and she is going to love me. I slept okay last night and actually do remember one of my dreams which was a good one.

Well, before I get to venting on here about our roommate, I need to get ready for my doctor appointment which I have to leave here in about thirty minutes. I wish everyone well today and a blessed birthday to everyone born on this date. Take care.

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