Sunday, April 28, 2019


Good Sunday morning to everyone. How are you? I am finally awake before nine o'clock in the morning and having my first cup of coffee. My eyes are still a little blurry but adjusting. I just let the dogs out and got their food down, but I guess they are still trying to wake up because they are on the bed with me doing their morning grooming. I guess they have to look good before going outside, lol.

Today's goal is to finish my schedule for today.  I am trying to get back in the habit of doing my schedule so that I can make sure everything gets done that needs to. My husband is still asleep and I am trying to get the dogs to go outside so that he can sleep undisturbed.

It is a little hazy outside this morning because the sun has not fully come up over the mountain range yet, but it promises to be a good day for anyone who wants to go do some work outside. My husband is trying to get a generator that he worked for working so that we will have power when we move to our property.

I am getting excited about the move in four weeks and I have been packing things up so that we are prepared when the time comes. We have even discussed getting a small storage unit up there and moving the little things with the car up there so that when we need to move everything left will fit on my husbands truck for the move.

I have already acquired two four-hundred gallon IBC totes for our rainwater collection system. I have been pricing portable solar kits to run the water pump which is affordable for us to have. I will be collecting more for the property so that water can be supplied to my garden and greenhouse as well. Our electric will come from the generator until we can get the whole house built and then, a whole solar system will be put in place. Our goal is to be completely off-grid except for having the internet and cable.

Everything has finally calmed down since the blow-up yesterday between everyone and I have calmed down some. I felt and still feel like a meltdown is coming on my part and I am trying to hold on until we move which will put me in a happy place mentally. This is another major reason why we are moving up into the mountains and away from everyone because of the drama and headaches.

I am trying to be a writer and live a writer's life, but with so many interruptions it becomes very hard. I am also an introvert who loves being left alone so writing is the occupation for me. My husband is somewhat of an introvert, but he still has to get out every now and then.

I am going to be setting up fundraising tables this week and will still continue to make the travels to feed the hungry and bring in an income for Hope Station USA. Things look good so far and I will keep the momentum up and fight to end homelessness. A part of any book royalties go to Hope Station USA as a residual income for her to keep services going until some major grants come through, but I look at it as my way of making a donation, even though I donate a lot of my time and effort without a salary. So, if you want to show your support, please click a link below and make a donation. They greatly appreciate it.

Well, my husband is getting up and having coffee with me so I will end this post here with a "Have a great day" and for those celebrating birthdays today, "Happy Birthday" and may you have many more to celebrate. Take care and keep the homeless in your prayers.

Paypal Fundraising

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