Friday, October 5, 2018


Good morning everyone. How are you? I am doing pretty good this morning. it is twelve after seven in the morning and daylight is just appearing. My apologies for not posting yesterday because it was an exciting day for me. I got to see my dad for the first time in twenty years face to face. We met him and my new stepmother for dinner as they were passing through town coming from a military reunion in Charleston, SC.

I was very happy to see my dad and we had a good time catching up. He got to meet my husband for the first time which was a good thing and I got to meet my stepmother for the first time. She is really nice and I like her. My dad seems very happy and looks really good for being seventy-two next month.

Today is going back on schedule and I have accomplished getting two of my new books up to ten-thousand words each and another not far behind so I will be getting a lot of writing done today. I will inform everyone that I am going to put a hold on my short stories, for now, to get my books caught up to where they should be as far as my monthly goals are concerned.

I have some editing to do on a couple others to make them ready for the editor and then on to publishing them. I am working as hard as I can to get caught up per my schedule and will need the time to write and edit them. I will still be posting here every morning to give everyone updates, but I have plenty of books to get finished and ready for publishing. I will be wearing my red pens out here for a while as I self-edit them before sending them off to be edited.

Our wedding anniversary is Sunday and we will be celebrating five years which it doesn't seem that long but we are still having fun and enjoying each other's companionship. So, I want to say "I love you, baby! 😙

Well, time to get things going this morning and I want to wish everyone an awesome Friday and to those celebrating a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and may you have many more to come. Have a great day everyone! Take care.

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