Sunday, October 28, 2018


Brrr! It is a cold one this morning. Good morning to everyone out there in reader land. It is forty-three degrees here this morning and gloomy outside. I have not been up long and on my first cup of coffee which with it being so cold in this room, it doesn't stay hot for long. My husband is at the flea market again this morning with our roommate and I am here with the four-legged babies. Sorry for any typos because I am typing with gloves on my hands to keep them warm.

How is everyone doing on this Sunday morning? I am okay so far but the day is just getting started for me. I want to give an update on my checklist progress that I started yesterday. I got three-quarters of my list done, but I was not able to get to any writing last night. I need to either move quicker through my list or move some writing around to where I get an hour here and there to write to keep things moving forward.

I will have at least four books ready for the editor on the eighth of the November and that makes me happy, but I need to get in gear with my writing to keep my goals up to date. I will need to get at least four to seven books ready in November which shouldn't be a problem if I get in gear with writing them. I can do it if I set my mind to it and my hands, lol.

Today I will be going through my list as quickly as possible to see how much more I can get done in a day. I will need to make this post a little short to get started so I want to wish everyone a blessed day and a "Happy Birthday" to those celebrating one today. Take care.

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