Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Brrr! Good morning everyone. It is almost six o'clock in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia and also seventeen degrees outside, but I feel the same temperature here in my back room while typing this so you can imagine how winterized I am posting this. I kept my dogs in the bedroom where it is warm while I come to get some work done out here.

I feel wide awake this morning and should be snuggled up in bed with my husband and dogs but I have slacked off a few days because of holidays. This morning my husband has a back procedure so I need to be able to drive him home and then it will be right back to my routine and schedule. My roommates' dad comes home from the hospital tomorrow and that will be awesome because he missed Thanksgiving but we made a plate to take to him.

I have a nice hot cup of coffee here with me to keep me a little warmer on the inside so the cold is tolerable. This goes to show my passion and dedication for writing to be sitting in a room that is seventeen degrees cold. I will survive because my motivation keeps me warm.

After posting this for today, I will be working on an article for another site and then on to writing in my books. I look forward to finishing the ones I have started and I already have one ready for the editor to do the final editing and then it is off to publishing it. It is the first book in a series of four books and I think everyone will like them.

I am excited about publishing them and I make them easy reads without all those big words and fluff. I love telling stories just how they come out of my mind. I also live in the story while writing it. Which means I tell the story as I see it going on around me.

Well, it is time for me to get busy and get some other stuff done and I need a refill on my coffee. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and a blessed one. "Happy Birthday" to those whose birthday is today as well. Take care until tomorrow.

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