Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Hello, everyone! Today has been an awesome day. My first half of the day has been the best part because my husband passed his road test today and is now a licensed driver once again. Now he can share the driving, lol. We went out and paid some bills afterward and then came home. I just got all my house chores done and now I can sit and get some of my stuff done again.

Now everyone is on my time, lol. I feel pretty good considering the sleepless night that I had. I could only sleep about an hour here and an hour there. I got up to use the bathroom at least eleven times last night, but no accidents, I guess because I was awake most of the night.

There are no appointments for tomorrow, only picking up medication and paying one more bill and that is it. I would then come home, do my house chores and then the rest of the day is mine to do what I please, which everyone knows that I will be writing, lol.

It has been sunny most of the morning, now it is gloomy and raining. This makes for good sleeping weather, but I have things to do that are important. Besides writing, I also have to make plans for the new year which will be here soon enough.

I have to plan out my writing, our budget, and for Hope Station USA which is a nonprofit that I founded back in two-thousand and nine. Here is the link to its website:
She is my baby because I feel just as passionate about helping the homeless as I do telling the world my stories.

Well, daylight is wasting and I promise to make my post longer tomorrow so I hope everyone has a safe and blessed day. "Happy Birthday" to everyone whose birthday is today and may you have many more. Take care.

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