Friday, November 9, 2018


Good morning everyone. It is me again. :) It is seven thirty in the morning and very rainy here. Today my husband has a doctor's appointment and will be going alone since he now has a driver's license which means I get to stay home and get things done. It frees up more time for my writing as well. While he is gone, I will get the house chores done and then be able to sit and write.

I still have several articles to write for this one website to catch up on it, then there is work that needs to be done for my nonprofit, then there is my actual book writing for which I have taken a couple of days off from to get my notes and other things done. Yesterday I spent a little bit organizing my desk drawers so that things are easier to find.

Sorry, my husband and I laid back down to rest for a bit, but now I am up and ready to get to work. It is nine thirty in the morning and still rainy and gloomy outside. I just got our room straightened up and this back room cleaned and smelling good. Now, I can get busy with the rest of today's stuff and hopefully have a full sheet of check off's.

My first order of business is to get the house chores done first so that the house is cleaned and then I can disappear back here to my room and get my work done. I look forward to working my list and getting things completed because it makes me feel accomplished.

Well, time is being spent and I need to get going since I have a full day worth of work to get done. I hope everyone has a very productive day and a blessed one. "Happy Birthday" to everyone who has one today and may you be blessed with many more. Take care.

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