Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Good morning everyone and how are we doing today? I feel better rested today since I am taking medication like I am supposed to be and getting enough sleep now. I still get up several times a night but I got to sleep in this morning which was a big help. It is sixty degrees here in Dalton, Georgia and rainy. The wind blew really hard all night but everything was okay this morning when I looked outside.

My husband and I are drinking our first cups of coffee and the dogs are asleep thank God, lol. They are usually pretty obnoxious first thing in the morning and wanting their attention. I get a break this morning, woohoo! Things are moving right along this morning, we have to take our roommate to go get his identification this morning.

I will be working on some articles when we return home. I wrote one last night and have some more to do to catch up on them. I also will be writing some more on my books today. I have taken a few days off of book writing to catch up on some other things but will resume book writing today to keep them moving forward.

I am looking towards having several books done by the end of the month and sending them to the editor for a final edit before publishing them. I am happy about getting back into book writing. I had a lapse in my mental health issues but I am back to feeling like myself today.

It is time to go to the driver services appointment for his identification, so I will end this post here and wish everyone a great day and a "Happy Birthday" to all those celebrating one today. Take care.

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