Friday, August 17, 2018


Good morning everyone. How are you this morning? I don't know how I am yet because I just woke up and finished my first cup of coffee but not fully awake yet. It usually takes me a few minutes to get my bearings together to be fully awake. "Happy Friday!" The weekend is here again so quickly. The days are moving so fast that I lose what day it is.

By the way, I finished another manuscript last night and I now have two books in the editing stages and will be seeing the editor at the end of the month. I am so proud of myself for keeping to my goals. I have another two works in progress that I hope to have finished by the end of the month and that would be four books ready for publishing.

Today I will be working on the two works in progress and finishing another chapter in each. Sundays will be my days for editing since I don't have much to do because I don't have Sundays on my daily goal list because I work with my coupons on Sundays.

Since it is Friday, what plans does everyone have? Myself, it will be writing and editing. I enjoy it and it helps with my therapy. I probably will be starting another book which will be a fantasy in the next few days. I have time allotted for each book and will need to fill that third book space since I finished one.

Well, it is getting later in the morning and I am getting a late start so I will end this post with wishing everyone with a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and to everyone else, have an awesome Friday. Take care and be blessed.

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