Monday, August 27, 2018


Morning to all, it is nine fifteen here in Dalton, Georgia and the sun is shining beautifully outside. Yesterday, my husband and I spent the day doing things around the house. We cleaned out the back room where I sit and write and organized things that went out to the shed out back. Then we organized what was left in the room.

Secondly, we raked up the backyard and bagged up some trash to take to the dump. It was a busy day. I still have some organizing left to do in this room and put cleans away, but it will get done here shortly. I can't deal with mess and chaos too long before it begins affecting me mentally. Everyone knows that I suffer from OCD and that it can become extreme.

My husband has adjusted to my OCD very well because about every three months I need to move furniture around and reorganize things. I can't help it, I just get bored with things that stay the same. I guess that goes into my everyday life as well. When things start to get boring, I change it up even if it is a routine, I do something different to make it seem like it is new and fresh.

Sorry, I just took a minute to clean the house up real quick and feed my dogs. I am now officially sweating and need to jump into a cool shower to rinse off and put new fresh clothing on. My husband is away helping his dad and friend while I sit in the house alone with nothing but my thoughts. I finished one of my manuscripts last night and should be finishing another today and maybe the third. I have to finish organizing my room first and if it stays quiet, I might actually get a podcast done. I will have to see what the day holds for me but I plan on getting quite a bit of stuff done today.

Well, time to get started, I just made my glass of diet soda and I am ready to get to work. I want to wish everyone a "Happy Monday" and to everyone celebrating a birthday today, "Happy Birthday". I look forward to posting tomorrow with my accomplishments from today and looking for any feedback. Take care.

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