Friday, November 30, 2018


Good morning everyone. It is eight thirty-nine here in Dalton, Georgia and fifty degrees outside. How are you readers doing today? I am feeling pretty good today and looking forward to the day. I can now get back on my routine and schedule now that my roommates' dad is home now with Hospice care which will be a great help to me.

I have to take my husband to the doctor this morning for his back procedure and then it is home to start the cleaning process before getting on my computer and beginning my writing schedule. I have a lot of things to do today and the fact that I am on here a little late is okay too.

While I am waiting at the doctor's office for my husband, I will be taking my computer so that I can work on some of my books. He usually takes about an hour so that will give me about sixteen hundred words towards my book word count.

I have several manuscripts started and just need to get them done so they can go to the editor for final proofing before publishing. Two of them are over twenty thousand words. I can't wait. Well, I need to make this a quick getaway because I have things to do and a lot of them.

I wish everyone a sweet day and happy Friday. "Happy Birthday" to everyone with a birthday today. Take care.

Thursday, November 29, 2018


Good morning everyone. It is thirty-two degrees here in Dalton, Georgia and gloomy looking outside. Brrr! We are all awake in the house and our roommate has company over already this morning. My husband and I are having our first cup of coffee and trying to wake up. There are no plans today of going anywhere which is good because then I can concentrate on my writing.

I have spent a few minutes with each of my dogs so that they can get their loving time this morning. I make it a point every morning to make sure they get some attention one on one with me. Now everyone is loved on and comfortable and laying around except my husband just got up and got dressed for the day.

My goals for the day are to get things cleaned up around here now that I have some help and then get to my writing. I have some writing goals that need to be met today and I have to get ready for my next book publishing which should be within the next couple of weeks. I will be sending my manuscript to the editor this weekend and hopefully, it is good enough for publishing.

Other than that, things look good for today and we just got word that his dad is coming home shortly. I have gotten his paperwork done for his care and I am now ready for everything. I should be finishing these other two books that I have been working on over the course of the next week and have them ready for the editor. Things look good on my end.

I will be getting our Christmas tree tomorrow and getting it decorated then back to writing my books. Well, I hope everyone has an awesome day the weekend is almost here. I want to wish everyone with a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and may you have many more. Take care.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Brrr! Good morning everyone. It is almost six o'clock in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia and also seventeen degrees outside, but I feel the same temperature here in my back room while typing this so you can imagine how winterized I am posting this. I kept my dogs in the bedroom where it is warm while I come to get some work done out here.

I feel wide awake this morning and should be snuggled up in bed with my husband and dogs but I have slacked off a few days because of holidays. This morning my husband has a back procedure so I need to be able to drive him home and then it will be right back to my routine and schedule. My roommates' dad comes home from the hospital tomorrow and that will be awesome because he missed Thanksgiving but we made a plate to take to him.

I have a nice hot cup of coffee here with me to keep me a little warmer on the inside so the cold is tolerable. This goes to show my passion and dedication for writing to be sitting in a room that is seventeen degrees cold. I will survive because my motivation keeps me warm.

After posting this for today, I will be working on an article for another site and then on to writing in my books. I look forward to finishing the ones I have started and I already have one ready for the editor to do the final editing and then it is off to publishing it. It is the first book in a series of four books and I think everyone will like them.

I am excited about publishing them and I make them easy reads without all those big words and fluff. I love telling stories just how they come out of my mind. I also live in the story while writing it. Which means I tell the story as I see it going on around me.

Well, it is time for me to get busy and get some other stuff done and I need a refill on my coffee. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and a blessed one. "Happy Birthday" to those whose birthday is today as well. Take care until tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Good evening everyone. How are you? I am good since going to the doctor and finding out that I don't have bladder cancer or tumors. I have a very nervous bladder which causes all the accidents that I have. I have been busy all day cleaning rooms after I got back from another appointment today to do a paperwork update and schedule an appointment with my psychiatrist for medication.

I am getting ready for bed now because I am exhausted but wanted to post something to let everyone know that I am still here with you all. Have a good night.

Monday, November 26, 2018


Good morning everyone. "Happy Monday!" It is five o'clock in the morning here and it is forty-seven degrees with the wind blowing hard and howling. I woke up and feel awake and can't go back to sleep. I know today starts my schedule and routine again now that Thanksgiving is gone and look forward to it. I hate being thrown off my schedule because it feels like chaos and that I have no control.

My husband is still asleep and the dogs have been outside and are back in the bed with him comfy and warm. It is not so cold here in the backroom so I am okay to sit here and write. I have my first cup of coffee and it tastes so good. I am typing this post and thinking about my day and what it entails.

I began writing on one of my books again last night and I am hopeful to have it finished by the first of the month. I will still be one book behind, but I will find time to write on it and keep up with my current book writing schedule. I am happy to be back writing and getting my books up on Amazon. I feel a sense of accomplishment and it feels good.

I have seen some book sales but I know that the more books I get published, the better the income will get. I do have some physical copies here to send to people who purchase my books from this website that are signed by my own hand. My audiobooks are doing pretty good as well.

I have done the budget for next month and it seems we will be back on track and not be in debt. We will actually be able to start paying some bills off which will lower our monthly bills going out. I can finally breathe again and not stress out so much from our finances.

I have begun working on our nonprofit and getting things going with it again and that makes me happy. I love helping people who need it and the nonprofit is the baby that I gave birth to. Going out and feeding the homeless and giving them the things they need to survive and helping them get jobs is a passion for me because I was once out there where they are and no one would help me.

Anyway, I need to get going on working my schedule early today because I have a doctor's appointment later today and I don't want to get behind on my schedule. I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday and a blessed one. To those having a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and may you have many more. Take care.

Sunday, November 25, 2018


Good morning everyone. How are we doing today? I got up earlier but went back to bed for a few hours to sleep off medication. I am up now with my list of to do items for the day and I am motivated to get things done. It has been crazy with the holidays approaching but things will go back to normal today and our roommates' dad is coming home from the hospital tomorrow so I will be back on duty tomorrow.

I've had two cups of coffee this morning and now I am ready for some flavored water to start my day. I have fed all the dogs in the house and they are now playing outside and one is sitting behind me in the chair which is my spoiled brat. I look forward to getting things done today plus clipping my coupons. I need to look out for deals again since our finances are getting back on track and we will be paying a few bills off before the end of the year so we will be starting the new year off with smaller debt.

I have collected our containers for our home savings with all of our change that will be accumulated throughout the next year and will be in better shape to do things together. I am working hard to get rid of our debt and make things better for us, plus I will have money to get books published and out to the world. It is going to be a fun year.

Plus, we will begin building our house come warmer weather in March and I really look forward to having my little farm and taking care of the animals. I am an animal person and having a farm has been a dream of mine for a while now and it will be a reality this next year. I will write books and take care of my farm.

My husband has been up for a while now and is out in the front room with our roommate while giving me some privacy to get some of my writing done. We had a cup of coffee together and now he knows I have things to get done, so he goes out into the front room to leave me to my writing but comes back here to check on me every so often.

Well, it is time to get things started and finished so I will end this post here and wish everyone a blessed day. "Happy Birthday" to everyone born on this date and may you have many more. Take care everyone and see you tomorrow.

Saturday, November 24, 2018


Good morning everyone. The weekend is here again and I know most of you have probably exhausted yourselves with Black Friday shopping. I cannot do Black Friday shopping due to my severe social anxiety disorder, but I love hearing the stories from others who do go out and shop. I hope everyone got everything on their wishlists?

It is four fourteen in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia and it is mildly cool outside. I am sitting here in my jacket because it is cool enough in this back room to wear one. My husband has been up all night because his medication never kicked in and I did manage to get about five or six hours of sleep. This is a usual night of sleep for me. I cannot sleep that long without my body hurting unless I am not feeling well.

I figured since I am up having coffee with my husband, I might as well say good morning to my friends and family out there who read this. I consider all my readers family and friends. I am up early enough to get a jump start on a few things that I haven't gotten done due to Thanksgiving. I did all the cooking so I had no time to write, but now I can play catch up and get them done.

Did everyone enjoy their Thanksgiving? Did your stomachs get full and then you needed a nap? I ate, but there was no nap in my future that day because of having to help with the cleanup. My roommate's sister who came for dinner helped with the cleanup and took some food home with her. It was nice to have family come over and put their differences aside to enjoy the holidays.

I am hoping that this coming Thursday or Friday I will be going out to get our Christmas tree and decorating it and the front porch. I have not been able to have a good Christmas the past couple of years, but my four-legged babies have always gotten something for Christmas whether we have a tree or not.

My roommate's father went back into the hospital about a week ago because he went septic and underwent surgery yesterday for a bed ulcer that went to the bone. We are still waiting for an update on how that went.

Today will be a good day and I am going to keep positive. My husband has jokes this morning and making me laugh so I apologize if I have a few mistakes in my writing. I love it when he is in a good mood which is the majority of the time and he always tries to make me laugh and feel good.

I can be having the worst day of my life and he will do his best to make me feel better and I love him for that. He is my rock in bad situations and cares about me so much and tries his best to take care of me. I would never trade him in for anything. When the day comes that I lose him, it will probably kill me because I love him so much.

Well, it is time to get writing stuff done before beginning my house chores. Everyone is still asleep in the house so it will be a minute before they begin waking up and I don't like making noise while they sleep. So, I wish everyone an awesome Saturday and a "Happy Birthday" to those having one today. God bless and take care.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


"Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!" It is that time of year now where everyone gains a few extra pounds but celebrates with family. I am doing the cooking this year and will have family all together whether there is separation or not, it is time to be thankful for what you have and the loved ones we have in our lives.

Today is going to be a busy day for me with all the cooking I have to do and I did all the baked goods yesterday so that it will be just the dinner items that have to be cooked. My husband is helping me which is awesome. I am very thankful for him because he is the love of my life, my soulmate, and my best friend. We have been married for five years now and it still seems like we just got married.

I have slacked on my writing due to major cleaning around the house but it is okay because once dinner is done today, I am going to disappear into my back room and get some writing caught up. I have been doing some paperwork updating and also getting ready for the new year because this year and the months have just flown by, so the new year will be here in the blink of an eye and I have goals, resolutions, and plans for the new year.

Our finances are getting better and we should be out of the red come the first of the month and things will get better for us. I will be checking the finance today to make sure that we are going to be okay come December first. We want to start the new year off in the black and having extra little money to play with. I have set up a balance sheet and buckets for saving change.

All change will be split between a few buckets which have specific plans like vacation savings, Christmas next year, and debt consolidation. We are going to be saving for the whole year without dipping into them and pennies will be kept separate from silver change and go into their own bucket.

Anyway, I need to get some things done now while waiting for food to cook before the house becomes full of people. It is quiet now but won't be for long. I hope everyone has an awesome day celebrating with their families and making amends with others and enjoy your bounty of food. Take care and be blessed.

Saturday, November 17, 2018


Good morning everyone. I need prayers for my roommate's father who is back in the hospital again as of yesterday. He is a seventy-two-year-old man who now has a bad case of pneumonia along with a stage four bed ulcer that has gone to his spine. He is in pretty bad shape and needs everyone's prayers for a speedy recovery.

It is nine twenty-one this morning and thirty-seven degrees outside. Brrr! My babies are nice and warm in our bedroom cuddled up in their blankets and the puppies are snuggled up in a furry black blanket I found for them to use. They are a handful and seem to be feisty in the middle of the night when everyone else is trying to sleep.

I have finally finished the kitchen painting and now today I will be putting stuff back in the kitchen and sorting the million and one bottles of spices to place back in the cabinets. I am still trying to figure out how to do my book writing to get caught up on my book writing. I have been a mess the last couple of days with everything going on.

I am still a bit frustrated because my book writing has been moving very slow if at all and I know I am trying to get it motivated but with it being so cold in my back room, I am forced to sit in the living room with some heat to write which there are too many distractions for me to keep my mind focused on the story.

Something has to give before I blow a gasket and my meds have been sporadic again running here there and everywhere. I barely get a quiet moment with myself anymore. I need to get myself together again and motivate myself back into walking on the treadmill again too. I have almost completely stopped everything and now I am stuck at finding a way to get it back together.

I am at a standstill and I really don't know where to start anymore. Can anyone give me some suggestions on how to get myself back in gear and back on track? I don't have a clue except maybe going back to the drawing board and rethinking everything and trial and error, but I don't have anymore trial and error in me to do it all again.

I guess I have no choice because things need to get done and I hate sitting still in limbo. I am going to break out the pen and paper and start over since a new year is getting close and I want to be on the right track when it happens. So, let me get off of here and go get it and start rethinking everything until I can get a better way of doing things.

I hope everyone has an awesome Saturday and "Happy Birthday" to everyone with a birthday today. I will post again tomorrow hopefully with a game plan. Take care everyone and have a blessed day.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Good morning everyone. I do apologize for not posting yesterday, but I had nerve blocks put in one side of my neck yesterday morning and was too loopy to post or even stay awake. The medication is beginning to wear off and it feels like there is a brick in that side of my neck and it is stiff. I have been up since six-thirty this morning. It is forty degrees outside but feels like thirty-four. Brrr!

My friend's dad came home from the hospital yesterday as well and now I am back on the job, lol. I am going back on routine this morning with house chores and writing. I am feeling very positive about everything right now, but the day has just begun.

It is now nine o'clock this evening. Sorry I had to leave this from this morning. I had some important things to do and my neck has been hurting a little all day and feels like I have a brick inside my neck. Everything has gone pretty good today. We got most of the painting done and I was able to finish the pantry and put the food back and tomorrow I will be scrubbing and stripping the kitchen floor of forty years of dirt.

I am trying to get back to my routine and everything, but having to get this kitchen done and some other things kind of puts a damper on everything. Tomorrow should be the last day of getting things done and then back to writing. I miss writing but it has also been too cold to sit in my back room without distractions.

Having to sit in the living room makes it hard to get passionately back into my writing because of the television being on or people coming over. I have to get back into my room somehow whether I have to winterize or something. I need the quiet room back. I am falling behind in my book writing and it is starting to send me back into a depressive state.

I am finding it hard to think about my stories because I am feeling distracted. I have to find my motivation again quickly before I go into a slump of depression. Well, let me get this published and move onto something else to get done.

I hope everyone is having an awesome evening and I want to send out "Happy Birthday" wishes to everyone who turned a year older today. Take care.

Sunday, November 11, 2018


Good morning everyone. How are you on this blessed Sunday morning? It is five-thirty in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia and it is twenty-seven degrees outside. Brrr! We are in a freeze warning until ten o'clock this morning. Please, I hope everyone has their animals inside a warm place. All of the dogs just went outside to potty and are now snuggled back inside our bedroom on the bed with my husband sleeping comfortably.

I got everything moved out of the kitchen yesterday and all the walls and cabinets have been washed down and are now ready for painting which I will be doing after I finish this post. I have to get out the paint from the middle room and I will be painting the walls first and while they are drying I will be going to the grocery store and doing our food shopping for the house and for our Thanksgiving dinner.

I am doing the cooking this year as long as I don't get hurt in between now and then. It seems like every year that I have to cook, I either throw my back out or having a sprang somewhere on my body that makes it hard for me to move or function. One year, I sprung my tailbone and I was supposed to do the cooking. That was very painful and miserable for me because I couldn't sit or lay down without pain.

This year I have a new family to cook for which I am honored to share my Thanksgiving with. I have my list of dishes to make and have made my grocery list by that menu plus the household list for our regular food. I will probably be spending about an hour inside the store alone checking prices and using my coupons where I can.

This morning, I will be finishing this post, then painting the kitchen walls, then doing my morning coupons today, then going shopping. I will be going shopping alone since everyone hates being in the grocery store with me, and taking my time to make sure I get everything needed. I do hate being rushed because that seems to be when I forget stuff the most.

It will be considered my "me" time away from everyone and giving me time to concentrate on what I need to get. Once I get back and get all the cold stuff put away in the refrigerator and freezer, then I will go back to painting and doing the cabinets and then scrubbing the forty-year-old dirt off the floor and making the kitchen look new again.

After all this is done and the kitchen is back together, I plan on sitting down and writing another article for the paid site I write for. My article seems to get good readings on them which I am happy about. I see my erotica articles get a lot of reads and I am considering if I need to be writing an erotica book for everyone to enjoy?

Once my article is written and posted to the site, I will be working on my books in progress because I still have to meet those goals. There are some people who think that my writing is silly and that I should put it off and do it as a hobby, but it is serious to me and I hope to make it a supplemental income for my husband and I to live a little more comfortably than we do now struggling from check to check.

I only have four books published right now, but by the first of the year, I would like to have triple that amount to bring in the new year with. Right now, I am sitting on one book almost done with my personal final edit before sending it to the editor and three works in progress to finish writing. I am keeping positive about having these books done and published around the first of the month, but it depends on how quick my editor can get them done.

Well, it is time to get to work on painting before the newspapers get here and then it will be clipping my coupons and then heading out the door. So, I wish everyone a blessed day and to those celebrating a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and may you have many blessed birthdays to come. Take care.

P.S- Remember that a percentage of my royalties go into my nonprofit that assists the homeless in becoming self-sufficient, so check out my books and get your copy or two. Thanks and God Bless

Saturday, November 10, 2018


Brrrr! Good morning everyone. It is thirty degrees outside here in Dalton, Georgia and the wind is howling which makes it even colder outside. We let the dogs out to potty and immediately brought them back inside our bedroom where it stays warm. They are nestled in their blanket on top of the bed and all going back to sleep.

Today, I am sitting in the living room because it is freezing in my back room and working up here, plus I will be painting the small kitchen and cabinets. I will still be taking breaks to get some writing done and it will not take long to paint it will just be time-consuming to do the cabinets and then put everything back.

My writing goals have not changed, nor am I going to change them. I just have some writing to catch up on and will be doing some serious writing here shortly once the kitchen is done and I will be spending most of my time writing. I should have had at least seven books ready for the editor, but life has stepped in and took over for a minute, so now I have to play catch up.

It will be a busy day, but a fun day. I love painting and making things look better and cleaner, it is part of my OCD and sometimes it will even drive me crazy. I will hopefully have a lot to post about tomorrow, but I want to get off here to get my day started.

I hope everyone has a great day and a blessed one. I want to wish everyone a "Happy Birthday" to those who are celebrating one today. It is a beautiful day and time to have a birthday. Take care everyone.

Friday, November 9, 2018


Good morning everyone. It is me again. :) It is seven thirty in the morning and very rainy here. Today my husband has a doctor's appointment and will be going alone since he now has a driver's license which means I get to stay home and get things done. It frees up more time for my writing as well. While he is gone, I will get the house chores done and then be able to sit and write.

I still have several articles to write for this one website to catch up on it, then there is work that needs to be done for my nonprofit, then there is my actual book writing for which I have taken a couple of days off from to get my notes and other things done. Yesterday I spent a little bit organizing my desk drawers so that things are easier to find.

Sorry, my husband and I laid back down to rest for a bit, but now I am up and ready to get to work. It is nine thirty in the morning and still rainy and gloomy outside. I just got our room straightened up and this back room cleaned and smelling good. Now, I can get busy with the rest of today's stuff and hopefully have a full sheet of check off's.

My first order of business is to get the house chores done first so that the house is cleaned and then I can disappear back here to my room and get my work done. I look forward to working my list and getting things completed because it makes me feel accomplished.

Well, time is being spent and I need to get going since I have a full day worth of work to get done. I hope everyone has a very productive day and a blessed one. "Happy Birthday" to everyone who has one today and may you be blessed with many more. Take care.

Thursday, November 8, 2018


Good morning everyone. It is now eleven sixteen in the morning, but I have been up since eight this morning. We had to go run an errand first thing this morning and now I am home taking care of some business things. I am trying to get my nonprofit back up and running and have things to do to set it all back up again. It has been slow with medical conditions stepping in and throwing things off, but I am motivated and ready to get it back in gear.

I have many things to do this morning and hopefully will be able to get it all done today. I published some articles last night on one website but I am taking this morning to revamp things to include my nonprofit work as well. I hope to kick off the new year with a bang. There is much that I need to do to set things back up plus get my writing done.

Now that my husband has his drivers license, it takes a lot off of me to do things so I can be home much more to work on things. I now have time that is freed up for writing and preparing my files and paperwork for my nonprofit. I am excited about it and I have faith that things will work out and that it will thrive.

A portion of my book royalties will go into the operation of my nonprofit, so I hope that a lot of you will support our efforts in fighting homelessness by buying one of my books. It will go to a good cause and our plans to help those afflicted help themselves in regaining their self-sufficiency.

Should you just want to make a donation, you can through Hope Station's website:

Well, it's time to get to work because I have plenty of it to do. I want to wish everyone a blessed day and a "Happy Birthday" to everyone celebrating today. Take care.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Hello, everyone! Today has been an awesome day. My first half of the day has been the best part because my husband passed his road test today and is now a licensed driver once again. Now he can share the driving, lol. We went out and paid some bills afterward and then came home. I just got all my house chores done and now I can sit and get some of my stuff done again.

Now everyone is on my time, lol. I feel pretty good considering the sleepless night that I had. I could only sleep about an hour here and an hour there. I got up to use the bathroom at least eleven times last night, but no accidents, I guess because I was awake most of the night.

There are no appointments for tomorrow, only picking up medication and paying one more bill and that is it. I would then come home, do my house chores and then the rest of the day is mine to do what I please, which everyone knows that I will be writing, lol.

It has been sunny most of the morning, now it is gloomy and raining. This makes for good sleeping weather, but I have things to do that are important. Besides writing, I also have to make plans for the new year which will be here soon enough.

I have to plan out my writing, our budget, and for Hope Station USA which is a nonprofit that I founded back in two-thousand and nine. Here is the link to its website:
She is my baby because I feel just as passionate about helping the homeless as I do telling the world my stories.

Well, daylight is wasting and I promise to make my post longer tomorrow so I hope everyone has a safe and blessed day. "Happy Birthday" to everyone whose birthday is today and may you have many more. Take care.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Good morning everyone and how are we doing today? I feel better rested today since I am taking medication like I am supposed to be and getting enough sleep now. I still get up several times a night but I got to sleep in this morning which was a big help. It is sixty degrees here in Dalton, Georgia and rainy. The wind blew really hard all night but everything was okay this morning when I looked outside.

My husband and I are drinking our first cups of coffee and the dogs are asleep thank God, lol. They are usually pretty obnoxious first thing in the morning and wanting their attention. I get a break this morning, woohoo! Things are moving right along this morning, we have to take our roommate to go get his identification this morning.

I will be working on some articles when we return home. I wrote one last night and have some more to do to catch up on them. I also will be writing some more on my books today. I have taken a few days off of book writing to catch up on some other things but will resume book writing today to keep them moving forward.

I am looking towards having several books done by the end of the month and sending them to the editor for a final edit before publishing them. I am happy about getting back into book writing. I had a lapse in my mental health issues but I am back to feeling like myself today.

It is time to go to the driver services appointment for his identification, so I will end this post here and wish everyone a great day and a "Happy Birthday" to all those celebrating one today. Take care.

Monday, November 5, 2018


Good morning everyone. It is fifty-one degrees here in Dalton, Georgia this morning and it has been raining all night. Everyone is up this morning and my husband and I are taking a roommate to get his new identification card and social security card. He lost them in the move up here and his identification card is expired, so we are getting him caught up on everything.

Hello everyone, Sorry this is a two-part post because we had to leave for a bit before I could finish this post. We got back from taking our roommate to the social security off and the DMV was closed today, so we are taking him tomorrow morning to get his new identification card. It is no problem for us to help him. He has been through a lot with moving up here, thieves breaking into their storage unit and taking a lot of stuff, and then his wife died soon after.

I came home and got my household chores done right away so that I could work on the back room with cleaning the carpet and moving some things. It wasn't much, but it had to be done as well. Now it smells so good in here and right now my husband and the dogs are taking a nap while I sit here typing up this post.

It is not so cold today and I can sit back here and work on my writing. I got behind on some articles which I will be getting them done here in a minute. I can feel my body destressing as I sit here in the peace and quiet. My mind is a little clearer even though my body is hurting a little. My medication has made me a little loopy today but it is tolerable enough for me to write my books.

Well, allow me to end this post here and get to work, daylight is a wasting. I hope everyone has had an awesome Monday and to everyone celebrating a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" to you and may you have many more to come. Take care.

Sunday, November 4, 2018


Good morning everyone. It is now eight minutes after six in the morning and a chilly forty-one degrees outside here in Dalton, Georgia. Did everyone remember to turn their clocks back an hour last night? I have been up and down all night so it was easy for me to turn them back. I am just getting up this morning and sitting here with my first cup of coffee which I should dump over me to warm me up, lol.

I got my house chores done yesterday and a little writing but not as much as I wanted to, but today is a new day and I am finally getting set in my schedule to take care of the house and get my writing done all in the same day. I need it to be able to move forward with my book writing. I cannot stop now when everything is finally falling together.

The guys will be getting up soon to go to the flea market and that will make it easier for me to get up and get the cleaning done swiftly since I have to clean all the bedrooms today which doesn't take much. As soon as they are gone, I can start my cleaning and hopefully be done around noon and that's when I can sit down and do some writing and things for me.

I have to clean this back room up and clean the rug on the floor, but that can happen anytime today while I work on my stuff. It is more of a take a break kind of thing to break up any writer's block that might come my way. I don't understand why I can come up with stories while cleaning the house, but I have quite a bit of books to write as it is now.

I am actually enjoying these quiet mornings while everyone is still in bed because I can hear that little voice in my head telling me a story or what to write. Yes, I am mental health, lol, but some of our greatest writers in history had mental health issues. I think everyone walking on this wonderful planet has a bit of mental health issues inside them and that's what makes each of us tick.

Well, it is time to get going on house chores, the guys are getting ready to leave and that means I can get things done while no one is here. I hope everyone has a blessed day and a "Happy Birthday" to those celebrating today. Take care.

Saturday, November 3, 2018


Good morning everyone. It is almost a quarter after eight in the morning and the temperature is thirty-seven degrees outside with a gray gloomy sky. I am not sure that I want to get out of bed this morning because I have been doing a lot of cleaning lately and running around that I have become a bit fatigued and the cold weather doesn't help much. I know a lot of people who love to just lay in bed when it is cold when they have nothing really to do that day. I have a lot of things to do today and need to get them done.

So far the bills are getting paid and we have almost everything we need for the house and things are looking good so far. I am feeling positive about our finances and the hopes of publishing a few books next month right in time for Christmas sales. I have come up with a checklist that will help me get things done and stay on track for everything else.

I will be working as quickly and efficiently as possible to get everything done today and see what progress I have made. If all works out the way I think they will, then I will have a final schedule that I can adhere to. It is just so frustrating when I have a schedule that keeps getting monkey wrenches thrown into the mix that keeps me from moving forward and not getting things done.

I have printed up a list of books that I should have done before December 1st and posted them on my wall above my desk so that I know where I stand with catching everything up to where I need to be. I already know that having every one of these books done might seem impossible but I will try my hardest to get most of them done.

Some of them will be easy ones to do like the children's books and some that are true life events and stories. All these books will be quick and easy to write with most being novellas. The fictional ones being from my imagination will be longer and full novels because when I let loose my imagination, it almost scares me where my mind can go. :)

Well, it is time to get to work if I am going to catch up on things and I have plenty of housework to do before sitting back down to take care of writing things. Everyone is still asleep, but they will just have to excuse me while working around them because they cannot stop my progress of meeting my goals today. I have important things to do and the effort I put into them will benefit my family.

So, to everyone celebrating a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and may you have many more. To everyone else, be blessed in your endeavors today and have a safe and happy weekend. Take care.

Friday, November 2, 2018


"Happy November everyone!" It is fifty-five degrees here this morning in Dalton, Georgia and pretty nice even though it is cool outside. I have been up since right around eight this morning with a rough night of broken sleep. I got in the shower this morning to help wake me up and now I am sitting here with you great people having my first cup of coffee.

We have moved the new puppies who will be three weeks old this Sunday to a pen on the floor which they are loving because now momma can stretch out and feed them instead of being cooped up in that laundry basket. They are happy and so are the other dogs who have taken turns getting inside the pen and helping momma clean and make them poop.

They all seem to take on a momma role which is pretty cool to see even from another puppy who is just going to be a year old herself. I am working on getting all of the rest of the dogs fixed because we are not wanting any more puppies. We have been puppied out now and just want to enjoy the ones we have now.

It will be great when we can get our property because the babies will have a huge yard to run and play in and can be dogs. I had my mind racing yesterday with all the designing of our house and what the yard will look like and I know that it is part of my anxiety, but I can't help it.

I am sitting here right now and listening to the hoot owl outside who is close this morning and I have not heard any of our squirrel friends who come around and taunt the dogs on a daily basis. I guess they are busy stacking up for the winter.

Our finances have fallen through again the month on my being able to send my books to the editor but with some careful juggling of money I will have us good for next month and should be able to start sending the completed books that are ready to the editor and publishing one behind the other next month.

It is just so frustrating when my plans fall through with getting my books published and crowdfunding has proven wrong for me because no one cares about an author nowadays. They want to fund the future in AI. It's okay though, my season will come when all of my books are published and people are enjoying them.

Well, time to get my daily chores done so that I may sit and get some things done today. I hope everyone has an awesome Friday and a "Happy Birthday" to everyone who has a birthday today. I hope everyone is blessed and prosperous today. Take care.