Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Good morning to all. How are you this fine morning? I wish that I could say that I am fine but, seriously, my shoulder is hurting really bad and has been for the last several days. I have tried everything like IcyHot, my TENS unit, and a hot shower and I am getting no relief at all. My husband swears that I have slept on it wrong, but it would normally be fine by now. It grows weak and hurts to rotate it.

I have my epidural for my lower back today and I will be asking him if he could put a shot in my shoulder to help with the pain as well. It has been causing me to lose sleep because I cannot get into a comfortable position. I had my TENS unit on for almost four hours yesterday and it hardly touched the pain. Now my arm is going weak and there is no sign of relief anywhere or anytime soon.

I slept with Prince Valium last night for my procedure today and slept like crap. I was up every couple of hours with pain in my shoulder. I am hoping that it will go away soon because I can't take too much more.

I have asked my husband if he could take my household chores today while I am sleeping off the medication from my procedure and then I can get up and begin finishing the packing of our stuff in the back room and getting the room cleaned up. I guess he will because I got no answer from him.

Today is a day for me to do very little with an epidural being placed in my lower back, but I will sleep some of it off and then be able to get up and get some writing done today. Tomorrow is the first day of May and the months seem to go by fast. Soon Christmas will be here and a new year. This year I plan to clear up a lot of debt and make it stress-free for both of us.

I will be making small payments to everyone to clear up some credit report debt and help raise our scores. I want our credit cards back down to zero balances by the new year. Everything will be good from that point on as long as it is God's will.

I will probably work on editing one of my books today if I am unable to sit here and write and have it ready to get published. I still have to pick out the cover for both of them before publishing them on Amazon. That will make seven books published and lots more to come.

I WILL be back on my schedule tomorrow with everything including my writing and get manuscripts completed as scheduled. When we move up to our property, we will hopefully be on generator power so that I can keep my laptop charged for writing, but until we get internet, I will have to drive to the nearest McDonalds for internet access to publish them.

Well, I am about to get ready to get going for my procedure and wish everyone a blessed day. "Happy Birthday" to those celebrating their birthday today and may you be blessed with many more. Keep the homeless in your thought and prayers as you go about your day. Take care.

Monday, April 29, 2019


Good afternoon everyone. It is bright and sunny with a temperature of seventy-two degrees here in Dalton, Georgia. I have been up for a couple of hours now and ready for the day to start. I have already made some calls this morning to set up payments on bills and have had one cup of coffee. I realized last night how short our time is before we move to our property for good and begin the life we want and deserve.

My husband and I are both ready for this move, but I seem to be the one packing everything, but I know he will be the one loading everything. There are many people here today helping to get the pool cleaned up and open for swimming. I can't do a whole lot because I slept on my arm wrong the other night and I pulled something in my shoulder. So, I am incapacitated with my left arm and can't do much except write books and I am happy with that.

I plan on packing some more stuff in the back room today and getting it ready for the move, plus work on some writing. I submitted an article yesterday for publishing on a site that I am working with and plan on writing another article today for submission. It is a great day for writing.

Well, I am going to get started and wish every a "Happy Monday". I want to wish everyone celebrating a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and may you be blessed with many more to come. Please keep the homeless in your prayers as they spend every waking moment trying to survive. Take care.

Paypal Fundraising

Sunday, April 28, 2019


Good Sunday morning to everyone. How are you? I am finally awake before nine o'clock in the morning and having my first cup of coffee. My eyes are still a little blurry but adjusting. I just let the dogs out and got their food down, but I guess they are still trying to wake up because they are on the bed with me doing their morning grooming. I guess they have to look good before going outside, lol.

Today's goal is to finish my schedule for today.  I am trying to get back in the habit of doing my schedule so that I can make sure everything gets done that needs to. My husband is still asleep and I am trying to get the dogs to go outside so that he can sleep undisturbed.

It is a little hazy outside this morning because the sun has not fully come up over the mountain range yet, but it promises to be a good day for anyone who wants to go do some work outside. My husband is trying to get a generator that he worked for working so that we will have power when we move to our property.

I am getting excited about the move in four weeks and I have been packing things up so that we are prepared when the time comes. We have even discussed getting a small storage unit up there and moving the little things with the car up there so that when we need to move everything left will fit on my husbands truck for the move.

I have already acquired two four-hundred gallon IBC totes for our rainwater collection system. I have been pricing portable solar kits to run the water pump which is affordable for us to have. I will be collecting more for the property so that water can be supplied to my garden and greenhouse as well. Our electric will come from the generator until we can get the whole house built and then, a whole solar system will be put in place. Our goal is to be completely off-grid except for having the internet and cable.

Everything has finally calmed down since the blow-up yesterday between everyone and I have calmed down some. I felt and still feel like a meltdown is coming on my part and I am trying to hold on until we move which will put me in a happy place mentally. This is another major reason why we are moving up into the mountains and away from everyone because of the drama and headaches.

I am trying to be a writer and live a writer's life, but with so many interruptions it becomes very hard. I am also an introvert who loves being left alone so writing is the occupation for me. My husband is somewhat of an introvert, but he still has to get out every now and then.

I am going to be setting up fundraising tables this week and will still continue to make the travels to feed the hungry and bring in an income for Hope Station USA. Things look good so far and I will keep the momentum up and fight to end homelessness. A part of any book royalties go to Hope Station USA as a residual income for her to keep services going until some major grants come through, but I look at it as my way of making a donation, even though I donate a lot of my time and effort without a salary. So, if you want to show your support, please click a link below and make a donation. They greatly appreciate it.

Well, my husband is getting up and having coffee with me so I will end this post here with a "Have a great day" and for those celebrating birthdays today, "Happy Birthday" and may you have many more to celebrate. Take care and keep the homeless in your prayers.

Paypal Fundraising

Saturday, April 27, 2019


Hello everyone. It is four thirty in the afternoon with a bright sunny day here in Dalton, Georgia. My morning was to start out nice this morning, but everyday life gets in the way every time. I could not make it to noon without a blow-up between my roommates and I and it just makes it that much easier to move away from them. Everyone here is about drama and it drives me crazy. I told my husband that if I need to get away I will check myself into the hospital.

Other than that, I just finished reorganizing my binder which holds my day's activities in it like my to-do list. I live by this binder and it gets difficult to keep to it on days when there is drama. I am waiting for the day when we get to go back up to the property where I can be calm and less stressed out. I am going to love living up there where it is peaceful and I will be able to write.

As far as my writing goes now, I changed my writing schedule again to start me back to writing on the first of May. I have a plan to write at least three-thousand words per day to stay on my schedule. I still have two books waiting to be edited and halfway through writing the next one. I am hoping that I can finish it within the time frame that I set out for it.

My motivation for writing is there, it is just trying to keep my sanity that is the problem. I have new stories popping into my head as I work on the ones that I have. I probably have enough material to write another forty to fifty books. It is okay though because I love writing and it will become my passion for the rest of my life.

Well, it is time to start dinner and feed people that are unappreciative. I hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday afternoon and to those celebrating a birthday, may you have a blessed day and many more to come. Take care.

Friday, April 26, 2019


Good morning to all. I just got out of bed and it is eleven-seventeen this morning. I had a bad day yesterday and almost a breakdown because everyone thinks that I am their slave or another word that I will not use because I don't like it. I have to do everything in this house now that our roommate's woman moved out which left everything on me and I felt so overwhelmed.

I was doing so much running yesterday trying to cook dinner, having to take our elderly roommate to his doctor's appointment, plus I have stuff of my own to get done and I became overwhelmed quickly. I decided to take the weekend off from doing extra things for anyone in the house so that I can get some of my stuff done.

I have to take a shower, finish packing some of our stuff, and clean the back room. There is a lot of things to do and I cannot get them finished with having to clean up behind everyone and doing all this running around. So, I am taking the weekend off from extra stuff to allow myself time to get our stuff done, plus I want to get some writing done which I have not really done any in about two weeks.

I have to wait until Monday now to begin making calls to set up donation tables at local merchants because the managers are not there on Fridays. My husband tells me to put the Georgia walk off until next year because we will only be living on our property for a couple months by that time and there will be a lot to do. So, I need to set up tables and get grant writing done for our new program.

I have my faith that God will bless Hope Station USA because she is a blessing to everyone who is without. I go out to feed his children and to give them comfort in their time of need. My passion to help them has become stronger and that I feel they need our help and prayers. I ask that everyone keep the homeless in their prayers because one day it could be you out there trying to survive.

Well, I need to go and get stuff done, but I wish everyone a happy Friday because the weekend is here. "Happy Birthday" to those celebrating today and may you be blessed with many more to come. Should you want to show your support of our organization in assisting the homeless regain their self-sufficiency, please just click a link below and make your donation.

Paypal Fundraising

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Good morning to everyone and "Happy Humpday"! It is seven twenty-five in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia and fifty-two degrees outside. I just got up out of bed with my alarm at seven so that I can begin my schedule and be able to get everything completed. I just let the dogs outside and will be feeding them here shortly.

I went to my doctor's appointment yesterday and instantly fell into a mode of energy. I had so much energy that I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin. I had a hard time sitting in the waiting room waiting to see the doctor and then when I went with her back to her office, I felt like I was speeding while talking with her. She was impressed with my energy because it was a positive attitude and I was clearly focused on life.

Today, I will be getting some writing done on my manuscript and also editing one of my finished manuscripts so that it can be published. I have two waiting for editing and will be getting those edited by the end of the weekend and ready for publishing. The one I am working on, I am going to try and get another twenty-five hundred words typed into it which will put it around twenty-three thousand words. I am very excited to get it published because it will be my first crime thriller and I hope that everyone enjoys it.

I had to lay back down for a minute because the antibiotics are making me a little nauseous. I have some work to do and need to get started so I will wish everyone a blessed day. For those born on this date, "Happy Birthday" and may you have many more to come. Take care.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Good morning everyone. How are you today? It is nice and sunny here in Dalton, Georgia. I am getting up a little late this morning due to a hospital visit last night where I had strained the muscles in my abdomen around a hernia that I have. It was very painful and I cried like a baby when I had to use them when getting up until they gave me a Demerol shot. It eased the pain off for a while and allowed me to sleep last night when I got home.

Today will be a sore day but a good day in all because I refuse to let anyone take my joy and peace today. I have things to do and things to get done and they will be completed if it takes every ounce of my being. I have a therapy appointment today which will allow me to get some venting done, but when I leave, I will feel so much better than going in.

I have put off some writing that will be caught up on today as well as some more planning for our move. I have phone calls to make this afternoon to set up some donation tables for our nonprofit to bring in some funding. I feel that God has a plan for Hope Station USA and that her season is about to come.

I have to readjust my writing schedule again because of the lapse in writing so that I remain on a schedule. There are so many things to do that I have to figure things out to get them done. First, I have t shower and wash myself clean before sitting down to do anything so I will end this post here. Take care everyone and have a great Tuesday. "Happy Birthday" to those of you who were born on this date. May you be blessed with many more.

Show your support of Hope Station USA by making a donation below and assisting us in helping the homeless regain their self-sufficiency. Have a blessed day.

Paypal Fundraising

Monday, April 22, 2019

4/21/2019 & 4/22/2019

Good morning everyone. It is eleven seventeen in the morning and fifty-eight degrees outside with a beautiful sun shining. We just woke up because we were up late last night watching "The Passion of the Christ". It is one of my favorite movies along with "Risen". I want to say "Happy Easter" to all and may you find many Easter eggs on your hunt.

Yesterday was a crazy day for me with all the cleaning that I was doing. Our roommate's ex-wife left him again and like every other female who moves in, they leave a huge mess that I have to clean up. Then, his own son came over and got violent with his crippled father and caused him to obtain three breaks in his tail bone from hitting him and knocking him to the ground.


Hello everyone. I apologize for not finishing my post from yesterday. I got caught up in doing other things and then I wasn't feeling good. My stomach is sour and making me have gas and an upset stomach. I got up this morning feeling like I weigh one-hundred pounds more than I currently do because of how my stomach feels.

I have an agenda today to get some writing done. I watched a few of my Sunday sermons and teachings last night that gave me a sense of peace knowing that every step I take has been ordained by God. It makes me feel joy and calms my being to know that I have been redeemed and that my walk with God will be a closer one. He has a purpose for my life and with the helper in my life, I will have understanding.

Today is going to be a good day no matter our roommate trying to cause issues stating we owe him money for a month we were not here. I am not going to allow him to take my joy from me today. I have a psychiatrist appointment in about an hour and she is going to love me. I slept okay last night and actually do remember one of my dreams which was a good one.

Well, before I get to venting on here about our roommate, I need to get ready for my doctor appointment which I have to leave here in about thirty minutes. I wish everyone well today and a blessed birthday to everyone born on this date. Take care.

Friday, April 19, 2019


Hello everyone. It is a rainy Friday afternoon and the wind is howling. I have been up since around six-thirty and found out we finally got our food stamps after fighting with these people for a week over a stupid interview. So, I went shopping first thing this morning before everyone got up and the days' drama begins. Every day there is nothing but drama around here and it is no wonder that I stay to myself in my room because I want no part of it.

This is why we are moving up in the mountains away from all the drama and to keep my sanity. People feed off drama and I don't see how? I put drama into stories and books for others to read and enjoy. It is all gossip around here and in order for me to stay out of it, I have to hide away in my room.

Today will be a good day to write with the weather being gloomy and rainy. I plan on getting another article short story done, some writing done on my book, and my diabetic menu and journal need to be set up to start tomorrow. I was finally able to buy food today so that I could start the diet the doctor placed me on for my diabetes.

I have so many things to work on that my head spins for a minute, but then gets back to where it should be. I can only keep my mind on the future and that is living on our property and being healthy and happy.

Well, it is that time again to get going before I fall into fatigue and want a nap. I hope everyone has a blessed Friday and gets ready for their weekend. "Happy Birthday" to those of you who were born on this date and may you be blessed with many more. Take care.

Thursday, April 18, 2019


Good morning to all. It is six-thirty in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia and the sun has not come up yet. it is fifty-eight degrees outside and feels very good. I just woke up and I am having my first cup of coffee while the dogs are outside doing their business. My husband has left already to go take a friend to work.

Yesterday we got to talk to my dad and see how he is doing and it is nice to have a relationship with my dad and I have not heard from my mother in years. I guess she wrote me off and wants nothing to do with me and that is okay with me. I am getting my life together and I wish that she could be a part of it.

I did manage to get some writing done yesterday after the drama of my roommate's wife leaving him again and now everything falls on to me as far as the cleaning and cooking goes. It is a bit much to take on, but I will manage. I did it for the eight months that she was gone the last time. I honestly don't think that she knows what she wants in life.

My husband and I have so much fun when away from the house that when we get back home, the depression sets in and so do the blahs. This has become a depressing place for me to be and it has been affecting my husband as well. We seem to argue a little when at home, but when we leave he becomes silly and makes me laugh.

The same thing happens when we go up to our property. It is peaceful and we seem to have fun together even though it is a lot of work while we are there. I can't wait until we are up there for good. I am almost fifty years old and this will be the first time that I have somewhere that I can call home. It is beautiful and peaceful there and waking up every morning and watching the sun come up will be magnificent and glorious.

Well, today is a new day and there isn't that much house cleaning to do since the dinner dishes were mostly done last night. I have to dust, sweep and mop, on top of cleaning the back room and packing some more stuff up for our move. I am a person who doesn't wait until the last minute to pack everything to move. I make it a planned move and not a rush where some things get left behind.

Well, time to get to work. I wish everyone a blessed day and for those who were born on this date, "Happy Birthday" and may you all have many more. Take care.

Paypal Fundraising

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Good morning everyone. It is sixty-seven degrees and very sunny outside today. I just woke up and had my first cup of coffee and let my dogs out. I have to leave in about an hour to go to my back doctor and to pay some bills. I am a little sore today but it is manageable. The bruise over my left kidney is finally starting to go away from my fall in the bathroom but it is still a sore spot to the touch.

I ran both of my finished manuscripts through a spell check and grammar yesterday and made a few corrections and now they are ready for me to read to check for the flow of the story. So, you can say I am beginning the editing phase of those two manuscripts before publishing. That will make seven books published while I am halfway through the next manuscript.

I WILL get some writing done today and get that manuscript closer to being finished. I have fallen behind on my writing schedule due to mental health issues that have been affecting me lately. I spent quite a bit of time with my husband yesterday because I felt depressed and had no reason for it. I love how he cares for me.

I have started another article for another site and should have it submitted today as well. I feel like writing today and through my books, I can release a lot of emotions which make me feel better. Most of my stories are created because of things that I am feeling which helps me therapeutically. I always feel tied to my stories because of my mental illness and my past.

Today, I feel is going to be a good productive day for me and I like the way I feel upon waking up. My medication really has helped me sleep since being prescribed it. As far as my mental health medication go, they can't guarantee that depression or anxiety won't slip through every now and then, but I do have a lot more good days than bad since being put on new medications.

Well, my husband just made and brought me my second cup of coffee and I am enjoying it because it tastes so good this morning for some reason. Last night we sat and discussed the plans for our homestead and came up with some ideas that I have to research and get more information for. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation last night because he mostly leaves everything up to me to take care of but this time he actually put his opinions into the conversation.

Well, I must end this post now so that I can get ready to leave and I wish everyone a blessed day. For those who were born on this date, "Happy Birthday" and may you have many more. Please keep the homeless in your prayers and thoughts and do something nice for someone less fortunate today and you will be rewarded for your good deed. Take care.

Paypal Fundraising

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Good afternoon everyone. It is two o'clock in the afternoon here on a beautifully sunny day outside. I just finished cleaning the house and I am now ready to get some things done. I have been procrastinating the last couple of days thinking I could get some writing done but have not managed to stay focused or motivated.

My mind has been cluttered with thoughts of our property and the things that need to be done there along with things around the house that need to get done. It almost seems like I am worn out by the time I sit down at my computer. Then, food stamps have been keeping me stressed because the worker messed up and forgot our phone appointment interview and now trying to get her to call us back after numerous calls to her voicemail, we still get no answer and we are out fo food which the diet my doctor has put me on is in jeopardy along with my sugar skyrocketing enough that they can hospitalize me again.

It just seems like everything needs my attention and there is only one of me to get everything done. I still have to set up tables for Hope Station USA to get some funding to come in so that our services can continue helping the homeless. It has been hard getting anyone to donate a few dollars, but I donate my time, effort, and money every day to keep her going. I have to start working on grants here shortly to see if funding is possible there.

I have a few places to send grant proposals that might help but it will take a lot of money to get one location set up when we need several locations in each state to help end homelessness. I feel deep down in my being that God has a purpose for me and that he will provide for the needs that we have to make this all come true. We need just one location up and running for a year to see our progress and when others see what good we are doing, maybe it will change a lot of minds about the work we are really doing and seeing what a good thing it is.

Well enough of my thoughts, for now, I need to get working on some things and force myself to get motivated. I hope everyone enjoys the day they have been blessed with. Do something nice for someone less fortunate today and pay it forward. For those born on this date, "Happy Birthday" and may you be blessed with many more. Keep the homeless in your daily prayers and pray that Hope Station USA will receive the funding we need to get our project, "Pathway to Self-Sufficiency" up and running. Take care.

Paypal Fundraising

Sunday, April 14, 2019


Hello everyone. How are you today? I am feeling pretty good today. The weather is awesome outside and a bit breezy with the clouds moving fast across the sky. I got up and had my coffee around nine this morning and did my house cleaning. I have taken my shower and ready to sit down and write. I have to change up my tweets today to new ones to keep positive and remain that way.

My husband just returned from a visit to his sister's house and is now hanging out with me and the dogs. He has been showing them attention since I got up this morning. Things are looking good for the day and I feel good about it since my emotional break the other night.

Today's writing will include adding another two-thousand to twenty-five-thousand words to the one book I am working on, possibly doing some editing on one of my finished books, and I have been looking into submitting some short stories to magazines for a little extra cash. I know that I have to write another article for the one site that I submit to, but things are looking up.

Later in the week of the twenty-second, we will be taking another trip back up to our property to clear some more and to meet with the consultant to get our soil mapping done. We will have to get our septic permit after that, but the goal is to be able to move up there July first. Which we look forward to and while living on the property we will be able to clear more of it and start the building process of our house.

I know the first year will be the hardest, but after that, we should be able to live a little easier. Our house will be built during the first year and my giant greenhouse and outdoor garden. After that, it will be building the chicken coop, pig pen, and turkey pen. I see my little farm taking shape.

Our cabin and the new car will be paid off around the same time, which means that we can purchase the lots next to ours and expand the farm to add beef cattle and a milking cow for fresh milk. So you see, we have everything planned out. Then it will be time for the solar panels to be installed which will make our homestead fully self-sufficient.

I just spoke with my husband and I am going to draw up a five-year plan which will put in full description every stage of our becoming self-sufficient and homesteading. I look forward to everything and living a solitary life with my husband and family of animals.

Well, time to get to work and make things happen. I hope everyone has a lovely Sunday afternoon and that it be blessed with love and family. "Happy Birthday" to those born on this date and may you be blessed with many more. Take care.

P.S-  If you want to show your support in assisting the homeless regain their self-sufficiency, please click on one of the links below and make a small donation. Remember that buying one of my books will help support the organization as well. Thank you in advance.

Paypal Fundraising

Saturday, April 13, 2019


Good morning everyone. It is sixty-two degrees here in Dalton, Georgia with rain showers this morning. The roommates are leaving for an overnight trip this morning so it will be just my husband and me here. My husband is still asleep and I just got up a few minutes ago and let the dogs out and fed them. I am now sitting here with my first cup of coffee trying to wake myself up all the way to get motivated.

I have plenty of things to do this morning and writing being the major part of my day next to exercising. I am going to try and get back on the treadmill today because I haven't been since the swelling of my ankles. I have a goal of forty pounds to lose by August thirty-first so that I may be able to go on my charity walk in September.

I have not worked on it for a minute because we have been working on our property stuff to get ready to move there in July. We have plenty of things to do to get it ready for the move and plus I have to get tables set up for Hope Station to collect donations and writing grant proposals for our project funding. So, there is plenty to do.

I am going to be working on my diabetes menu today and going through the cabinets to see what food we do have and what needs to be bought when our food stamps do come in. The caseworker has been playing around and she missed our phone interview so we didn't get our food stamps on the eleventh like we were supposed to. So, now I have to make do with what we do have in the house if anything at all that I can eat.

Today's writing goal is to have another twenty-five hundred to five thousand words written in one book and begin the editing process of another already finished one. I know that I can do it since it will be nice and quiet around here.

Well, it is time to get going on things and my husband needs his coffee. I hope that everyone has an awesome and blessed day. "Happy Birthday" to those who were born on this date and may you be blessed with many more. Let's also show our support for Hope Station USA by making a donation which is clicking one of the links below. Take care.

Paypal Fundraising

Friday, April 12, 2019


Hello everyone, it is me again. I know that I have not been posting anything in the last few days because we have been over at a friends house helping out and making a few dollars. I also fell the other night in the bathroom and now I have a nice big bruise on my back about where my kidneys are that hurts plus it did something to both my ankles because they were swollen as big as softballs and I had to use my cane for a few days just to walk because it was painful.

I am now home today and not going anywhere except to the dollar store to buy items that we need, but other than that, I am homebound for the rest of the weekend. I have a couple doctor appointments next week and then we travel up to the property the week after to have the soil mapping done. Once that is done we can make arrangements to move there and get our cabin. We will need $500 to pay for the construction permit for the septic tank but it is good for three years, so it gives us time to build the kitchen and bathroom to be able to hook up too. I can't wait.

I already have an idea where my garden is going to go for the later in the year vegetables and pumpkins for Halloween. I will also have a giant greenhouse constructed for growing all year eventually. Many plans have been made and we can only do what our finances will allow us to do each month but we will get everything going soon.

I want you all to excuse me, but I must vent about something I witnessed the other night and it sickens me not to mention makes me mad. We pulled into a convenience store and the man was there changing out the donuts and there on his cart sat a bag with about twenty-five donuts. when I asked him what they do with them, he stated that he must take them back to the plant for waste and thrown in the garbage.

We have people here and across the world starving, but we throw away so much food that could help feed them. After some research and a few phone calls to merchants, no one donates their extra food to help feed people and it all goes into the trash and recorded as waste. Why could they not donate the food to help feed people and get a tax write off instead of taking a loss as waste. It makes no sense to me. All the food being thrown out could feed so many people. How do you feel about it? People should stand up and fight for those who are starving and hungry. Thank you for allowing me to vent for a minute.

Well, it is time to get things going around here and I have already cleaned the house so now I can catch up on my writing. I would have done some last night but I had a mood swing in which my husband had to sit and hold me while I cried. It was a bad night and being in pain because of not having my medications correctly did a number on me. I am okay now and ready to get myself motivated again.

So, I wish everyone a wonderful Friday and a blessed one. "Happy Birthday" to those that were born on this date and may you have many more to come. Take care everyone and please show your support for the homeless by clicking one of the links below and making a contribution. Take care.

Paypal Fundraising

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

4/8/2019 & 4/9/2019

Hello everyone. How are you? I am doing pretty good today and I just got back from a doctor's appointment with a diabetes diet that I have to follow. It shouldn't be hard because I already eat the right food except for splurging every now and then which I have to cut out. My husband cleaned our room while I was gone which I love him for. He is such a big help to me more so when I'm sick.

Now that I am home, I get to start my list and get things done but just a few hours late. I am feeling positive so far today and will be seeing my therapist tomorrow with another letter that I have to write in order to begin processing my trauma. Writing my books help very much, but to write a letter to someone who has hurt me is somewhat difficult and takes time for me to write.

Besides writing my letter, I have to do some more writing on my book in order to finish it. I have written over twenty-thousand words so far and hopefully will make twenty-five-thousand today. I have to clean the house and get my tweets out before doing my writing. I try to stay on my schedule, but when people or appointments pull me away it becomes difficult to stay on track.


My apologies for not publishing this post yesterday, but I became overwhelmed with the blahs which sucked every bit of my energy after my doctor's appointment. I found myself to be bed bound and not wanting to do anything. I have these days every so often and it makes it hard to catch up on things the next day.

Today, I am just waking up and having my first cup of coffee while the dogs are outside. Every one of them just wants to give me lovin'. So, I have to take a few minutes and give each one some attention so they will calm down. I love them and I know they love me.

Well, time to get things done around here while I have the energy to do them. I will post more tomorrow, so have an awesome day everyone and "Happy Birthday" to those born on this date. Take care.

Sunday, April 7, 2019


Good morning everyone. I apologize for not posting these last couple of days. We left early Friday morning to go up to our property to do some more clearing before our soil mapping is done. We are going to homestead but still have to go by the legal way to put in a septic tank and get the permits for it.

We got approximately two-thirds to three-quarters of an acre cleared and it is so beautiful up there and very quiet so book writing will be so easy for me. We may have a natural spring on our property which will be a good water source for us. The people are very friendly there and I think we will be so happy there.

Onto everything else, we just got back yesterday, so I have some catching up to do on writing and cleaning. I still have to go over the budget and see where all our money is allotted to so we can keep our books straight. My babies sure did miss us too and mauled us as soon as we walked into the room which I could never get rid of any of them because there is a bond there with all eleven of them.

We go back to our property around the twenty-fourth of this month to have the soil mapped and burn the brush piles we have accumulated. We have kept some trees and got rid of some trees because it will be the yard for the dogs and I want them to have grass to run around and play in and not a yard full of trees.

Well, I'm sorry this post will be short because I have other things that I need to get done and then get started on other things. I wish for everyone to have a blessed day and a very "Happy Birthday" to those born on this date. May you have many more to come. Take care.

P.S Show your support to assist the homeless in regaining their self- sufficiency through our program by clicking one of the links below. They need our help.

Paypal Fundraising

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Good morning to all. It is seven forty-seven in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia. It is a bit chilly in the thirties but we have a forecast of upper sixties and seventies today which is nice weather. I have been up since five-thirty and took my friend to work for seven. I am feeling okay but still feel a little stressed about things because of it being close to us moving even though it is two months away.

Today, I will be working on my schedule but my husband and I need to take a trip to the Social Security Administration to update our direct deposit first. Everything is a work in progress it seems and everyone's stress levels are moderate.

My apologies, we just got back from social security and the bank so everything is straightened out. I also just finished the housework and now I can get some writing stuff done. Did everyone see yesterday's post about the FREE copy of my latest book? Until Friday you can get the ebook for FREE and I know everyone likes free things, I know I do.

Well, it feels good today knowing my mind is a little clearer and I am in control of my day now. I have a book to work on still, some editing of a finished book, and some marketing strategies to go over and this is all within my writing day, but as far as everything else is concerned, I have some nonprofit stuff to do too.

Well, we are getting into the afternoon and I need to get stuff going. I hope everyone has an awesome day and a blessed one. "Happy Birthday" to those who were born on this date and may you have many more. Take care.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

4/1/2019 & 4/2/2019

"April Fools Day!" Good morning everyone. Wake up sleepy heads, it's Monday and time to get up and start that work week all over again. I have been up since about six o'clock with my husband and had a cup of coffee with him before he had to leave for a doctor's appointment. We are under a freeze warning this morning here in Dalton, Georgia and it is downright cold outside.

Yesterday was a busy day for me because the pool is being set up and I had to move my desk so everyone can come through to get to it. I sorted and organized my files first before moving it so that everything would be all set to go. I just finished my tweets for the day and I am happy to announce that everyone can get a FREE copy of my latest book from now until Friday. So, get your copy of "Immortal Passion" before time runs out.


I feel pretty good so far this morning and ready to get to work on everything. I just finished scheduling all my tweets for the day and now I am here with you. We will be going back up to the property this weekend again to clear out some more brush and pay the monthly note on the property. We are excited that we will be moving up there June and seriously look forward to it.


Hello everyone. I do apologize for not posting this yesterday, but yesterday was a bad day in all. Besides our roommates having their crisis, my husband got stranded when his truck broke down and I had to leave the house and go help him just to come home after being stranded roadside with my husband for hours to have our roommate state that since we bought this property, we haven't helped them around the house anymore which is entirely untrue.

I just chose to clean our room first and make sure we are taken care of before cleaning the front part of the house which most times they are gone when I do clean up. Then, we didn't get up to take our friend to work and she almost lost her job behind it but she knows that if we disappear and she doesn't hear from us that something is wrong.

It was just a bad day all together and ruined it for me today hoping that it would be better. Then, the puppies ate my phone charging cord so I had to go buy another one. There are just so many things going on this month and will get worse come next month because we will be moving June first to our property, so things will get a little crazy getting ready for the move.

well, it is time for me to get some things done for me especially my writing which has lapsed a little because of other things. I want to wish everyone a happy Tuesday and to all of those who were born on this date, "Happy Birthday" and may you have many more. Take care.