Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Good morning everyone. Happy Hump Day! It is twenty minutes to six here in Dalton, Georgia and pouring rain outside. My husband has been awake for a while and I just got up a few minutes ago. I have to take my husband to the doctor for a procedure on his back this morning and then he will be down for a few days recovering. I am also supposed to be taking my roommate's daughter for her road test to get her driver's license, but I am not sure if they will allow her to take it if it is raining outside?

I will be carrying my notes on my nonfiction book with me and working on it while waiting for my husband to get finished with the doctor. I need to get working on it because it will be a rather large book full of information. I have been working on the other books I have going and I will probably fall short of having them finished by Sunday, but that is okay because I will just keep writing on them until they are done.

The nonfiction and one of the fiction books are the second books in a series, so I have some time to work on them but I will just keep pressing along until they are done. I have added an hour every day for editing so that I can get the books I have written and completed ready for the editor and then publishing.

I lost my motivation there for a minute with the trip to Florida to help with the move, but I am slowly getting it back and back into my routine. Things have been slow for a few weeks but now I am ready to get back to work and begin pumping out words into my computer. I am not going to give up on writing because it is a part of me and will always be good therapy.

My husband has even given me some good story plots for books and it makes me feel good that he is being a part of it and a part of something that is good for me. Every time I get up from the computer, I always come back to see little love notes typed on the screen which makes me smile. I love him so much.

Well, time to get some stuff done before taking him to the doctor. I want and wish for everyone to have a great and blessed day, and a "Happy Birthday" to those celebrating a birthday today. Be blessed and take care everyone.

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