Thursday, September 6, 2018


Hello everyone. It is a good day today to start off with. We got back home last night and it felt so good to be able to sleep in our own bed. The dogs were happy to be home too. I got up a little late this morning but slept hard and comfortable only with a few times having to get up to go to the bathroom. Everyone slept good and I did especially after a hot shower.

This morning I got up and cleaned the house, filled the fish aquarium with more water and fed them, and then came back to my room to get some of my things done. It is kind of hot back here with the sun shining and everything a pretty green, but I can't wait for cooler weather to come. I hate sweating unless I am doing some landscaping around the house or yard work. Tomorrow we will be getting a burn permit to burn some brush in the backyard.

I have not started my books for this month, but I will be starting them today by getting my notes out and ready. I look forward to writing my next nonfiction and four fiction books which should be done this month. I am running behind on two books from last month, but I will be catching up so it will not be a problem. My writing is important to me and to my mental health as a coping mechanism. It allows me to disappear from reality and be a part of my stories. 

Two books will actually be published before the end of the month and others will be in the editing stages. My husband does not enjoy reading but he has heard them read back to me and enjoys the story very much. Writing is a part of my life and no one can take that from me.

Other than that, I will hopefully be getting my first podcast done tomorrow which will just be introductions on who I am and what I am doing along with some background on myself. I hope everyone gets a chance to hear it and give me some feedback on it. Youtube videos will be coming soon, but I hope to get one done over the weekend. The first one will be an introduction as well, and then it will go into what books I have published, working on, and maybe even some stories or information on the next work in progress.

Well, it is time to get some things done and I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. To those with a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and may you have many more. Take care.

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