Sunday, September 30, 2018


Good Sunday morning everyone! The sun has not begun to come up yet and it is seven o'clock in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia. My husband is up having coffee with me and the dogs are playing. I just went outside and got all ten of my Sunday newspapers for coupon clipping. Yes, I am an extreme couponer who loves sales and getting things for less than a dollar. It is one of my Sunday rituals along with everything else.

I have been up since five-thirty this morning and got the coffee started for the house. I am writing this post and then I will be going to get in the shower before really starting my day. I have some garbage to move out in the backyard and then grass that needs to be cut and then the backyard is done. Hopefully, it will dry out outside so I can get a burn permit to burn some brush and that will clear up some more of the backyard.

Today I will be doing some editing on works that have been written and are just waiting for editing. Tomorrow starts a new month and I am supposed to be starting new books but I have fallen a little behind which I will catch up, but October was going to be a busy month for book writing. I am feeling the motivation come back and the energy to get writing and completing books.

I keep telling myself to not give up and to just keep writing because there will be a time when enough money will come in to go ahead and publish two or three books at once. I will just keep pumping them out and publishing when finances allow. I find solace and peace in writing so much that it has become a part of me.

Well, daylight is beginning and I need to get in the shower so I will stop here but not before wishing everyone a wonderful Sunday. "Happy Birthday" to everyone with a birthday today and may you be blessed with many more. Just remember that life is too short to not enjoy the life you have today. Take care.

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