Thursday, August 30, 2018


Good morning to everyone on this Thursday morning. We are down here outside of Jacksonville, Florida and it is four forty-five in the morning. We left Dalton at midnight yesterday for this seven to eight-hour drive and did have to stop a couple times to rest my eyes. I tried but could not sleep hours before our departure, so I did get a little tired while driving, but we made it here about ten o'clock yesterday morning.

Once we were here we both took a few hour naps before getting up and socializing with our hosts. We went out to dinner last night with them and then coming back to their house and my husband going back to bed. He was tired but I managed to stay up a little bit longer to hang out with my friend's mom. We are here to help them move and will be getting things going today.

We sat and got our game plan together on how we were going to do this house and it seems that it will work and will be on schedule as planned. Right now three of us are sitting here drinking coffee while my husband still sleeps. He is on his medication and will sleep a while longer while I didn't take mine last night because I had just taken my dinner medication and did not want to overdose on anything. So, I slept without them and slept quite a few hours.

I am not fully awake here at five o'clock in the morning, but will soon be motivated to get things done around here. My friend's mom is hurting really bad so I told her to just sit, relax, and dictate what goes where and what goes to the trash can. It will make it easier on them and give me some exercise too.

Well, I have some things to do this morning and need to get started. I wish everyone a wonderful day and everyone celebrating a birthday, "Happy Birthday" and may you have many more blessed ones. Take care.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Good morning everyone. This is your friendly book author sitting up at three forty-three in the morning finishing up some book writing that I needed to catch up on. I woke up at about two o'clock after napping since about eight o'clock. It is nice and quiet around here except for the dogs who bark at shadows outside.

I am getting ready to go lay back down and try to nap for another two and a half hours getting up at six o'clock to get my day started. I have some things to do before taking a trip to Florida Wednesday morning. I will still be writing my daily journal with updates and mostly packing a house up for a move back here. Should everything go right, we will have the gas money needed for the trip.

This month has been a struggle financially and with any hope, it will get straightened out. A few of our bills have been returned due to our account being over-drafted this month due to other important expenses that couldn't be helped. I will be able to move things around to help catch it up and take care of things that are still overdue.

I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon to vent some more anguish and anxiety and like she said to take it one day at a time which I have been doing at first, but it gets harder every day. Well, I will stop here temporarily until I get up in a couple hours. So, sweet dreams everyone.

Well, good morning all you late bloomers, I never made it back to sleep this morning, so I showered, ate my breakfast of grits, eggs, and toast, along with a hot cup of coffee. I am ready to get my day started now. I took my medication and insulin and fed the dogs. They thought I was starving them this morning because I was awake but not giving them any food. They just haven't realized that I have them on a feeding schedule of six thirty in the morning.

My husband is up now drinking his coffee and watching the news of a train vs eighteen-wheeler last night here in town. I am sitting here still waking up but ready to get myself motivated to get some things done this morning. I will probably take a short nap later, but that is okay and it is off to bed early tonight so that we can be up and out of here at six in the morning.

To everyone with a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and I wish an awesome day for everyone else. Take care.

Monday, August 27, 2018


Morning to all, it is nine fifteen here in Dalton, Georgia and the sun is shining beautifully outside. Yesterday, my husband and I spent the day doing things around the house. We cleaned out the back room where I sit and write and organized things that went out to the shed out back. Then we organized what was left in the room.

Secondly, we raked up the backyard and bagged up some trash to take to the dump. It was a busy day. I still have some organizing left to do in this room and put cleans away, but it will get done here shortly. I can't deal with mess and chaos too long before it begins affecting me mentally. Everyone knows that I suffer from OCD and that it can become extreme.

My husband has adjusted to my OCD very well because about every three months I need to move furniture around and reorganize things. I can't help it, I just get bored with things that stay the same. I guess that goes into my everyday life as well. When things start to get boring, I change it up even if it is a routine, I do something different to make it seem like it is new and fresh.

Sorry, I just took a minute to clean the house up real quick and feed my dogs. I am now officially sweating and need to jump into a cool shower to rinse off and put new fresh clothing on. My husband is away helping his dad and friend while I sit in the house alone with nothing but my thoughts. I finished one of my manuscripts last night and should be finishing another today and maybe the third. I have to finish organizing my room first and if it stays quiet, I might actually get a podcast done. I will have to see what the day holds for me but I plan on getting quite a bit of stuff done today.

Well, time to get started, I just made my glass of diet soda and I am ready to get to work. I want to wish everyone a "Happy Monday" and to everyone celebrating a birthday today, "Happy Birthday". I look forward to posting tomorrow with my accomplishments from today and looking for any feedback. Take care.

Sunday, August 26, 2018


Good morning everyone. Welcome to the last day of the weekend. This is what I used to call the day of rest and recovery from a hard weekend of partying, but that was years ago when I stopped drinking. I have been clean and sober ten years this month. I am so proud of myself for a great accomplishment. Most people have a hard time walking away from drugs and alcohol but I am here to testify it can be done, even without support.

My newest addiction is writing books, lol. I have a hard time when I am not writing. I get irritated when I have to go somewhere or do something and it messes with my writing. It is what gives me space from reality and stress. It has become a coping mechanism for my mental health and it reduces my stress and high blood pressure.

I will be finishing up another manuscript today and possibly the second one too. Then I will have four books in the editing phase. I am hoping to have the fifth one done tomorrow. I will just be sitting on them until I have the money to pay for the editing. It is hard being on disability and trying to pay for something like this after the bills. I will manage it though.

Today is a great day and I wish everyone a blessed day. This will be a short post today because I have coupons sitting here that I need to get done before writing. I am always saving money with my coupons and I have a good stockpile of items to get started with. So, everyone have a wonderful Sunday. "Happy Birthday" to all of you having a birthday today and may you have many more. Take care and God Bless.

Saturday, August 25, 2018


Good morning everyone. How are you this Saturday morning? Everyone up watching Saturday morning cartoons? I got up on time today and ran to the store to get snacks before I got started writing this post. It is a cloudy rainy day here in Dalton, Georgia. How is the weather where you are? Today is going to be a positive day for me to get things done.

Yesterday got screwed up for my writing and schedule because I had to drive my roommate somewhere but it was okay because I got some writing done last night before going to bed. I am working on three manuscripts at one time and tomorrow I have two others that I have to begin editing.

I will be posting a short story today and I hope everyone enjoys reading it. I have three books for sale on Amazon and on this website if you want to purchase. The ones on the site will be autographed and personally sent from me. I have sold quite a few copies and people have enjoyed them. So, go check them out.

I am still going to meet my goal of finishing the first draft of all three manuscripts by the first of the month and then the editing of those begins. Well, I need to go to begin my schedule for the day and I hope everyone enjoys their Saturday.

I want to wish everyone with a birthday today, "Happy Birthday!" and may you have many more. Take care.

Friday, August 24, 2018


Morning to all. I woke up late this morning because I was up all hours of the night. I took a nap yesterday from five o'clock until my husband woke me at eleven last night. This is happening too frequently for me. I get up a six-thirty in the morning and I am good until about five or six in the evening and then I'm out for the count.

When I take that nap, it screws my whole body clock up and then I am having a hard time sleeping during the night. I talked to my husband about it and think it might be better to adjust my schedule by a couple of hours so I am awake later in the evening and not getting up so early since I am good for about twelve hours lately.

Other than that, I finished my daily writing goals last night and got some more writing done on my books. I am happy about that and look to getting more done today. I have two manuscripts waiting for editing and I will be working on that over the weekend.

Right now, my husband is cleaning our room and making the bed. He is such a great husband. He takes care of things so that I can write. I should be posting a new short story today once I finish here, I will be finishing it up to get it published on the site.

So, allow me to get off here and post this so I can work on the short story and get it done. I wish for everyone today to have an awesome Friday and a very "Happy Birthday" to those celebrating a birthday today. May you have many more. Take care.

Thursday, August 23, 2018


Good morning everyone. It is five fifty-one in the morning here and I cannot sleep anymore. I had such an exhausting day yesterday with three doctor's appointments in one day. I came home and laid down and that was all she wrote for me. I slept until about ten o'clock with a few times of getting up for the bathroom and then went back to bed and now I can't sleep anymore. I am very surprised that my body doesn't hurt from laying in the bed all that time, but it doesn't.

I feel guilty because I didn't do any writing yesterday or spend time with my husband, but he understood how I didn't feel well and allowed me to sleep undisturbed. I appreciate all he does for me and how much he takes care of me. He supports me in my writing even when he is having mood swings. He does a lot for me and for everyone else around here.

My coffee tastes good this morning and is really eye-opening. Maybe I will get stuff done today and keep moving in a forward direction. The first thing I am doing after getting coffee is sitting here talking to you my readers. That is how important you are to me and I count most of you, my friends. I appreciate all of you and love talking to you, even if you don't respond back. You listen and that is what matters.

Today I will be working on writing chapters in three books I am working on. I have two that need editing and I will be editing them during the weekend and getting them ready for the editor at the end of the month, but I am working on three new ones. I hope to have them ready for the editor towards the end of September. I know that it seems that writing books should take a while, but all I have to do is sit and write during the day and the stories are right there in my mind and I just need to type them up.

I have my to-do list and daily goal sheet out ready for my day which starts at six- thirty in the morning every day and my whole day is planned out up until ten-thirty at night. It is the best way to hold myself accountable for my writing and daily tasks. This post shouldn't have been done until seven- thirty but I was up early so I figured I would get an early start. Some of you have to get up to go to work and I want to give you a chance to read this before you go.

Well, it is time for me to go work on breakfast and get an early start at everything today. It will give me more time to write and tell my stories. I hope everyone has a great day at work and a very "Happy Birthday" to those that will be celebrating a birthday today. May you have many more. Take care.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


Good morning everyone. It is midnight here and I guess I fell asleep early tonight watching television and just woke up a few minutes ago and ate two peanut butter sandwiches. I just wasn't feeling like myself tonight. It was one of those "blah" nights where I just couldn't get motivated to do anything and then my concentration was gone.

I might try to do some writing now with it being quiet before going back to bed. My husband is asleep and I don't know if he took his night time medication and he will be asleep all night or not. The dogs and I are sitting in my room together so they don't bother him.

They sleep with us in the bed and some on the blanket on the floor, but when I get up they get up and sit with me, especially when one is my service dog and goes with me everywhere to keep me calm. I am waiting on her vest stating she is a service dog, but have an ID for her.

I have a doctor's appointment in eight and a half hours for my pain management with my back and neck. I just took some medication so maybe it will help me go back to sleep soon. I am posting this now because I won't have time in the morning to do it and want everyone to know how I am this morning.

I hope everyone is having a great evening and most of you should be in bed to get up for work in the morning. I hope you have an awesome day at work and that you are happy and safe. I can't believe all of the things going on in the world with all the shootings and fires. California was beautiful and not it is burning. It is such a shame, but new growth comes after the fire.

I will probably work on my short story tonight so that I can get it posted and this weekend I will be submitting essays to be published in magazines and journals, so I look forward to that. Well, it is time to get something done and I hope everyone has a great night and a peaceful sleep.

Everyone that will be celebrating a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and everyone else, take care and be blessed in your endeavors. Take care and good night.

Monday, August 20, 2018


Sorry for not posting yesterday but we had internet issues pretty much the whole day and then my feet were hurting so bad that I laid on the bed to stay off them. It has been another trying morning within myself today. I could not manage to get up when the alarm went off and I have little motivation, but my husband had a doctor's appointment and that screwed up some of my day.

I will be taking the rest of the day and fiddling around with some stuff and playing catch up on some projects. I have a short story to catch up on for posting and another to start to get caught up on my short story schedule. I just managed to get my coupons caught up and in their books. I have some clay and paper mache things to catch up on, so it is just a slow catch-up day.

I hope everyone is having a great Monday and in good health. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning which won't interfere with any of my writing goals for the day and then three appointments on Wednesday which will throw the day off as well.

My writing other than yesterday with no internet is moving along and I made my goal for each book to be three thousand words per day on each book which will have three books published each month once I get it up and running on schedule. I will still have two books ready for the editor on the first and then published next month which will make five books all together so far.

I am very proud of myself in keeping with my goals for writing and posting my short stories. I just have to get the courage up for Youtube videos and Podcasting stories because of my appearance. I am very conscientious about my appearance mainly because I have no teeth. I am fine with the rest of me, it is just the teeth issue.

I will get around to it, just not right this minute until I get caught up on everything. I am getting some things done now and back on track for tomorrow and maybe even get somethings done for Wednesday early. I need to get going so I will end this post here and wish everyone a great evening.

"Happy Birthday" to everyone with a birthday today and wishing many more. Take care. 

Saturday, August 18, 2018


It is Saturday morning and it has been raining all night here in Dalton, Georgia. Good morning everyone. How are you this morning? I am sitting here drinking my first cup of coffee for the morning and listening to the sound of peace and quiet. There is no sound except for the chirping of crickets. The dogs have gone out to potty and are now back to sleep on their bed.

My alarm went off at six-thirty even though I didn't go to sleep until about two in the morning, but I am okay with getting up now. All my life I have survived off of only a few hours of sleep every night. Sometimes I sleep for only a few hours and sometimes I sleep for ten hours, it just depends on my body and how it feels.

I will be staying on my schedule today with my writing so that I can get things done. I have fallen a few days behind but nothing I can't catch up on. I will still make my goal of having these other two books done by the end of the month and ready for the editor. That is the goal.

Tomorrow, I will be starting the first round of editing on the other two finished manuscripts and getting them ready for the editor at the end of the month. I do not have a set schedule for Sundays so I do my editing then. Most of my books are novellas, but I will be writing full-length novels as time goes by.

I just had to wake my husband up to go to the flea market with our roommate, so I get to enjoy a cup of coffee with him. Well, it's that time where I have to get started with my day. I hope everyone enjoys their day today and spend it with family because they are precious to have and cherish.

To everyone celebrating a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and to everyone else, have an awesome and wonderful day. Take care.

Friday, August 17, 2018


Good morning everyone. How are you this morning? I don't know how I am yet because I just woke up and finished my first cup of coffee but not fully awake yet. It usually takes me a few minutes to get my bearings together to be fully awake. "Happy Friday!" The weekend is here again so quickly. The days are moving so fast that I lose what day it is.

By the way, I finished another manuscript last night and I now have two books in the editing stages and will be seeing the editor at the end of the month. I am so proud of myself for keeping to my goals. I have another two works in progress that I hope to have finished by the end of the month and that would be four books ready for publishing.

Today I will be working on the two works in progress and finishing another chapter in each. Sundays will be my days for editing since I don't have much to do because I don't have Sundays on my daily goal list because I work with my coupons on Sundays.

Since it is Friday, what plans does everyone have? Myself, it will be writing and editing. I enjoy it and it helps with my therapy. I probably will be starting another book which will be a fantasy in the next few days. I have time allotted for each book and will need to fill that third book space since I finished one.

Well, it is getting later in the morning and I am getting a late start so I will end this post with wishing everyone with a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and to everyone else, have an awesome Friday. Take care and be blessed.

Thursday, August 16, 2018


"Good morning friends and family old and new". It is a beautifully sunny day here in Dalton, Georgia. How is the weather where you are? I am feeling okay this morning since I am taking it one day at a time. How are you doing this morning? I just woke up about forty minutes ago and I am almost fully awake sitting here drinking my first cup of coffee. My husband is still asleep but will be waking up soon. This is what are medication does, it helps us sleep and with me, it keeps the nightmares and dreams at bay.

I woke up late but have thought about everything I need to get done today and feeling pretty motivated to get them done. I have looked over my daily goal chart and yesterday was a good day because I got three-quarters of my list done yesterday and that is good for me because I have struggled to get half of it done.

Once I finish this one chapter of one book I will have two books that need editing before publishing while I work on the other two books in progress. I am going to keep pressing forward no matter what pops up to block the way. Hurdles are easy to jump if you take your time and analyze the height of it and your speed. It takes confidence to jump any hurdle and I know I can do it, just like I know any of you can do it.

I will be finishing and be posting a short story today on the site and look forward to hearing any feedback on my stories. I am getting back into my groove with taking care of everything on my goal list. I had to make some changes to it for the better but it is still manageable. So, I will be leaving this post now to get started and I wish everyone an awesome day an be blessed.

To everyone with a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and may you have many more. Take care.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Good morning everyone. I am sitting here drinking my first cup of coffee and watching my dogs act silly this morning. I guess my husband got tired of my venting and needed a break because he went to a friends house last night to fix their son's Xbox and never came home last night. So, I am having coffee alone this morning and I am okay with it. I actually expected it sooner or later.

Anyway, I am up this morning and I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon so, I will be getting things done before having to leave. I am going to be finishing a short story and posting it today along with finishing the last chapter of one book, the second chapter of the second book, and the first chapter of the third. I am trying to get my motivation and passion for writing back regardless of my mental health.

I enjoy writing but my mental health has put up a block and is trying to stop me from writing. I will not give in to it and continue moving forward with my life. I hope everyone else is having a great morning and probably most of you are getting the kids off to school and ready for work. It is becoming a beautiful morning outside and the dogs have finally gone outside to play.

I will make this a short post because I think I did enough writing last night with my venting and I want to get things done that I will miss doing while at the doctor's appointment. My goal is still to have at least two books sent to the editor by the end of the month and ready for publishing in the next month. I am so excited about it.

Well, let me publish this post and get to work while it is quiet around here. I still have some sweeping and mopping to do beforehand so that the house will be cleaned and smelling good which will relax me enough to work. So, to everyone celebrating a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and to everyone else, I wish for you a blessed day. Take care.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Hello all! I just realized that I didn't post anything yesterday and I sincerely apologize. In a way, it wouldn't have been a good day to post because I had a very bad day yesterday. I cried, I got angry, and I zoned out a few times. It is just very stressful within myself. I made it to my therapist yesterday and couldn't stop crying because I was so angry and confused. The best advice she gave me was to take it one day at a time and keep myself safe.

On the drive there, I hoped I would have crashed the car into a tree, that is how bad I felt. I don't know what is going on inside me or with me. I feel like the best thing for me to do is to close up in my room and keep myself safe. My husband wouldn't understand why even though he knows that I have done it before. I would only come out of my room to shower, eat, and go to a doctor's appointment. I feel like I need to be alone for a bit and it isn't anything anyone has done.

All of this has to do with me and my mental illness, but I don't expect too many people to understand that. My therapist told me to sit down and do a self-reflection and try to narrow down what happened that made me change. I told my husband yesterday that I am not the same person. Something has changed or triggered a change in me that has caused a lot of conflict within myself. I am good one minute and then wanting to punch the wall the next, which I am not a violent person.

I thought I would be better today but things just keep happening that force me out of my comfort zone and I don't like it. I am trying to behave myself and keep all of my comments and thoughts to myself today so that no one will take things the wrong way. I have a hard time getting the words from my brain to my mouth correct and some things are twisted and people get the wrong meaning of what I am trying to convey.

I am hoping I can try to start over again tomorrow since it is a new day and maybe even feel better. I see my primary care physician tomorrow for an update on my diabetes and cholesterol which I am changing my diet and eating to the way they want me to eat so that I can lose weight and get everything under control. I have some goals made and pinned up over my desk so that I remember.

My goals are to lose fifty pounds, have seven more books published, and my A1C for my diabetes to be under seven all by Halloween. These are realistic goals for me and I know that I can do them. The stress has a lot to do with my weight though because I can't seem to lose any weight or even gain any weight. I am just stuck at my current weight with only a shift of three pounds either way.

I am going to discipline myself to stay on my routine and schedule come hell or high water. If I have a doctor's appointment, I will catch up on what I missed on my schedule before going to bed that night. I need to get things back to where they were or I will crash and burn and my husband has already stated that he doesn't want me going into the hospital because he needs me out here, but if it is for my own sanity I will.

Well, I think I made up for not posting yesterday and I apologize for it seeming like I was venting some frustration. I am not myself and need to fix it so I can be better. I will end here or I will get started again and don't want to talk your ear off or ruin your eyes trying to read all of this.

I wish a "Happy Birthday" to everyone with a birthday today, and to everyone else, have an awesome night. I want to send prayers out to a friend of mine who is in the hospital from having a stroke and wish him a speedy recovery. Take care.

Sunday, August 12, 2018


Hello everyone. Just had a great couple of hours at a Florida beach. We are visiting a friends mother who only lives a few minutes from the Florida line and she took us to the beach which was my husbands first trip to a beach and he enjoyed it. We got to enjoy the sun and the water felt so good and not so cold. We are heading back to Dalton today, actually in about another hour. I can't wait to get back home and see my babies. I have missed and worried about them so much.

I finished a chapter of one book last night and will be finishing the book tomorrow and writing a couple of chapters in another book while beginning another book. Taking a couple of days off caused me to fall behind a couple days on writing but it can be made up and I can stay on schedule with books being finished on time and meeting my goals.

I tried working on the second book last night, but because of the seven-hour drive down here it completely exhausted me and I just couldn't find myself to write. I will be doing most of the driving today and will be getting home around eleven o'clock tonight. Tomorrow everything will go back to normal and my schedule will continue.

Well, let me get off of here and get some rest to make myself ready for this long drive. I wish everyone with a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and to everyone else have an awesome day.

Friday, August 10, 2018


"Happy Friday!" The weekend is here upon us again. I know a lot of you love to see the weekend come, right? For me, the weekend brings no harassing telemarketing calls. They really annoy me throughout the week. How has your week been? Mine has been full of writing and self-reflection. I have been doing some searching inside myself and making goals and plans to get certain things done.

One of the goals that I set is to lose fifty pounds before Halloween. I know I can do it and yesterday was day one. I also made a writing goal to have another seven books published before Halloween. That goal is obtainable as well, I just have to stick to my daily goals and I will be there. One final goal is to have my diabetes under control and an A1C below seven. 

Tomorrow I begin my diet that the doctors want me on to help control my health conditions and even make them better. I will be shopping tomorrow for the house and also for me. I have been getting back on the treadmill and walking three-quarters of a mile per day to start. I look forward to seeing myself fifty pounds thinner and toned up better.

Well, it is cloudy again outside and we had flash flood rains yesterday. It was a good day to just sleep but I got up and got the house cleaned before sitting down to write. This morning my dogs woke me up at about five and I stayed awake until about six-thirty and went to lay back down. I just got back up about twenty minutes ago and now I am ready to get started with my schedule today.

Well, I need to get going to make up for the lost hour from sleeping. "Happy Birthday" to anyone with a birthday today and may you have many more. To everyone else, have a blessed and prosperous day. Take care.

Thursday, August 9, 2018


Good morning everyone. How are you this morning? I am doing good so far, it is seven thirty and looks to be cloudy outside. I have been up since six thirty and I have just finished my first cup of coffee. I am fighting from being tired because I need to get myself motivated to stay on my routine every day.

I have had a few setbacks but I am beginning to gain my motivation back slowly and I have the need and desire to get things completed. At least two of my books will be going to the editor towards the end of the month and will be published and launched around the middle of September when I should have another couple books ready to go to the editor again. As long as I complete my goals every day that is what my future looks like.

My husband is still sleeping and I will allow him to sleep until he wants to wake up. We have no appointments until Monday so why should he get up early if he doesn't have too? It is now raining outside hard and the smell is intoxicating. I love the rain because it is renewing the air and cleansing it from pollutants.

Sorry, I took a moment to pickup this room from the dogs and make it smell really good. My dogs are almost all housebroken except when it rains. We have to make them go out in the rain to potty because they know if they get wet they can't get up on the furniture, so they won't go out and get wet. We do have puppy pads which work wonders for the smaller dogs and even one of my oldest.

Well, it is almost time to switch to my next daily goal which is cleaning up the house a little while everyone is gone to work. I have to run to the store quickly and I am trying to wait until the rain dies down some so that I don't get drenched. It seems to be dying down some and I need to get going, so I will end this post here and wish everyone a great and beautiful day.

To everyone with a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and a wish for many more. Well everyone, take care and enjoy your day.

Monday, August 6, 2018


I have to apologize again for being a no-show the last few days. I have not taken my mental health medication and have not been myself. It was one of those days where you didn't give a damn, but my anxiety and mood swings have been a problem even with the medication. I have not been able to sleep good and I get scatterbrained. The one bad thing about it all is that I can be motivated and ecstatic one minute an then on the drop of a dime, hate everyone or become so depressed or moody that it can be detrimental to my well-being and book writing.

I have not had energy or motivation to write which is not like me because it is therapy for me to write. I cannot even focus on anything right now. I took my husband to his doctor's appointment this morning and kept trying to fall asleep and then my sugar began dropping. When we got home, I tried to get this post and some other things done, but couldn't focus on anything and it was hard to deal with so I laid down and took a nap.

When my husband woke me up this afternoon, I felt a little better but was still a little foggy in the head. This usually comes and goes and that is when you find me locked away in my room so that my mood swings won't affect anyone else. I have taken my medication now and waiting for it to kick in so I can go to sleep which I haven't been able to sleep in a few days again.

I am trying to get my head back together and working on my writing again. I will be sending two books to the editor by the end of this month and begin the editing on the third and writing the next one. I am working on my motivation and hope to see it flourishing again soon.

Wel, it is time to say goodnight and I hope everyone had an awesome and blessed day? I wish everyone that had a birthday today "Happy Birthday" and I will chat more again tomorrow. Sleep well.

Friday, August 3, 2018


Good morning to all my friends and family old and new. It is seven thirty here in Georgia and a rainy cloudy day. I just woke up not too long ago and I am on my first cup of coffee. The dogs are just waking up too. I am feeling a little foggy this morning but okay. I guess I slept hard because I woke up in the same position I went to sleep in.

Well, I got some writing done last night and I am closer to finishing the one book, but I think I can finish it today. It would make my day. I will be finishing the second chapter of the new book today and possibly be doing a little editing on the book already done. I am just trying to get these books pumped out but making them the best they can be.

I am doing the best I can do with my mental health status and staying on my medication but things are a little stressful at times or I feel mood swings but that is when I sit and write more because it takes me from the mood swing into my story and gives me time to get past it without serious repercussions.

My husband went to a friends house last night to help fix a bathroom and stayed the night because they worked late into the night, so I got the king size bed to myself, with the dogs of course. He should be coming home sometime this morning and I am hoping to have some things done before he gets home.

My dad has been on my mind lately so I am going to sit and write him a letter and mail it out. I have lost some family members in the last couple of years and it is starting to bother me because my dad is in his seventies and I would hate to lose him. He is the one person that keeps me strong because I want him to be proud of me and he is mainly the reason I am a survivor.

It is now time to get things started and my next cup of coffee. I hope everyone has an awesome Friday and the weekend is here. Those of you who have a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and I wish many more birthdays for you. Well, I need to get going, so be blessed and prosperous today. Take care.

Thursday, August 2, 2018


Good early morning everyone. It is almost four thirty in the morning here in Georgia. I am awake so early because I pretty much slept since the afternoon yesterday and all through the night. There were a few times where I tried to get up and stay awake, but it was just impossible. I was so tired and exhausted from stressing over bills.

Everyone here is still asleep and it is a good time for me to relax, drink my coffee, and get some things done like talking to everyone else here who is awake right now. Sometimes I really hate being up this early, but your body can only take so much laying down. I hurt all over if I have laid down for so long, but I guess I needed the much-needed sleep and rest for my body.

My sugar has been doing really good and I haven't had to take hardly any insulin which is good. I have started to eat again which is also hard for me because of my past with not knowing where my next meal was going to be. You get used to hardly eating and because it was for so many years that my body had been programmed that way.

I am sitting here looking at my to-do list for the day and pretty much most of it looks simple enough with a few things being arts and crafts and the rest mostly writing. I have some things to catch up on with writing, but because I am up so early I can start this morning and get an early start on it. Most of what I have to do is write a couple short stories and then finish my second book off to which I am writing the last chapter already.

I took a shower last night at one of the many times I tried to get up and be productive and put on some comfy pajamas and slipper socks to make sure I was comfortable. We have no other doctor appointments this week which is good because it gives me a chance to do more writing and marketing.

Well, I just woke my husband up and gave him a cup of coffee, but I don't know if he is going to stay up or go back to sleep. If he goes back to sleep, he will sleep for a few more hours which gives me more quiet time. I just went out to the car and grabbed the new bag of dog food because the brats wouldn't leave me alone until they knew there was food in their bowl.

Once I put food in their bowl, they are all laying around nice and calm and quiet. We go through this every morning like the brats they are. Sometimes I wonder if I should make a trough and just pour a fifty-pound bag in it and let them go at it and maybe they will leave me alone for a few days, NOT. They keep me up on everything so that I don't forget.

The first thing we do in the morning, is I give each one a few minutes of my attention loving on them and with six dogs, it takes about an hour to go through all of them. Most of them are so spoiled and they do act like brats and children that do throw temper tantrums.

So, for today, I have some writing to do and hopefully will be done with another book and be working on the third before the end of the day. I will also be doing my first podcast today which will be an introduction podcast and then they will be me reading short stories that I have written to give everyone something enjoyable to listen to.

It is now after five o'clock in the morning and I will end this post here. I want to wish everyone with a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" and everyone else to have an awesome Thursday. Be blessed and take care.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018


Well, here it is the first of August and the holidays right around the corner. I am not looking forward to them because we will be in the middle of building our house. Today it rained like crazy and I had a panic attack while driving because of all the people an traffic there was plus the downpour. I did manage to get a couple of bills paid and stopped by the store to pick up a couple of items that were on sale.

I stayed up as long as I could and then took the dogs for a nap and quiet time. they are trained to take naps which would be my quiet time. they are just like kids to me. I manage to finish one manuscript and almost done with another one. the money that was supposed to be used for editing and publishing went for bills.

I am feeling a bit of stress right now and secluded myself away as to not take out the frustration on anyone in the house. I have my to-do list ready for tomorrow which is about a dozen things, but with the seclusion, I should be able to get them done.

well it is getting late and the dogs want my attention so I will end this here "Happy Birthday" to anyone with a birthday today and to everyone else, have an awesome night. Take care.