Tuesday, May 1, 2018


“Happy Monday!” It is the beginning of the work week for most everyone and I wish you an awesome day. I was up early this morning trying to keep on my new schedule so that everything will get done. I still have some things that I should have gotten done over the weekend but was unable to. Today will be a good day while I work on my writing and some other things too.
I received my order of the three books I have published yesterday to sell on my site and at the local flea market on the weekends. I will be setting up an author table every weekend to get my name and brand out there. I am very proud to see them in the physical form. The covers look great and now I have the beginning of my personal bookshelf. My husband is having coffee with me this morning and I love spending the time with him.
Well, I just finished making breakfast for everyone and now I am on my own time. My plan is to get a lot of writing done today and hopefully I will be able to start the editing process next Monday. I am looking forward to having the first book in this series done.
I feel pretty good and positive today but the day has only begun and anything can happen. 🙂 My chores are next to be done on my schedule which is just sweeping, mopping, and cleaning the bathrooms. It is pretty easy and I have only scheduled an hour to get it completed before moving on to some more writing.
I will be placing my books on the site today for sale. They will be autographed copies which you can’t get on the Amazon books. I am working on a way to get that done but for now, I will be selling them on this site. I hope that everyone checks them out and gives me feedback on them.
I know this post is kind of short today but I need to get some other things checked and done. I hope that everyone has a wonderful and blessed day.

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