Friday, May 25, 2018


"Happy Friday Everyone!" It is the weekend and a four day one at that. I just woke up about thirty minutes ago and I am on my first big cup of coffee. My husband actually woke up with me and sitting here trying to wake up with his coffee. I have just finished making my to-do list of things that need to get done today including my writing. I have a few days worth of writing to catch up on and short stories to write.

Again, I had broken sleep and there are bags under my eyes this morning. I woke up a couple of times last night. My husband wasn't aware of me sitting up but had all the chemicals locked away and there was nothing on my desk that I could hurt myself with unconsciously. I am up now and ready to start my weekend. We have no plans or grill to cookout with for the holiday.

I love when the weekend comes around because my phone won't hardly ring which is good for me. We really don't have any friends that would visit which is good too. I love the solitary life because it gives me the privacy and quiet to be able to write.

This will be a short post so that I can get started with things around here. I wish everyone an awesome Friday and be safe today because it will be crazy and people traveling plus drinking. Take care.

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