Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Hello everyone. Sorry I missed yesterday posting on here and got a late start today. I just got out of a doctor’s appointment where a cast was put on my foot because of a diabetic ulcer under my big toe. Now, I am sitting out in front of a chiropractor’s office where my husband is getting checked and adjusted because of a car accident he was in. He was the passenger and the driver thought doing sixty in a thirty-five zone would be beneficial to get to where I was dealing with my sister-in-law having a bad seizure. A car suddenly stopped in front of them and they rear-ended it. He is okay but his neck and back hurt and he cannot help me as much because of it.
After we leave here we are stopping by the dealership to have our car washed and then back home where I can get some writing done. I miss my writing but now things are going back to normal and our friend came home from the hospital today which is great because we missed him. I thought that I would have had my next book ready for the editor at the beginning of this month but things got crazy for a minute dealing with family and now that I have washed my hands of them I am free to get back to living my life.
Today, the plan is to get back into working on it and having it ready before the end of the month. The way things look I might be able to have the two books I have been working on ready for the editor. I can write pretty much a whole five-thousand-word chapter a night when left alone which means that both books should be completed. Also, I have in mind of writing an erotic short story book which wouldn’t take long because I have what I need to get started. I just need to find out where to publish it at since Amazon might not appreciate it being on their site. I will have to check into it.
I do have a few things to do when I first get home like starting some laundry, sweeping and mopping the floors, and thinking about what to cook for dinner. Yes, being with a cast on my leg I still have to do things around the house. It is my punishment because I don’t know how to stay off my feet, lol.
Well, we made it home and was happy to see my friend home from the hospital. My husband is now trying to fix one of the lawnmowers so the grass can be cut. I am sitting out here on the porch writing this post so that I can also spend time with him and the dogs out in the yard.
So, let me get started on my writing while I am just sitting here on my butt with this cast on. I should be able to keep posting every day now with everything calming down and my stress level lowering. I feel pretty good today and actually look forward to tomorrow.
Well, let me get off here and get to writing and I wish everyone an awesome evening. Take care.

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