Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Good afternoon everyone. How are we doing today? I am feeling pretty good today and looking forward to the rest of my day with some writing. The house is smelling good and clean and some smooth music is playing while I am posting this. I write better when there is nice music playing. It seems to drown out all the noise around me.
It has been raining off and on all morning and I have sat out on the porch for a bit while getting the dogs out. I love the smell in the air after a good rain. So, did everyone have a good weekend? Mine was very relaxing and I took somewhat of a break from writing to clear my head and feel that there is no stress here like there is at home.
I had to go to my site and change the code for the free ebook so now everyone should have no problem downloading it. I have had some people say that they have enjoyed reading it, but it will only be free for a little while longer before going up on Amazon for sale. Please get your copy now while it is free.
Well, my day is full of getting things done with the two books that I am writing because my deadline is getting close to having them sent to the editor. I am excited about being a published author and look ahead to all the other books that I will write. I have a short story that I have to finish for the site so I will end this post here and wish everyone a “Happy Monday” and will post again soon.
Everyone with a birthday today, “Happy Birthday” and to everyone else have a great and prosperous day. Take care.

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