Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Hello everyone. It is one o'clock in the afternoon here in Dalton, Georgia and I guess it is nice outside, I haven't been outside yet to see. I have been sleeping late due to medication changes and I hate it because I get up so late, but then I have no reason to get up here because it is not home. I know once we get home I will be getting up early because there is a lot of things to do. I look forward to that.

I finally finished a short story for one of my books yesterday. It took me a few days because of having some blah days. I will be working on my fetish book today so that I can stay on schedule and get these next three books done for the month. My next vampire book, the second one in the series, will be the third book this month to get done. I look forward to writing it.

I am still feeling tired from the medication, but I must get these things done to make sure that I stay on schedule. The fetish book will be fun to write being that I was a phone sex operator for about five years. Sometimes I miss it but I can't go back because of PTSD trauma.

I can't wait to begin working on the property and setting up my garden beds and greenhouse. It will be a lot of work and I know that I will be happy. I miss being up there and seeing the friends that I made while we were up there last summer. It will be exciting to be home again and free of drama and stress.

So allow me to get to work and I will talk with you again tomorrow. Check out my author's page to see any books that you may have missed here Have a blessed day and be good to others. Remember to keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers. Take care.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Good morning to all. It is nine-thirty in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia and I am not sure what the temperature is outside because I haven't even looked yet. I am having issues with waking up this morning and feel like I need another hour of sleep. My husband just woke up and jumped right up getting dressed which I need his motivation today.

I was supposed to be taking our roommates' stepfather to his doctor's appointment, but I think I will decline because I was supposed to pass the baton of his healthcare to our roommates' girlfriend but she has other plans and we leave in three weeks give or take a day or two and she has blown off his appointments twice now, so why waste my breathe and effort on making appointments.

Today I will be working on book writing and maybe even an article or two. The plan is to have three more books completed and published by the time we move back to Tennessee. As long as I stay on my schedule, I can make that happen. I am proud of the progress I have made with the number of books that I have written and published so far.

I have not been taking my walk for the last couple of days because of doing other things but I am going to get back into it to condition myself to be on my feet and in better shape to work our property. There will be a lot of work to do up there and it will be imperative to be in better health to get everything done.

Once we are up in Tennessee, I will not have internet in the RV, so I will be writing every day and then going into town to post everything until we get our internet set up. I want everything to get set up correctly and there will be a lot of hard work. The plan is to work a set amount of hours and then write for a set of hours so that everything is being completed.

Right now, I feel tired and need to lay back down, but sometime today I need to get some stuff done for Hope Station USA like working on getting funding for a specific program. I want to work on getting a pilot program set up and working to have data showing her positive progress which will look good to other funders.

My passion and compassion go out to the homeless because of their need for survival. They struggle each day to survive and I give them respect for that. I want to be that helping hand that helps them get back to working and becoming a positive influence in society. That is our goal.

Well, it is time for me to lay back down for an hour or so because I feel numb and I am having a hard time concentrating. I wish that everyone will have a great day and be blessed and to be a blessing to others. Please keep Hope Station USA and the homeless in your thoughts and prayers today. Take care.

Monday, May 4, 2020


Hello everyone and Happy Monday! I hope everyone is being safe during this crisis and that everyone is healthy. We have been moving around here so much and I have finally had enough of being every grown adult in this house' maid. These people are supposed to be grown but I can't tell because no one cleans up behind themselves. I look forward to June 3rd when we leave to go home.

I spent the better part of yesterday cleaning and dusting that it made me sore and tired and I neglected everything I was supposed to do for myself. I got up this morning and cleaned the kitchen before sitting down and now I am working on my stuff and will continue to do so until we leave. My stuff is more in=mportant to me than cleaning this house and taking care of lazy grown people.

Today, I will be working on my second fetish book which is the hardcore side and I am scheduled to have it done the thirteenth of this month because it is a novella. If I work on one subject a day I should be on schedule to start my next book. The goal is to have three more books published before the end of the month.

Well, I need to get stuff done and will be back here tomorrow with a progress report on how everything is going. I wish everyone to have a great and safe day. Be blessed and a blessing to those around you. Please keep the homeless and Hope Station USA in your thoughts and prayers. Take care.

Friday, May 1, 2020


Happy first day of May everyone. Wow, May is here and soon summer will be here. How is everyone doing this morning? It is ten-twenty-two in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia and I can hear the birds chirping away outside of my bedroom. The sun is shining and everything seems so beautiful. I am feeling very good this morning and starting my schedule today. It has been a while since working my schedule and I hate that because I am a list person who needs structure in my life.

I am sitting here drinking my first cup of coffee and waking up. I tried to get up earlier but couldn't because of my night time medication. I am up now and will be getting in the shower as soon as I finish this post. That should wake me up and get me going. It usually does. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, "Happy Friday" because it will be the best day ever for everyone.

This will be a short post because I got up late and have a lot to do today to catch back up on my schedule. I want to wish everyone a blessed and prosperous day. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers for health and safety. Take care.

Thursday, April 30, 2020


Hello everyone. It is hard to believe that tomorrow will be the first day of May and almost half the year is gone. It goes by so fast, doesn't it? How is everyone doing tonight? I hope everyone is staying safe and doing their part to be socially distant. It amazing how sixty-one thousand people have died in the U.S from the virus and it is a shame and we should blame China for it.

It has been a cloudy day here in Dalton, Georgia and it is eight forty-nine in the evening here. What time is it where you are? It began as a busy day today with a house full of people running around trying to get things done around here. We drove our roommates' daughter to work and then went by the grocery store to pick up a few things.

Sorry, dinner was ready and then we did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. It is now eleven twenty-one in the evening and I just took my medication for bed. My husband already took his medications earlier and is now in bed. I am going to begin my schedule tomorrow plus doing some exercise to get myself in shape for working the property. I will have one month to get myself in shape before going up there ad getting really physical with clearing the property and making it ready for planting and building.

I guess we start the new five-year plan which will be shorter than we expect because of the head start we got last summer. I will be working on clearing more property and getting beds ready for planting and building my greenhouse. I will make it income producing by next year and hopefully, the virus will be under control by then. My husband will soon be getting his own plot of land that he wants for hunting which I am okay with, it will be our way of getting some space between each other when we need it.

Our stimulus check is supposed to be mailed out tomorrow and we should have it by Wednesday hopefully. I just want to see it before we move back to the property. It will give us a nice start to getting things done where we can live comfortably and with power. Our homestead will be a nice one and a good space for the dogs to grow and play in.

I need to get my roommates daughter working the phones and trying to get us some tables set up for donations that we will use to help the homeless. They need our support even in the times we are living in. They need to know that people care. Everyone is standing by each other in communities, so we need to step up together and help them as well. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

Well, time to go to bed and wake up fresh in the morning. I hope everyone has a blessed night and stays safe from this virus. Take care everyone.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Hello to all my readers old and new. It is twelve o'clock in the afternoon and it is nice and pretty outside here in Dalton, Georgia. I just received notice that our stimulus money will be mailed out Monday and I look forward to it. The money will go to good use and help us with our homesteading. I have been up for a little while and I am working on getting motivated.

The first thing to do after posting this journal entry is to get some short stories written, one for an erotica book, and one for an online article that I earn money from. I have been writing short stories for this online community for over a year and have made some decent money from it. I have been working on an erotica book full or erotic short stories. I have over ten short stories done for it already and have at least another twenty to go.

I have been writing Bible stories for a book and I write one story a day or two depending on how long the story is. Right now I am working on the Old Testament. A second book will be the New Testament full of stories. I will be beginning my next fetish book on May first. The first one did pretty good and got some nice reviews on it from readers.

I have to start walking around the block today to get myself back in shape for working on our property. It will strengthen me plus lose a few pounds. There has been so much rain around here that it has been hard to do any walking outside. Our roommate has a treadmill on the back porch that I was using when we lived here before, but for some reason, it is not working now, so I cannot use it and have to depend on nice days for walking.

We have been playing with the dogs here lately and showing them a lot of attention since they have to stay in a bedroom most of the time except when we take them out to go potty. I will be glad to get them home where they will have six acres to run around on until we get their yard fenced in. They will have a large yard to run in and get space from each other when they need it.

Well, it is time for me to go. I hope everyone is being safe and healthy. "Happy Birthday" to everyone with a birthday today and may you have many more. Please keep Hope Station USA and the homeless in your thoughts and prayers that they can stay safe. Take care.

Monday, April 27, 2020


hello everyone. It is noon here in Dalton, Georgia and I am not sure what the weather is outside because I haven't been outside yet. I didn't get any sleep last night due to my back hurting and finally got to sleep this morning when my husband got out of bed. I have been up for about a half-hour and trying to get myself motivated tog et things done today.

Those staying in this house have blatantly disrespected me by eating something that I had told them was mine. I am over being here and want to go home. I miss home more than anything else. I told my husband that even if I had to put a tent on the property it was still home and there is plenty of stuff to do there and no headaches or disrespect.

Today, I plan on restarting my daily check-off list to keep things moving and to get back into a routine so that when we go home, I will have a routine down and that will make sure everything gets done. I can't wait until I can begin homesteading and growing my gardens. It will be a coping mechanism for me as well.

Well, I need to get going on my writing so that I can get everything done today. I hope that everyone is well and being safe. "Happy Birthday" to everyone another year older today and may you all have many more to come. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers. Take care.

Sunday, April 26, 2020


Good morning everyone. It is eleven-thirty in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia and a bit chilly outside today. Yesterday was a busy day with everyone in the house moving around and working on one project or another. I, myself, washed up a whole bunch of dishes while my husband cleaned up some of the burned pile and moved it to the dumpster. Some were changing the toilet out for a new one in the main bathroom and some were helping our roommates' girlfriend to clean up their room and move stuff around. It was a bit of chaos for me with too many people moving around and then the kids came which made it harder for me to deal with.

Once I finished the dishes and settled down for a bit I went to the store to get some things that we needed and then I was done for the day. It was too late to get any writing done, so I relaxed with my husband and watched a couple of movies together. The one I enjoyed the most was the Goonies. I had not seen it for a long time and it was perfect for us to relax too. I rather enjoy it.

Now it is a new day and early enough to get some writing done since I am not doing any housework today. I sat down last night and looked over our bills and finances to see where we would stand to get this stimulus money which we have not gotten yet. I am looking forward to it because it will get a good leg up when we move back to our property. There will be a lot of work but it will be better when we get there. I am very anxious to go home and get started clearing more property and planting grass for the house backyard which will be for the dogs to play in once the house is built.

We have a lot of work to do to get our RV set up for permanent living and it would make us comfortable even through the winter. I am anxious to get started with my greenhouse and gardens. I have the plans drawn up and ready to go which makes me happy. I know we will have no problems once we are there. I am excited can you tell? I want to be there permanently and working our property.

Well, it is time for me to get some writing done and posted. I hope everyone is being safe and healthy. "Happy Birthday" to all who are celebrating today. May everyone have many more to come. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers during this pandemic and that it will end soon. Thank you and take care.

Friday, April 24, 2020


Good morning to everyone. It is ten forty-six on this beautiful Friday morning. I am drinking my first cup of coffee and I have taken the dogs outside to go potty. My husband is getting himself dressed for the day and then I will be writing for most of the day. I finally got my addictions companion book done and published on Amazon which I am very proud of myself. It is a book full of questions and quizzes to find out if the reader or loved one may be experiencing an addiction to that category.

How is everyone doing this morning? I hope everyone is safe and well? We are doing pretty good health-wise and I am for one not scared of this virus because I believe that Jesus Christ has a hedge of protection around us. I feel that we are living in the end times and that he will soon return to collect his children. I will be waiting for him and firmly believe in Him.

Today's goal is to get some writing stuff done like another article to post on Vocal, I am working on a book for a friend's daughter, and I am still working on my Bible stories book. I also will be drawing up new plans for our house build so that I can begin making the measurements and estimating the costs plus I need to get the plans for our RV which will have a roof and deck plus a grassy front yard for the dogs to play in.

I have lots of things to do today which will keep me busy and away from everyone in the house because I like my privacy and I am an introvert which alone time is very satisfying to me. Well, I need to get going on my stuff so that my day will be full and satisfying to me. I want to wish everyone a safe and healthy day and "Happy Birthday" to all those celebrating one today. May you all have many more to come. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers. Take care.

Friday, April 17, 2020


Good morning everyone. It is six twenty-three in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia and still quiet in the house. The dogs are still asleep with their daddy in the bed and I have to take a roommate to the doctor at eight o'clock so I had better stay awake or we will not make it, lol. Daylight has not even begun and I can barely hear the bustle of neighbors getting up for work.

Once I get my roommate back from the doctor, I will be finishing off the addictions companion book and getting it ready for publishing so that I can move on to the next book. All my books are available on Amazon and I see steady sales of them. This is a great milestone for me. I have to order some author copies soon so that I can update the website with the newer books that are published.

We have one and a half months to go before we leave to move back to our property and I am very excited to get dirty again working the six acres that we have. It is our property and we will soon have a house of our own and the dogs can run, play, and be happy again instead of being stuck in a bedroom getting fat. Some of them have picked up some weight and we can visibly see it now.

We still have not received our stimulus money yet since we are both on SSI. It will get us off to a great start on the property getting everything we need to set up for permanency. We have the RV to live in which will need some additional stuff done to it for us to live nicely and comfortably until our house is built. We begin the groundbreaking on our house in February or March when we are able to lay concrete for the foundation.

Well, I need to get my roommate up and start getting ready for his appointment. I wish for everyone to be safe and well. "Happy Birthday" to those who are another year older today and please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers. Take care.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Good morning to everyone. It is eight forty-eight in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia and such a beautiful day outside. We still have not received our stimulus payment yet but that is okay because if we receive it closer to our leaving to go back to Tennessee, it will make things a lot easier for us to get things together. I am looking forward to it, but the doubt of not receiving it lingers because I owe some back taxes. It states that the CARES Act suspends those payments it still makes me unsure.

My husband is gone right now because he took an elderly roommate to his doctors' appointment this morning. I am still drinking on my first cup of coffee and have showered already this morning. It is hard to get in the shower when there are so many people living in the house. I stay in my room a lot because of all the people who seem to congregate here during the day that it affects my mental health.

Now onto the updates of our nonprofit. The coronavirus has put a damper on our fundraising efforts due to social distancing that we might have a slow year helping those who are in need. I am hopeful that during the summer we will get to go out and feed the homeless again. We now have the van for transport and it needs a little work, but we are hopeful to have at least six months of services.

Today is a writing day for me because I have had to put things off to do other things. I am working on some Bible stories from the Old Testament and also finishing up my companion book to addictions. I have three more articles to write and post and then work on some grant stuff for our nonprofit organization. Today, I will be busy and hope for no distractions.

Well, it is that time again for me to get busy. I hope that everyone has a nice and safe day. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers and I want to wish everyone a "Happy Birthday" that has one today. May you all have many more to come. Take care and God Bless.

Want to read some of my books look for them at

Friday, April 10, 2020


Good morning to everyone. It is eleven o'clock here in Dalton, Georgia and a very windy but sunny day outside. My apologies for not posting the last few days it has been a little crazy around here. There are too many things going on at once plus trying to keep the normal day to day stuff going. Is everyone being safe from the virus? I have tried to self-quarantine myself to my room, but it never works with people constantly calling for me to do things.
I have taken care of things for the last few days and today starts a "Harry Potter Marathon" in which I told everyone that they will probably not see me for the entire weekend because I will be watching the television. They think it is funny, but I need some time for me. I have been working on my companion book for "Addictions" and should have it done by the end of the weekend. It is full of quizzes and questions that help someone decide whether they need to seek help or not.
We are down to two months now before we head back up to our property and I am excited. I can't wait to be up there and having fun working our property and making it ready for livestock. We have to spend the rest of this year setting up the RV for permanent living because we will be building the house in February next year. That is something to be excited about.

Sunday, April 5, 2020


Good morning to all. It is eight thirty-three in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia and in two months' time we will be home in Tennessee. I miss being home and seeing how happy the girls are being there. We will be going up around June second and clearing some more property and setting up the RV for living. I went over to the RV the other day and cleaned up the two bathrooms and the sleeping area. I noticed and took notes of everything that needed to be fixed. It was a shortlist.
My husband and I have been up since around six-thirty. I just fed the dogs and now they are happy. It is supposed to be around eighty degrees here today and I will be taking the dogs out in the yard and playing with them. I feel so bad that they have to be locked here in the bedroom most of the day because we have some escape artists who love getting out of the yard. I cleaned and organized the room yesterday and got some important things done.
Today will be all about writing since I cleaned the house yesterday and got our room back together. I now have time for me and getting the companion book to addictions done and formatted. I have been working on it since I published the addictions book. I do apologize for not writing a post sooner but things have been crazy around here. I have a few articles to write today and getting them posted will be a milestone for me since everyone thinks that my writing is not important.
Thursday I went to wound care for my foot ulcer and they discharged me from their services because my foot is now healed. I didn't need a cast after all and that was refreshing to hear because I need my feet to be well enough to clear property and build our house. Our goal for this year is to have all of our vehicles paid off and then next year we will be building our house. I am excited to get to work on the property that I can taste it and see it in my mind.
Well, I need to get going and finish some things up, so let me say goodbye for now. "Happy Birthday" to all of you who are celebrating today. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers as we survive through this pandemic. I hope that everyone has a very blessed day.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Hello everyone. It is one thirteen in the afternoon here in Dalton, Georgia. It is cloudy but not bad weather at all. I am sitting here in the dining room looking out the window as I take care of business with the computer. I worked a little late last night trying to get one of my children's books done about the miracles of Jesus Christ. I just need to do the formatting today and it will be done and up on Amazon for sale.
I have to go do some grocery shopping today and then it will be back to writing. I am going to work on another short child's book about the stories of the Bible. It is mostly a lot of the stories that aren't in original children Bible storybooks. I feel that they are all worthy to be noted and read about. I think it will take me about four or five days to get all of the old testament stories done and then that book will be finished.
I still have some pictures to do for another child's book that I have been working on. There is a ten-year-old girl who I am helping to do her first book. She is very excited about it and wanting to hold it in her hand. Her teacher agreed to let her read it to the first graders. Her book is already written, we just have to get her to finish the pictures for it.
Well, today is a new day and there is plenty for me to do. I need to wrap this post up and get busy. "Happy Birthday" to everyone who has one today. May you all have many more to come. I hope that everyone enjoys their "hump" day today and may it be filled with happiness. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers. Take care.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Hello everyone. It is three o'clock in the afternoon and everything is quiet around the house right now. I got up with body aches and a headache which coffee took care of. I have been editing my children's book about the miracles of Jesus Christ and I should be publishing it today, hopefully. I just have to fix my edits and then format the book and put it up on Amazon. That will be an awesome moment for me to have another book up on Amazon.
Then, I have another Bible story to write up from the Bible that is going in a book of Bible stories of the old testament and stories of the new testament. I am excited about that too. I have a few short books that I need to get done and then I can go back to working on the larger books. My first goal is to get all the shorter books done and published before writing anymore larger books. I have my list ready for things to get written and I will be working on them today.
I have a full day of writing and it makes me very happy to see my books physically in my hands. I have to order copies of my books that I don't have in order to redo the cover page of my website. I am also going to take my time and get some other things done today like my shopping list for tomorrow. I have to check the sales pages and coupons for my shopping trip and list so once I am done with my doctor's appointments tomorrow I can go shopping.
Other than that, I will be writing today and making myself happy. I feel the motivation to get things done and look forward to seeing the finished products of my works. I hope everyone is enjoying their day so far and that your works have prospered. I feel blessed today to be alive and writing to all of you.
I want to wish a happy day to everyone and a "Happy Birthday" to all those who are turning another year older today. may you all have many more to come. Please keep the homeless and Hope Station USA in your thoughts and prayers. We need everyone's support in order to get things done for the mission. They need us and we need them. Take care.

Sunday, March 8, 2020


Good morning to all. It is eleven thirty-five in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia. Another sunny day is what we have today and it is so beautiful outside. I haven't been up for long but I feel that I am going to get a lot done today. Call it intuition if you will.
My husband is making another pot of coffee because he does drink a lot of coffee. I am still on my first cup which I guess would measure up to two cups given its size. I am feeling pretty good this morning so far now that I have taken some medicine for a headache that I woke up with.
We are still sitting here drinking coffee and having a good conversation. He is making me laugh by acting so silly. I love him so much and I try to make it show. The dogs are playing in the room and having a good time. When it gets quiet is when we begin wondering about their character. The one thing that I do love in the whole world is seeing the older ones playing with the younger ones. It is so cute even though sometimes we have to tell them to be easy with the younger ones because they are tiny babies.
This might be a short post today because I am starting to have the feeling of racing and speeding up. I hate these feelings but they do happen, so guess what, I am a normal human being. I am on medication to help with these things, but one panic attack or depressive mood will always slip by them and make my day hell, but today I am feeling good feelings and happy thoughts.
So, let me tell everyone to have a blessed day and share their love. "Happy Birthday" to those with one today. Please keep the homeless and Hope Station USA in your thoughts and prayers. Take care and love someone today.

Saturday, March 7, 2020


Hello everyone. It is currently twelve o'clock here in Dalton, Georgia and nice and sunny outside. It is supposed to be in the sixties today which will be nice considering all the rain we have had. I got up a few times last night but I feel pretty good today. I got the kitchen cleaned up already and now I just have to get some laundry caught up and the front room picked up and smelling good.
I got everything done last night as far as the legal actions and paperwork for those who are considered patients. There are two gentlemen here that need assistance with daily routines and care and my roommate's wife is helping out with one and I take on the other. There isn't much to them but getting them started on routines is going to be the trick.
Anyway, I will be going to work on one of my started books and hopefully getting it done today if not tomorrow. It is a young reader book about the miracles of Jesus Christ. I am about halfway through it already and just need to fill in some more of the verses. It is taken directly from the Bible and it teaches on the miracles that Jesus performed. Then, I will be working on the next couple of books together.
I need to get going because I have a few things to go get and then I will be right back here taking care of things. I hope that everyone has a blessed day and enjoys time with loved ones. "Happy Birthday" to those who are celebrating one today and may you have many more to come. Please keep the homeless and Hope Station USA in your thoughts and prayers. Take care.

Friday, March 6, 2020


Good morning everyone. How are you today? I am still waking up but I have been up for a couple hours now. I have finished one cup of coffee and now I will be drinking one of my diet sodas. I have everything set up for my daily routine to get started and will be getting them done as soon as I finish this post. My husband is sitting here with me and he has been up since early this morning and should be going to nap here in a few minutes.
I have to go let the dogs out for their morning potty and then I will be finishing up the backroom clean up. It is a mess back there because of the water damage due to the fire. I had bags of clothing stored back there for the homeless which got soaking wet from the fire. Now, I have to get them thrown out and start over collecting clothing for the homeless and needy. I also have to clean up all the trash and do the floors so that it will be clean and have more room for the dogs to go out there and play.
It is time to take care of business and get things started. I do apologize for the short post today but things need to get done so that I could have a little free time for myself and my husband. I hope that everyone has an awesome Friday and "Happy Birthday" to those who turn another year older today. May you have many more to come. Please keep the homeless and Hope Station USA in your thoughts and prayers. Take care.

Thursday, March 5, 2020


Good evening to all. I am finally done cleaning the house up after having three doctor's appointments today. It has been a full day. I had an IV sedation neck procedure done with a diabetes check-in followed by my wound care appointment then coming home to clean up the house. Our roommates are traveling to pick up his stepfather who was placed into a rehab hospital without him unaware of it. he remembers going to sleep and then waking up two days later in this facility and no one coming to see him. So, our roommate went to go pick him up in Mississippi and bring him home here.
I was stumbling through some old files and came across my menu flyer for my restaurant and remembered how much it meant to me also. I made a comment to my husband that I still wanted my little restaurant to serve homestyle food at affordable prices to everyone. It would be another way to bring in some income and give us some different adventures to go through. One, it would get us out of the house and away from the property, two, it would help us make new friends, and three, it would be something different every day. I still look forward to it.
I have been doing some thinking about my books as to what book should be next to be published. I have gone in different directions and made different choices and I think I have come up with a solution which will be to finish off the shorter books and then work my way up through the longer books and get back on schedule with all the other books. I have a few shorter books that I have started and it wouldn't take long to finish them, so I think that they will be easier to get done first.
Anyway, I had my neck procedure done today and I will still feel pain a little bit for a few days before the medicine actually kicks in. This is the second procedure on my neck in a couple months. In a few weeks, I will be having another one done on my lower back to help with the pain. I want my health back in shape to be able to work on our property and get ready to build our house. I need my eating habits to be regular and my activity needs to be more in gear so that I can withstand the heavy days of labor to make the property ready for the house, the greenhouse and gardens, and the livestock. It will all come together soon enough and then we will be happy up there.
Well, I need to get some other things written and finished to keep up the good work. I want to wish everyone a great night and a "Happy Birthday" to everyone turning another year older today. May you have many more to come. Please pray for Hope Station USA and the homeless as we wind up this cold winter season. Take care.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Good afternoon to everyone. It has been a pleasant day so far with me working here on my writing and my husband out working on our roommates' truck. Yesterday was a long day because we went up to our property and bought the next lot over to us which gives us almost six acres. These six acres will be for our house, my greenhouse and gardens, and our livestock enclosures. We will be very busy this summer and will hopefully have the land ready for everything for the beginning of next year.
This year is mainly paying off all the vehicles we own and getting them registered and up to the property. Once we are up there it will be getting the RV set up with a fenced in yard for the dogs and the gas and plumbing fixtures set up. We will be using gas to cook and electricity for everything else until July when we will be setting up our first solar panel on the RV. We will be using water totes until we get our well drilled which will happen around the first of the year. I still need to find out prices for that because we will have a solar pump for the well. We have even decided to have solar power running to all the livestock enclosures for lighting since we have coyotes and other predators around. My husband had the idea to have one main switch at the house to turn on which will light up all the pens so that we can check on our animals.
I am excited and will be drawing up our house and getting the measurements to begin totaling up how much everything will cost us. The plan is for us to have our house built next year, plus all the livestock enclosures. Things are looking good so far. The yard that will be with the RV won't be as big as the house yard and I am excited to have them in their forever yard which is almost an acre by itself. That is the area we cleared this last year and the area for the house is ready to go.
Today I have gotten the house here cleaned up and our room, now it is time to get to writing and get things caught up and moving forward. I just finished looking up and taking notes on the next old testament bible story. Now, I am here writing this post and then it will be back to working on the other books that I have started. I should have a couple of books ready to be published by the end of this month. I am happy to be back writing and seeing my books go live out to the world.
We also have something to share with everyone and that is that we finally have the van for Hope Station USA. That is something I am very excited about because now we will have the transportation that we will need to go out and service the homeless with supplies and food. Once we begin getting the funding for our new program, we will be able to take the homeless back and forth to work so that they can become self-sufficient. We have many things going on this year and it is all exciting. We hope that you all will show your enthusiasm with us.
It is now time to get things moving for the day and I hope everyone is having a great day. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers. "Happy Birthday" to everyone celebrating today and may you all have many more. Take care.

Sunday, March 1, 2020


It's a great day and a beautiful first day of March. The sun is shining and the critters outside are playing. You would almost think that it was Spring the way everyone is bustling around doing yard work and the kids playing outside in the sun instead of having their face in video games. I just got out of the shower and feel pretty good today. I got another paid article up on the site that I write for and I am happy about that. I am trying to catch all my writing up and getting things moving in the right direction.
Someone is supposed to be fixing the kitchen sink so that I can get in there and clean the house. I cleaned our room and I have gotten laundry started. The house is a mess with the water being turned off and almost all of the dishes dirty, so it will be a chore when they finally get it fixed and the water back on. My husband is working on a roommates' vehicle while I am sitting back here writing. I have a few other things to do in the process of my writing, but it will be a good day.
Our roommates went to a baby shower and we are here pretty much by ourselves. The dogs are playing and having a good time while also trying to get my attention. I love them and my husband to death. They both make me feel special and good about myself. I am slowly getting back into gear with my routine and everything is moving steadily.
I hope that everyone else is having a blessed day? I know mine will be blessed because I have made a purchase of a small passenger van for our nonprofit to help the homeless. I was excited when it got here yesterday and I went over to take a look at it. It needs some work before it can be roadworthy, but we will get it together. I am so proud of it and it will make things easier to transport to help those in need.
Well, it is that time to get things in gear and begin writing, so I want to wish everyone a blessed day and a "Happy Birthday" to those who are turning another year older today. May you all have many more to come. Please keep Hope Station USA and the homeless in your thoughts and prayers. Help us help them.

Saturday, February 29, 2020


Happy Leap Year!! This day only comes around every four years and I love the extra day. I sure can use one every now and then. Well, we just got the van for Hope Station USA that will be used to transport fundraising items and eventually transporting homeless individuals to and from work. I am so excited. Now, we just need to clean it up, get it painted and reupholstered, and ready to go. I can't wait to get it on the road.
I am trying to get things back in order and in routine since the fire. It has been stressful and just coming out of the hospital with a wound on my foot doesn't help matters. I am just trying to do my best with everything and now I need to get grant proposals written to begin bringing in funding. Everything is coming out of my pocket which I have no problem with because this organization is my baby that I gave birth to.
As far as my writing is concerned, my newest book on addictions just went up for sale on Amazon and I am excited about that too. You can check it out here: It took me months to write it and a year researching everything. I thank and for keeping their information up to date. It was a beast to write, but now I must get to work on some other books that I have started. I have two books that will be book two in their series and need to get them finished. I have a lot of things going on right now and will be working diligently on them to their completion.
Things here at home are finally starting to get some normalcy going and it takes some of the stress away but I still need to keep myself healthy and mentally stable. Everyone is being respectful of the fact that I need to stay off my feet so that the wound under my foot will heal. Thursday I will know if my foot is going back to normal or if it will be placed in a cast again. I am also doing a weight loss class for my diabetes and have lost two pounds this first week and it should be even more this week since I have changed my eating habits and began exercising again.
I began this post earlier, but I got called away to check and do some things in the house like clean the kitchen, which I finished and now I can go back to my writing and get some things done. I lost the motivation for a few days plus the instructions of staying off my foot as much as possible. I love writing when left alone and having completed scheduled things which bring on the motivation for more.
I want to get things back to normal fully and get back into my routine so that everything runs smoothly. The bills got messed up for a minute but I am taking care of them, we are going up to the property office to sign a contract buying the next three acres to us so that we will own six acres and I can begin putting my farm together in June. With a greenhouse in place, I will be able to grow fruits and vegetables all year long and plant some fruit trees so that I can jar some fruit for eating. With the next three acres, I can begin clearing the land and designing the livestock enclosures.
This year will be paying off our vehicles and getting our well drilled by Thanksgiving. Then, next year, all the spare money that was used to purchase the vehicles will go towards building our house and putting the money together for my restaurant which I haven't forgotten about. There are a lot of things that need to get done and with my schedule, everything will get completed.
Well, it is time to get things moving forward, so I want to wish everyone a "Happy Birthday" that is celebrating today and for everyone else to have a blessed day with your loved ones. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers while we live through this cold season. Say a prayer for Hope Station USA to move forward with its plans to help the homeless. Take care.

Monday, February 17, 2020


Hello everyone. It is beautiful outside here in Dalton, Georgia. The sun is shining and there are squirrels running everywhere. My dogs are out playing on the back porch while some are still eating. I got our room cleaned and the kitchen, so my day can begin with writing. I am excited that I have given away two free ebooks just this morning on my newly published book about addictions. I hope everyone gets their copy before the end of Friday.
Today I will be writing a short story for my erotica book, a children's bible storybook, an article to post online, and some of my newest book which has already been started. My day will be full of writing and I really enjoy that. It makes me happy to be writing again and that my husband supports my writing. I love him so much.
Well, this will be a short post today because I need to get some things done and I got started a little late. "Happy Birthday" to everyone celebrating today, and may you all have many more. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers and pray for Hope station USA to get things and the funding we need to get out there and help them. I wish everyone a blessed day and a "Happy Monday". Take care.

Sunday, February 16, 2020


Good Morning Everyone. It is me again. I have been up for a couple hours now and have done some free advertising for my new book which will be FREE this Monday through Friday on Amazon. I think that it will help a lot of people. It certainly took a lot of time and effort writing so that I could share and inform people about addictions.
I have fed my dogs and taken them outside and it is kind of cloudy but still a bit chilly too. I am going to go get my second cup of coffee, be right back. Okay, I have my coffee now and ready to work my day. I can now write per my schedule since the beast of a book is done. Now back to regular books with stories and fantasy.
Today, I will be setting my lists back up to get started with the regular routine. I am so looking forward to it. I haven't been on a schedule in months because of having to work on this big book to get it done. Now, I feel accomplished and the next book in that series will be about rape and abuse. That book will be the hardest thing to write because it will bring back memories that I didn't think I would have to relive, but I must in order to help those dealing with the same issues.
Well, it is time to get going and get stuff done. "Happy Birthday" to those having one today and may you all have many more to come. God bless every one of us and please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers and do something kind for someone today. Take care.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Hello everyone. How are you today? I am doing pretty good and excited that my new book is up on Amazon. It took me months to write it and months to get the research done on it, but it is finally finished and live on Amazon for sale. I am so proud of myself and happy to be done with it. If you want to know anything about different drugs, legal or illegal, this is the book to get. You would be surprised to know about the other addictions as well like hair pulling and anime. It is full of lots of information, so get your copy now.
Now that that book is done, I can work on some of my other books that are in the making and that I have been working on since the beginning of Addictions. there are three that I am working on and they should be done around the end of this month as well. I can now get back on my writing schedule to get my books out there one at a time, but keeping up with the publishing of them is fun.
Today is one day for lovers and couples to share their love with each other. I also like the chocolate that comes with this holiday too. We have no plans except to spend the evening together and watch movies, maybe play around a bit, lol. My foot is doing okay but it is still oozing and I have a doctor's appointment with wound care on Tuesday to get a cast on my foot until it heals.
Well, I need to get back to work or go spend time with my husband watching movies. I hope everyone has a funny valentine's day and with someone they love. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers this winter season and may you all be blessed. Take care.
My new book "How I Survived Addictions" is now live on Amazon and everyone should check it out.

Sunday, February 2, 2020


Hello everyone and "Happy Sunday". It is so beautiful outside and the temperature is not so cold. I love it. I have been working so hard lately on my addictions book that I am right there at the end of it. The goal was to have it done by the last night of January, but because other people want me on their schedule and doing things for them instead of me, it has pushed my book off a few days, but it will be done today, I guarantee it.
I have a slight headache and it is making it a bit difficult to manage writing on the computer, but I am a strong woman and headstrong to boot. I have goals and I will complete my goals with the thought that if no one likes it they can kiss my rear end. I am living life wearing a mask to play out a character that makes everyone else happy but me.
I cannot be myself in the situation we are in and I regret moving back here to live miserably. When we do take a trip back to the property, I feel so much joy and happiness, but when we leave to come back here, tensions rise and then we start arguing and it can get pretty bad to where one of us wants to throw the towel in and say to hell with it all.
Well, it is time to get the ball rolling on my writing. I still have a little bit of stuff to put into the book and then I can begin the editing and formatting. I have taken care of the dogs and got them set for a while and now it is time for me to get the job I started done. I am supposed to be two days into my next book, but thankfully, I have written almost one chapter of it, so I just need to read it and get back into the story.
I hope that everyone has a blessed day and look for my new book to be up on Amazon soon. It is full of a lot of information that can help everyone. "Happy Birthday" to all of you who have turned another year older today and may you be blessed with many more to come. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers because they need us. Take care.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Good morning to everyone. I hope that everyone had a restful night? I slept pretty good and woke up a little groggy but after a shower, I am doing and feeling better. I am going to be leaving soon to go to a doctor's appointment. It is ten forty-one here in Dalton, Georgia and the morning is beautiful and not so cold. I look forward to my day.
I am still writing on my addictions book and should be done adding all the drug information by tonight which leaves adding the resource page and editing. So, it looks like I will have it finished by midnight on the last day of the month. I am pretty excited to get it out there to the world. I am hopeful that it helps someone understand their addiction and helps them become a recovering addict.
This post will be short due to my having to leave in a few minutes and I still have to fix my hair. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and a blessed one. "Happy Birthday" to everyone with a birthday today and may you all have many more to come. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers. Take care.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Good afternoon to everyone. How are we doing today? I am feeling pretty good today so far and everything seems to be going okay. I am sitting here after cleaning the house up and eating some pizza rolls for a snack. My sugar was only seventy-nine, so I figured that I better eat something to keep it up a little. Everyone is gone taking care of errands while I sit here and take care of some things for me.
I have been writing for a few hours every night and I am getting closer to having my book done. I am so proud of myself for my accomplishments and no one can take that from me. This book is full of information on almost every addiction and drug information on certain addictive drugs. I am writing it to help people understand what an addiction is and does, plus give them the tools to watch out for in case they have a loved one who they suspect to be on drugs.
Next month, I will be working on the second book of Immortal Passion and look forward to writing it as well. I get lost in my writing when it comes to stories that I create and I find a piece of me in each story. I love the fact that some people have gotten my books and left reviews, it helps me to write better. I think today will be a good day for us and we are getting straightened out on bills.
Now it is time for me to go get writing. Even though I am close to finishing, I still have quite a bit of writing to do. Please keep the homeless and Hope Station USA in your thoughts and prayers. They need our support to help them get back to living the way they were meant to live. "Happy Birthday" to all those who are another year older today, may you have many more to come. To everyone else, have a great day and know that you are loved and cared about. Take care.

Monday, January 27, 2020


Hello everyone. It is now noon here in Dalton, Georgia and pretty wet outside with a cloudy sky. I have been up for about an hour now and just got some of my things for today done and just finishing my first cup of coffee ready for the second one. I guess my husband has been up for a while now because he is in the living room with everyone else.
I am in my room with my dogs and working on my daily list. I have a lot of writing stuff to get done for the day and I am nearly done with my addictions book. I have several people wanting a copy of it and I am just getting near the end before having to do the resources page. I have been working diligently on it every day and pleased with my progress. It is still a beast to me because of all the information in it and right now it is over thirty-two thousand words and still not finished yet. I perceive it to be around fifty thousand by the time I am done with it.
My next project for next month is to write the next book to Immortal Passion. I already have it started and can't wait to get into the story of it all. If you like vampire stories, Immortal Passion is a book you should read. I am proud of my progress with so many books published and available for everyone to read.
We are also waiting for a passenger van to be brought over here that we are purchasing for Hope Station USA to transport supplies and food to the homeless and also for the new program we are trying to get off the ground. I am hopeful for a better year this year. We will be traveling between Florida, Georgia, and hopefully Tennessee this year. I am motivated to get things going and have to begin making calls to set up tables to collect donations.
Well, time to get going and I wish everyone a "Happy Monday" and a "Happy Birthday" to all those celebrating today. May you all be blessed with more to come. Please keep Hope Station USA and the homeless in your thoughts and prayers. Have a blessed day and take care.

Thursday, January 23, 2020


Good morning everyone. It is ten o'clock here in Dalton, Georgia and a bit chilly and cloudy outside. I have been awake for almost an hour and finally drinking a cup of coffee. my husband is still asleep and the dogs are eating their food. the rest of the house is finally awake and everyone is planning their day. I began working on the drug section of my book last night and it looks like I will on schedule to have it done at the end of the month.
AS far as how I feel this morning, I have a slight headache and feel blah today, but I cannot let this affect my day because I need to get my book done. I still have to do some more research on some things and collect pictures for the drugs, so it will be a time crunch.
I hope everyone is having a good day so far and that you are prosperous in your work. I think about everyone every day because that is who I am. I have a heart and compassion for every living being and creature. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers as the temperatures drop to almost freezing or below. Keep Hope Station USA in your thoughts and prayers as well that we will obtain the funding needed for our new program that will help end homelessness.
I hope that everyone is getting their free ebook from Amazon titled "Recipe for Cannibalism", I am running a free giveaway on the ebook to allow everyone to read it and then tell me what you think? Here is the link The free giveaway is going on through midnight Friday night EST, so get your copy now.
Well, time for me to get to work, but I am going to go shower first so that it will wake me up a little more and also help with my headache. I wish a prosperous day for everyone and a "Happy Birthday" to those who are celebrating today. May you all have many more to come. Take care.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Good morning to everyone, it is seven thirty-six in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia and pretty chilly outside enough to freeze water solid. I have been u since about six forty-five and I am almost finished with my first cup of coffee. There is no one else awake in the house so, I have a chance to write peacefully. The only sound that you can here is my television and my husband and one dog snoring. All eight dogs and my husband are still in bed which I am grateful for since they woke me up at about four in the morning because they had to go potty.
About an hour from now, I will be finished writing about the regular addictions and then it will be about writing my story with addictions and then on to writing about each drug. That to me will be the easiest part of this book because I will just be listing the effects and info about each drug, so the book should be done on the last day of this month. It has taken me so long because this is a beast of a book full of a lot of information not to mention the resource section in the back and the companion book that will go with it.
I just went and got my second cup of coffee and my husband a cup as well. He is trying to wake up now and this is somewhat a section of time just for us. I love him very much. He is my soulmate I think and we might have our disagreements at times, but we still love each other. Before I forget, one of my books is on sale this week until Friday and it is titled "Recipe for Cannibalism" which is a crime thriller ad I think a lot of people would enjoy it. Here is the link to it, Get your free ebook before midnight Friday and have a good read.
Well, I need to get going on things so that I can accomplish things today. Please keep the homeless and hungry in your thoughts and prayers during this winter season. "Happy Birthday" to everyone celebrating one today and may you have many more. To everyone else, have a blessed and prosperous day because the weekend is fast approaching. Take care.

Sunday, January 19, 2020


Good morning to all. It is a partly sunny day here with still a chill in the air. it just turned ten o'clock in the morning and I have been up for about an hour now and have already drunk my first cup of coffee and got the dogs out to potty. My husband is still drinking his and sitting in bed. I have a few errands to run today and then it is back to book writing.
I have just a couple of regular everyday addictions left to write about before I move on to the drugs part of the book. That will be fun because I have already experienced a few of them and when doing my research, I learned a lot more. the drug section will move quickly and I still have to include my story in it which will also move quickly, so the goal is to have the book done by the end of the month and I think that I will hit that goal with no interruptions.
I also need to get a few things on my to-do list done since I don't have a set routine for Sundays. It is the only day of the week that is open to get other stuff done that needs to get done. I began walking around the block yesterday which is equal to a quarter of a mile to start getting myself back in shape and healthy again.
Well, time to get stuff done and pour my second cup of coffee. "Happy Birthday" to everyone with a birthday today and may you be blessed with many more. I hope all of you have a blessed Sunday and please keep the homeless and hungry in your thoughts and prayers. Please pray for Hope Station USA to be able to get the funding needed for our new self-sufficiency program which will help the homeless get off the streets and bless our food outreach program as we travel between Georgia and Florida feeding the hungry. Take care.

Saturday, January 18, 2020


Hello everyone. How are we doing today? I have been up for a few hours now and it is one eleven in the afternoon, but it looks so cloudy and cold outside that it doesn't even feel like the afternoon. Everyone is moving around in the house and some are getting ready to leave while I sit here and work on my book some more. The goal is to have the addictions book done at the end of this month which I am still doing pretty good on time so far.
I need to do my walk around the block here shortly to add to my steps for my fitness app. The goal is to walk fifteen thousand steps daily to lose some weight and get myself healthy again. I have to see my diabetes doctor this next Friday and she is not going to be well with my blood sugars since they have been high since Thanksgiving. I am also going to get back into their program to lose weight also and that will be fun, lol.
I should be finishing up the regular addictions today and then starting on the drugs which will be learning for me also since my drug of choice back in the day was crack cocaine. I haven't dealt with any other drugs, so writing about the others will be education for me as well as my readers. I still have to write my story in the book too.
Well, it is time to go walk, so I hope everyone has a beautiful Saturday with your loved ones and "Happy Birthday" to everyone turning another year older today. Please keep the homeless and Hope Station USA in your thoughts and prayers as we move into colder temperatures this winter season. Have a blessed day. Take care.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Hello everyone. How are you doing? I need some time and space to vent over stupid shit to others but most of it is important to me. Things like for instance, my husband thinks that I am very smart, I don't see it, but he is constantly volunteering me to be google search and information for everyone. That shit drives me crazy because that is what the internet is for, not me. People who spend a lot of time on their phones should know how to look things up on google, instead of them having to do the work, my husband volunteers me to do it for everyone like I should know all the answers in the universe.
Another thing that is so minor is food. When I buy something and state that it is mine or for me to eat and when I am ready to go get it and someone else has used it all, that irks me because they were the ones who told me to inform them if something is specially bought for me. Things are really getting to me because of my environment, what's going on around me, and sometimes even the people around me annoy the crap out of me.
I feel so awkward because I am not like everyone else and have my own core values and such that it makes me stand out as being the bad guy because I don't believe what others believe, but I must conform to their ways in order to keep the peace. It feels so much like deja vu because again, I am having to put another mask on to hide who I really am. It almost kills me to have to resort to such drastic measures that change my life and who I am totally.
When does the masquerade stop and life begin? I don't know what else to do but be what everyone else wants me to be no matter if it makes me happy or not. Maybe God has a reason for this, I could only hope, or there is something bigger going on that is beyond my scope of intelligence.
It is driving issues between my husband and me and I can't help but question my own existence in this place.
Sorry for having to vent but it has got to come to a head at some point. My mental health medication can't block out everything. Thanks for listening. Have a great night.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


Good morning to all. It is ten sixteen in the morning here in Dalton, Georgia and very cloudy and windy outside. I have been up for about an hour now and having my first cup of coffee because I took a shower while it was brewing. I feel fresh this morning and ready to get things done. My husband is still sleeping and the dogs are in the backroom eating and playing.
I am motivated this morning to knock out my whole list and have plenty of time for me and my husband. I have some writing to do and then I am going to revise my website and Hope Station's website. It is time for a new look at things and I still have some published books that I need to get copies of to update my website with.
I am working a couple smaller books at the same time as working my bigger book. All I want to do is write and see my stories come to life. I have eleven books published with a few more due for publishing at the end of this month. My husband is still very supportive of my writing and is proud of me for doing it and telling my stories to the world.
I do have a few things on my to-do list which is separate from my daily stuff to do like raking up the backyard and cleaning the backroom where the dogs play. These things come as I have time to do them and I think that I will get my list done today completely and then have time to do the backroom. I feel like I am ready to explode because my anxiety is so high right now and the anticipation of getting my list done today as well.
Well, I need to get going on other things. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday and "Happy Birthday" to those of you who are celebrating today. May you all have many more to come. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers and please pray for Hope Station USA to thrive this year and reach our goal to begin building tiny communities for the program to help the homeless become self-sufficient. Take care.

Friday, January 10, 2020


Good morning to all. It is eight-thirty here in Dalton, Georgia with a gray cloudy sky. My husband just left to go to a doctor's appointment and I am here working on my list. I was pleased with yesterday because I completed the majority of my list and still manage to have time for my husband. It is going to be a trial and error thing right now until I can perfect it and get on the normal routine. Once I have it memorized, things will move quicker and then there will be more time for pleasure activities.
Sorry, I had to walk away for a minute to take care of my dogs and sweep and mop the house. I have taken all of my lists and combined them into one to simplify things for me and keep my stress level down. My sugars are running high due to stress, I think. I stayed in my room pretty much all day yesterday and my sugars ran normal and I even had a bought of hypoglycemia again. I will get it regulated eventually.
Well, time to finish working. I have another short story to write for my erotica book and some other things. I hope everyone has an awesome Friday and "Happy Birthday" to all those who are another year older today. May you all have many more to come. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers during the cold season. Also, we have obtained a passenger bus for Hope Station to accommodate traveling with supplies and eventually when our program of the tiny community gets set up we will be able to transport people back and forth to work. So, "Yay" for us. It is another milestone for Hope Station USA, so please pray for the funding we need to get the project off the ground and begin building. Take care.

Thursday, January 9, 2020


Good morning everyone. How are we doing today? I have been up since around eight o'clock and it is now nine seventeen. I have finished drinking my cup of coffee and now onto my diet soda while I sit here and work. I managed to get half of my new list done yesterday but with interruptions so I know that without distractions I can get everything done and feel accomplished.
My blood sugars have been out of control since moving back here and having access to food anytime. Dealing with gastroparesis is also the culprit for my overeating. Once I start eating for the day I find it hard to stop. I am going to try and stay away from food so much today and see what happens with my sugars then. I half to see my doctor at the end of this month and she is not going to be happy about what my sugars are doing.
Today, I shall get most if not all my list done today because I am starting earlier than yesterday on it and see how long it takes me to get everything done. I have to find a happy medium for me and I find it hard to do with all the drama and chaos in my life right now. I am finding it hard to concentrate on any one thing, so I am working on multiple projects to keep it fresh so I don't get stale.
Well, time to get to work. I hope everyone has a blessed day and "Happy Birthday" to those celebrating today. May you have many more to come. Please keep Hope Station USA and the homeless in your thoughts and prayers today. Take care.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Good morning everyone. It is nice to see everyone this new year. I hope that it brings happiness and blessings to all. I just got up out of bed not long ago and drank my first and only cup of coffee. I really wasn't in the mood for coffee this morning. I am now drinking some kool-aid and writing this post. My goal to stop smoking hasn't worked yet but I have cut down with the help of the Chantix. I don't have the cravings so much, but I wanted to stop altogether but right now there is a lot of stress in my life which is causing me to keep smoking. I am working on it though.
Did everyone have a nice new year beginning? My husband and I went to bed early like we always do because it is just another date and we don't drink or do any partying, so it didn't make sense to stay awake. We heard the fireworks go off in our neighborhood and knew that it was the new year already, but I went right back to sleep.
I have taken every one of my lists and check off sheets and combined them into one simple list for everything because I felt overwhelmed trying to get everything done. I am beginning the new list right now and analyzing how long it will take me to get everything done in a day and then I will know how to revise it if I need to.
My sugar has been so bad the last couple of days that it took me to the hospital the other night because I knew that it was over seven hundred. The meter has been reading "HI" ever since. I am back taking my Novolog to help with the high sugars and I know a lot of it is due to stress. When we moved from here and went to our property, living there my sugars were running perfect and I even had a few episodes of HYPOglycemia and was not having to take insulin. Now, being back here in this house or town has made my sugars go uncontrolled again.
I have been keeping an eye on my Amazon reports and I have been selling books slowly due to not paying for any ads yet because of the lack of money. I have been running ads on Twitter and Facebook for as posts until I can get our bills back to normal and be able to afford to pay for ads. I have ads up on free sites and I monitor them casually. I have half of my addictions book done and instead of making it two books, I will just leave it as one book with a companion book and have it set to be finished at the end of this month.
Well, it is time to get other things done with my list so I will say goodbye for now. "Happy Birthday" to everyone celebrating today and may you have many more to come. Please keep the homeless in your thoughts and prayers during this cold season. Take care.